I fail to see where do you see in this “they sent their kids to die” at all.
The text said that trolls are acting strange and up to something, they didn’t say that they’re attacking dwarves but dwarf asks you to kill the whelps who are not even being aggroed.
Then you go to Soothsayer who is calming the whelps down.
Where did you get the stuff that you’re talking about because it’s surely not in quest text description nor in what Soothsayers are saying.
Both Wrathion and Ebonhorn were specially case and freed from the corruption before they even hatched. Also, as I recall Rhea had multiple failures and tooks years just to cleanse Wrathion.
Not the most practical route aspecially when black mother dragons would make trying to cleanse their whelps impossible(see Onyxia for an example)
So we agree that we want to see our favorites in the spotlight, that’s fair. However about the point of the alliance is exactly the problem. They keep the old guard and creating characters pointlessly,
Lucky for you it seem Blizzard is bend to fix that with a novel focused in Shawn and Flynn so if they keep this pace, you would get what you want as Horde players too(in character spotlight at the very least)
But she rejoined back during 8.1 with the Darkshore questline so yea she is still one.
Mechagnomes are just remembered as the meme of “diaper baby ar” but aside of that is that Darkspear haven’t got a zone focused on them or even a questline where Rokhan becomes the chieftain(that is made off-screen) and just be patient, Gilneas are to get some spotlight more later on but going around molesting people wouldn’t haste that
I understand that feeling, especially with Blizzard being pighead enough to just mock both factions at the same time but I would love some changes of the villain of the week formula
Well you still have Flynn and Shawn Bizarre adventure book later on to enjoy and let’s be real, nobody likes Alleria and Turalyon, I hope they get few spotlight since likely is how they remember “how good Sylvanas was” and I think even you are pretty much done with her.
I mean the Horde is free to do it themselves if they are so keen.
Ultimately, even Dragonqueen Alexstrasza was ok with her mate killing himself and hundreds of eggs in one blow when TH tried to corrupt them, I have no doubt our actions are justifiable, grim, but justifiable.
Exactly something like that is not canonically/can easily be explained as darker elements of either faction doing bad things without the knowledge of the factions.
I understand the comparison, but I see BFA as Zekhan’s season one (if we’re using the Madelorian example). I wouldn’t give it a season two.
That said I’m not against the commoner character getting a story. Its that we have so many to already use that people have asked for at various time in this forum and else where that Zekhan is just a poor character to use in my eyes.
I disagree that he is a poor choice, would there be better? I’d honestly prefer Rokhan getting spotlight together with Talanji (heck my avatar has Rokhan-look-alike) but Zekhan is second best choice if they want to develop next Darkspear champion.
Zekhan will have a fresh look on many things, and he is not renown champion/ veteran. It’s both a safe way to get around stuff he should know/ be aware of but wouldn’t display it if they’d chose someone who has higher rank and experience, and I am actually looking forward to see how it is to see the wrold from the very bottom perspective, where nobody is treating the character like a god-sent from heavens and would have to face many obstacles, due to age/ lack of experience/ lack of proper rank and working up for that.
Rokhan deserves much bigger research, he was around for a while and it should’ve been referenced in his story together with his past and experience, and I could see why it would be problematic. Zekhan is a blank slate for them, they can do anything they want with him.
They need to expand the Darkspear rooster, and why not to start with fan-favorite?
Rokhan is the first choice to it all. If you’re looking into assassination plots, saving a loa, and hunting down traitors, thats not a very common person job. At least not with the Queen of the Zandalari. I’d even say Rokhan is almost as much of a blank slate as Zekhan is. He was given little show time other than as a quest giver a few times in past expansions, who then spent an entire expansion with Talanji, finding and saving Loa while hunting down traitors. He fits like a glove.
I fully agree that the Darkspear need an expanded roster, and I’m all for it. However, give Zekhan a little post out in no where for a bit. A few quest lines, without tailing Saurfang, where he can be developed more naturally rather than all of sudden taking a position that should, from what we’ve seen, be given to someone far more experienced.
He is currently the most fameus Darkspear, he took internet by storm, and being featured in CGI cinematics did it’s job.
As I said before I’d rather have Rokhan too and I agree with your perception of him, but beggars can’t be choosers, and I see Zekhan as second best choice. And Rokhan can still appear there and there.
But I’m still shocked that we’re getting book featuring trolls at all. I didn’t expect it, nor I was even hoping for it.
Write them as part of a setting whose basic tenants don’t include ‘evil is something that can be inherent, and that’s why it’s okay for you to kill children’ because that’s an incredibly messed up thing to create.
See, now you’re doing the opposite of the thing I’ve suggested: you’re writing a setting in such a way that evil can be made an inherent part of a creature, thus making it okay/morally necessary to kill children. I once again suggest that you do the opposite instead.
Well I mean there’s the gratuitously obvious right there, but if you want a slightly more in-depth take on it, ‘my enemies are born evil, destined to produce nothing but misery, and may therefore be completely morally culled down to the last infant’ is one of the oldest and fondest gross fantasies of the human psyche, and I don’t like seeing it indulged and coddled in fiction with magical what-if lands where it’s absolutely true, rather than being treated as what it is in reality: a completely fake idea for evil self-serving idiots.