Please for the love of God, give Undead (males especially) the option to have a straight back like you’ve done with the Orcs.
This is something that A LOT of people have requested for a long time… this is the perfect opportunity to do so.
If you’re one of those players who enjoy the hunch, then no problem. Keep it, just like the Orcs can do. But there’s no reason what so ever why this shouldn’t happen now with shadowlands…
Please Blizzard! Please please please!
Thank you!
I saw the concept art and I thought O.O are we getting straight backed UD?
I agree, please! 
More choices in customization the better I always say. 
I would love a straight-backed Female Undead model! I like that they’re getting long hair in Shadowlands! Makes me want to roll an Undead Female, and roleplay as a Banshee!
undead and worgen i’d love for them to have a posture option
As much as I’d like to see non-hunched undead (and worgen for that matter), I would say don’t assume its happening based on the pictures shown at Blizzcon. Those images had characters in a T-Pose which is a basic pose character models are placed in and not indicative of the character’s posture in game.
Can they make them stand upright? Of course they can… but will they is the big question. Just don’t let the Blizzcon pics give you false hope. Keep asking for it.
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They did it for orcs, they can do it for undead (and male dark spear trolls too). I have been hoping for covered bone and straight-backed undead since WoD started making character updates. Heck, I’m glad we don’t have to wait for an undead based allied race to get covered bones!
Give them straight backs and more females hunched backs, the Horde power curve should be for all children of the red banner.
The undead deserve some visual love! it has been way to long.
There’s no reason why they can’t do this, so they won’t. I want this so badly, but my faith in them to execute really basic things like this is rock bottom 
They have a straight back animation in Dazor’alor, so I am hopeful that we get this. Orcs and Forsaken should have the option for different postures.
Tauren look the way they are supposed to, and Darkspear would just look goofy if they stood up straight because they are like 8 feet tall and have always been hunched over.
I’m all for it. I think a fem undead without bones or a hunch might almost be a character that could be looked at. So happy the bones are becoming optional though, I’ll roll undead for the first time since BC just for that.
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Can we give all races the option for up right backs, but also I think undead are super cool but i never play them because of the hunch.
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If Nathanos can not be a crippled corpse, then my undead should be able to be the same.
IMO the only time I would use the hobbled over undead would be for a Warlock and a mage because I feel it would suit the aesthetic of those classes.
And maybe monk… just a hobbled over Yoda zombie who shambles along before opening up a crate of fist of fury all up yo face!
Horde deserves posture too 
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