Note: I made this post with links to examples, only to find out when I was ready to post it I received the following message “Sorry, you can’t include links in your posts.” Ugh! So frustrating. Please feel free to Copy/Paste the links I have listed to see the examples, thanks!
I’ve been giving this a lot of thought and with Shadowlands and the focus on Death, the Undead / Forsaken have been on my mind a lot! And I must admit there’s a few things that I would really like to see for the Forsaken / Undead when it comes to Character customization.
So I’m going to list them here all in one post. I know that some of these ideas probably won’t happen, or even if they do happen they may happen later down the road sometime After Shadowlands. But as someone who’s enjoyed this game since day one and absolutely loves playing the Forsaken / Undead, here’s what I would like to see happen. Please feel free to add your ideas as well.
Also I’m aware that people play other races and I totally respect the changes you want to see as well. All I ask is let’s keep this forum thread focused on the Undead, feel free to start a new forum thread of your desired race if you so please. Thank you.
- Hide Bones Option - So we already know per Ion at Blizzcon (2019) that we are getting this. I would like to take it a step further and make a suggestion. Instead of having just a “Hide Bone Option” can we please get the option to hide bones for each part of the body?
For example
Hide Bone Back/Spine
Hide Bone Torso/Ribs
Hide Bone Left hand
Hide Bone Right hand
Hide Bone Left Arm
Hide Bone Right Arm
Hide Bone Left Shoulder
Hide Bone Right Shoulder
Hide Bone Left Leg
Hide Bone Right Leg
Hide Bone Left Foot
Hide Bone Right Foot
This would add A LOT of customizeable options to this race and would give the player a unique feel when playing their own character, not having to worry about running into another Undead/Forsaken that looks like you.
- Straight Back Option - I know this is a topic that has come up a lot. I even made an entire other post about it here Shadowlands Character Customization – Straight Back Undead PLEASE!
I know at Blizzcon 2018 someone asked one of the devs in an interview about it. And I also know that Blizzard has also done this for the Orcs. I don’t see any reason why they can’t do this for the Undead/Forsaken race as well. As we all know, there are many types of “undead” out there among the scourge. So why wouldn’t there be this option for a playable character as well?
And just like the Orcs, if you prefer to keep the hunch, then by all means keep it. Just let those of us who want to stand up straight do so please.
(Some of the Undead NPCS in the game are already standing up straight. So come on Blizzard! Let us do this as well! PLEASE?!)
Or see this concept art… I would love to see something more along these lines.
(And if you wanted to throw in a new running animation for the undead / straight back males, I wouldn’t mind that also, i’m just throwing it out there, even though it may be asking a lot)
- Other model options - So keep the current models by all means, but also add in the (male & female) options for the following. All of these would still be considered “Forsaken” with the same racials and everything, but just new models. Animation wise, Cannibalize is the only real new animation I can think of that Blizzard may have to do for some of these.
- Undead Blood Elves - Think Dark Rangers, originally they were also considered part of the forsaken, why not let the player play as the model of one as their forsaken
- Undead Night Elves - See the ones that Sylvanas recently turned at Dark Shore in Battle for Azeroth
- Undead Human Models - The current Human Models, more fresh models than the current Forsaken model. Think Nathanos Blightcaller. Or a freshly raised human corpse that hasn’t decomposed just yet.
Anyway in closing, these are just a few ideas I had that I wanted to share with Blizzard and the community about my favorite race in the game. I can’t wait to see what possibilities that Shadowlands has to offer. I’m really looking forward to it.