Shadowlands book coming july 14

Shades of grey in all playable races.

Isn’t grey subjective?

So long as it’s never fully black, have at it, that’s the fun of it.

It’s incompatible with “evil as inherent part of creature, thus making it okay/morally necessary to kill children.”


Yeah, I get that. Beggers can’t be choosers. Famous isn’t always a positive trait though. Dahmer is famous too and thats… :grimacing:

Maybe I’m just having unrealistic expectations (it is Blizz of course) but I’d like to see more of Zen’tabra and Gadrin. Bring Bwemba back, Vanira, a little more Volrath? Where’s Zul’tore our Grand Champion stuck in Icecrown? Its just where I’m coming from and would rather see expanded upon rather than Zekhan being built up.

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I don’t think most of them would fit. Especially I can’t see elder like Gadrin going on dangerous adventure.

Zekhan is more recognisable (and milkable) than npc that we haven’t seen from Wotlk and from marketing PoV he is better choice.

But it’s too early to judge if his choice is satisfying, maybe anyone else in this role wouldn’t really fit? I don’t have an issue I’m too happy to have Darkspear in spotlight again, and it’s bonus that it’s the guy we saw in cinematics.

It’d be neat if those grand champion NPCs showed up in the story in player-like faction adventurer roles.


I’m not saying for the novel with those people, but for future narrative in general. We have all these cool characters, or well named, or at least have high titles, and they’re no where to be found when push comes to shove. Make someone else instead of expanding on existing characters.

I agree that Zekhan would be better than Zen’tabra because people know who Zekhan is. Its just unfortunate that its the case.

Now Zenkiki on the other hand…


Zen’tabra played a fairly prominent part in the druid order hall in Legion. Still not as “big” as the surprise star of the cinematics, I agree, but she has been active recently.

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Druids only making the other guy right only a small part of the playerbase plays Druid and I think not many people decided to do the story on alts

Tbh if she had a bigger role in bfa probably would have gone with her

Famous or Infamous?

The thing that makes Zekhan, well, important isn’t being a troll, it’s being young.

He’s getting the spot light cause he’s the embodiment of the Horde’s youth and potential. Him being a troll is irrelevant.

Beoming he’s gettting attention and not another Darkspear is missing the point, him being a Darkspear isn’t relevant to the reason why he’s the chosen character, being young is.

I’m not convinced the story would be overly different if he was a tauren or belf instead, outside of a few obvious changes needed here and there. Talanji is already a troll for the story, so I don’t think the dude helping her needed to be one as well, he just happens to be one.

Probably to the story’s benefit.


I tend to agree on that.
As someone who’s been at the centre of bfa’s events yet unburdened by past misdeeds, Zekhan ( and in extension, Talanji as well ) stand for a possible brighter future of the horde.
And imo this is exactly what we need right now.
That they are trolls is of course the icing on the cake :wink: