Shadowlands Character Customization – Straight Back Undead PLEASE!

They already have the models in game. The Deathguards in Zuldazar have straighter backs.


Was just going to post that. There are straight-backed NPC Forsaken Battleguards all over Zuldazar.


Yep! They do! May take a little twerking to make it playable for the player. But it can definitely be done.

I 100% support this. Why should NPCs be the only ones to look good while undead? More customization and variety is good for everyone.

Also, Alliance got Horde’s most popular model with void elves. It’s time for Horde to get the same.

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Agreed! I couldn’t have said it better myself. Horde got the Nightborne, with the Nelf models. So in the spirt of fairness, give the Forsaken (Horde) Human like Nathanos undead models and in return let the Alliance have the Lightforged Forsaken with Calia Menethil as their leader…

I went into more detail about this on this link here, feel free to check it out.

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I high agree with this
Personally I think a slouch on an undead seems right gives them more of a zombie feel which is what they are but deff think that Tauren and trolls would look better straight slouch just gives off such an undisciplined bummy look

I always wanted an upright troll, but I don’t think they would fit through doors, lol. They are huge when they stand upright. At least we got Z trolls.