Shadowlands Character Customization – Straight Back Undead PLEASE!

I wish they would confirm or deny whether they will get straight backs because then I could finally make a undead warrior like I want to. Them and normal humans are the only races I like in plate gear.

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I would love to see the hunch reduced or for the degree of the hunch, male and female, made available for both sexes, however the Forsaken slouch and shamble are what make the models unique from their still living, human counterparts. My concern is that posture changes could make their animations less distinct from humans, especially when obfuscated by gear.

Straight back undead would be great. But, you know what would be better?

Muscular body options and chocolate elves.

I have often wondered why they did this.

No muscle/tendon/other connective tissue tension to keep the spine straight?

So then how are undead swinging heavy as hell pieces of metal?

So yeah +1 to its time the forsaken get to see a chiropractor.

Another positive if they get a straight back option is that a lot of hoods and mask will no longer clip due to them always hunched over with their neck sticking out horizontally.


You laugh but a withered option for Blood Elves wouldn’t be too bad and wouldn’t be a lot of work, comparatively.


I am a hunch undead through and through…just don’t think it’s cool that my undead spine shows through the thickest steel and darkest of capes…yep, hey you got bone back cause you hunch…just like my Tauren and Troll got feet that cannot be booted cause they got feet.

Gnomes and goblins can make rifle scopes but yet struggle with armor tech for my darn feet!

At least straighter backs like the guards in Zuldazar.

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No, I want super hunched like geists in ICC!

How do dragons exist? How do Mages cast fireballs? How does a Warlock summon a demon? Answer … It’s Magic! Because this is a Fantasy world we are playing in… where anything can happen… including Straight Back Undead wielding powerful weapons with ease… :wink:

yep…time for that magic.

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I support this 100%

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They should definitely have straight back option for the undead. and I think some undead in Zandalar already have the appearance.
In addition make Humans character creation have the -thin/Skinny human option, you can see them walking around Boralus.

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Agreed! I know the skinny Human models in Boralus use the Female Undead skeleton

I even think that they should go as far as giving undead the option to play Undead Human Models as well… Like Nathanos Blightcaller


Also Worgen.

It’d only be fair considering Orcs are also Horde.

Absolutely on board with troll shoes. Vote troll shoes 2020!

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imo every race should have a posture option.

Yes they do use the female undead models so it would be an easy addition

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But I thought Blizzard hated the Alliance? :stuck_out_tongue: haha

But yes, every race should have the option to stand up straight IMO.

Honestly I just hope they fix the shoulder armor for you male undead. You look hideous and should feel bad.