Customization for Shadowlands: Undead / Forsaken đź’€

Note: I made this post with links to examples, only to find out when I was ready to post it I received the following message “Sorry, you can’t include links in your posts.” Ugh! So frustrating. Please feel free to Copy/Paste the links I have listed to see the examples, thanks!

I’ve been giving this a lot of thought and with Shadowlands and the focus on Death, the Undead / Forsaken have been on my mind a lot! And I must admit there’s a few things that I would really like to see for the Forsaken / Undead when it comes to Character customization.

So I’m going to list them here all in one post. I know that some of these ideas probably won’t happen, or even if they do happen they may happen later down the road sometime After Shadowlands. But as someone who’s enjoyed this game since day one and absolutely loves playing the Forsaken / Undead, here’s what I would like to see happen. Please feel free to add your ideas as well.

Also I’m aware that people play other races and I totally respect the changes you want to see as well. All I ask is let’s keep this forum thread focused on the Undead, feel free to start a new forum thread of your desired race if you so please. Thank you. :slight_smile:

  1. Hide Bones Option - So we already know per Ion at Blizzcon (2019) that we are getting this. I would like to take it a step further and make a suggestion. Instead of having just a “Hide Bone Option” can we please get the option to hide bones for each part of the body?

For example

  • Hide Bone Back/Spine

  • Hide Bone Torso/Ribs

  • Hide Bone Left hand

  • Hide Bone Right hand

  • Hide Bone Left Arm

  • Hide Bone Right Arm

  • Hide Bone Left Shoulder

  • Hide Bone Right Shoulder

  • Hide Bone Left Leg

  • Hide Bone Right Leg

  • Hide Bone Left Foot

  • Hide Bone Right Foot

This would add A LOT of customizeable options to this race and would give the player a unique feel when playing their own character, not having to worry about running into another Undead/Forsaken that looks like you.

  1. Straight Back Option - I know this is a topic that has come up a lot. I even made an entire other post about it here Shadowlands Character Customization – Straight Back Undead PLEASE!
    I know at Blizzcon 2018 someone asked one of the devs in an interview about it. And I also know that Blizzard has also done this for the Orcs. I don’t see any reason why they can’t do this for the Undead/Forsaken race as well. As we all know, there are many types of “undead” out there among the scourge. So why wouldn’t there be this option for a playable character as well?

And just like the Orcs, if you prefer to keep the hunch, then by all means keep it. Just let those of us who want to stand up straight do so please.

(Some of the Undead NPCS in the game are already standing up straight. So come on Blizzard! Let us do this as well! PLEASE?!)


Or see this concept art… I would love to see something more along these lines.


(And if you wanted to throw in a new running animation for the undead / straight back males, I wouldn’t mind that also, i’m just throwing it out there, even though it may be asking a lot)

  1. Other model options - So keep the current models by all means, but also add in the (male & female) options for the following. All of these would still be considered “Forsaken” with the same racials and everything, but just new models. Animation wise, Cannibalize is the only real new animation I can think of that Blizzard may have to do for some of these.
  • Undead Blood Elves - Think Dark Rangers, originally they were also considered part of the forsaken, why not let the player play as the model of one as their forsaken


  • Undead Night Elves - See the ones that Sylvanas recently turned at Dark Shore in Battle for Azeroth


  • Undead Human Models - The current Human Models, more fresh models than the current Forsaken model. Think Nathanos Blightcaller. Or a freshly raised human corpse that hasn’t decomposed just yet.


Anyway in closing, these are just a few ideas I had that I wanted to share with Blizzard and the community about my favorite race in the game. I can’t wait to see what possibilities that Shadowlands has to offer. I’m really looking forward to it.


If you add a ~ before a link it should show. It just won’t be clickable but people can copy and paste it. I’m not sure where you pulled the pics from or I’d post the links for you.


Done! Thank you! :slight_smile:


yw :slight_smile:

Links in order:


You’re awesome! Thanks again! :smiley:


If I could get undead human models for DK that are similar to Nathanos I’d probably race change right away tbh.


Those are some good ideas. I’ve had the first couple on my wish list too. I’m not sure I could play a straight-backed or “fleshy” (Nathanos) Forsaken, but they’re worthwhile ideas.

I’d LOVE to be able to select which joints are exposed individually. That would be some true customizability. Thanks for the thread!


No problem. :slight_smile: I guess I should actually comment on the topic too haha

I think being able to hide bones by body part would be great too. Upright models should be possible too. I mean players are fresh undead so most of us shouldn’t be so bad as to have to hunch over unless it was related to the way we died. So having a choice between hunched or upright would make sense.

I’d like to see more options for the facial markings/decay with possibly being able to have more than one.

And there’s a small part of me that would like to play as an abomination :joy: But since they walk around naked not sure we’d be able to put gear on them lol


Now, I think these ideas are pretty good, but a couple of things first…

-Dark Rangers should be blood elf options, imo. More class variety with all the undead goodness.

-If we get undead human/night elf models, the Alliance will need something in return of equal value lest it cause unrest.


But then we’d basically be the same as playable human death knights. At least as far as looks go.

…like what? Tauren defectors?

Dunno! That’s why I have a hard time seeing it happen unless it ends up being an allied race or something.

How about an Ally Race of Lightbound Forsaken (That people are already talking about wanting for The Alliance) with the same options, but more “Light bound” or a Light Bound version of what the Forsaken have?

Think Calia Menethil

(Here are some links to a few examples)




Edit: Or what about other Lightforged Races? Like Lightforged Humans, Lightforged dwarfs, or yes even Lightforged Taurens that all fight for the Alliance… for example?

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If blood Elves don’t get a “dark ranger” skin, I think an upright pose based on the BE one and the option for elven ears/eyebrows could be awesome to have the elven forsaken fantasy.

I could put the fallen kadorei there too, but heightwise they are less of a match.

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Thank you :slight_smile:

There’s “fair”, and then there’s “insane”. And if you’re wondering where the line is, look behind you.

What you’re basically advocating is the BS we got about the alternate draenei in the Mag’har recruiting scenario. And honestly, I found that entire premise idiotic - not least of which because it half-arsed what became of the alternate draenei after WoD, essentially turning them into the Scarlet Crusade. And your solution is to… introduce that to Azeroth. Yeaaaaaaah, no.

Agree on this topic. I think there is a good chance for upright Forsaken since they really put a lot of them as guard NPC around Zandalar. Unless they just really want to tease and show off these NPC to make us salivate forever lolz


This would be nice. I don’t have problem with the bones showing unless it’s the kneecaps so I wouldn’t mind being able to only hide those. However, it seems a little unrealistic that they’d be able to pull this one, specially as you described it as in, one option per bone showing and not coming in a “set” (ex.: “Hide both elbows”). And yet I think it’s far from viable since that alone would multiply the options of Forsaken by much more than what any other race has available.

The NPCs in Zuldazar have a straight back so yeah, it would be nice to have this.

No, I’m completely against this, specially since the nelf and human models are involved in this. If you want a dead human/nelf, play a DK. We don’t need Alliance models on horde, not anymore.

I don’t agree with you, but I thank you for your feedback.

Horde already have the nelf model - Nightborne, this would just be another skin for them.

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Which is why I said “not anymore”. They made the mistake once, they don’t need to repeat it.

I don’t think it was a mistake

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