Shadowlands book coming july 14

To be fair both of them only experienced the Horde through WC2 not WC3 or any of Thrall’s post-WC3 Horde. Makes it kinda hard to see a positive side when one’s personal experiences are limited to invaders from another world that destroyed Stormwind and tried to do the same to the Northern Kingdoms.

Then they went through the Dark Portal and found “The Path of Glory” and learned what it was made from.

Their next interactions with the Horde are then in Legion.

I completely agree. And that is why they shouldn’t have been neutral npcs in the Horde’s side of the story. Instead, it was an Alliance-Only story in which Horde spectated.


I play both factions in this game and have seen the hordes story continuously play out, assumptions like that are faulty and lack basis in anything.

To whom are you speaking?

True. Blizz has a horrible track record for representing both sides on things like those. (and yes the Horde gets the short end of the stick more often.)

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Not you but the one making accusations of people only seeing wc1,2,3 horde

She’s right. Alleria and her paladin husband completely missed Thrall’s Horde. they’ve never known a good horde. That’s why Blizzard should’ve been more conscientious of the other half of its playerbase when adding them to the story.

As if Tyrande spitting on the Horde player in Suramar wasn’t enough.


You mean mentioning Turylon and Alleria?

They were present in WC2, then went through the Dark Portal to Outlands with the expedition force along with Khadgar, Kurdan, and Danath.

They were then not present during the events on WC3 as they were off world.

Khadgar, Kurdan, and Danath all returned to the storyline in TBC but Turylon and Alleria didn’t. We just see their son Arator in Honor Hold.

They didn’t return until Legion. They were literally MIA from WC2 to Legion.

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Pretty sure burning a tree filled with not only night elves, but other races, is genocide. Also Arthas was corrupted by Frostmourne. We’re told repeatedly that Sylvanas and the Forsaken have free will. They choose to commit genocidal warfare.

Not while he very pointlessly butchered Stratholme.

If we are negating Arthas because of Corruption, that kind of negates all undead since that is pretty much the reason for why undead are more prone to monstrous acts in general.


Which still leaves Arthas guilty, because he mass murdered so many people pointlessly before he was even on the same continent as Frostmourne.


“The Drust attacked the human settlers unprovoked. When the humans landed they tried peace but the Drust went to war immediately, and only a few tolerated new neighbors. They glorified the slaughter, attacking unarmed civilians.”

From the looks of the drust didnt actually control the entire continent. There were vast stretchs that didnt belong to anyone in particular but even then the first instinct of the drust was to kill helpless villagers.

Ultimately, WoW has made it quite clear the guys who first intincts are to kill, especially unarmed people, are in the wrong.

Said trolls also killed any dwarves they found. And from the looks of it, “children” were young adult capable of actually using weapons against you.

It’s okay when the Alliance does it.


So far the Alliance has not gone out of its way to slaughter people who didnt attack them first.

Or so the humie history books portend.
The night elves certainly did.

Not really, the whole driving other races to extinction seem more bluster than anything. The only two wars that happened after WoTa were the Satyr war and the War of the Shifting Sands.

Not so much as a “Get out.” The orcs didn’t know the land was occupied and had no means of knowing it was. The Night Elves first action – which they repeat when humans enter their forest – is to exterminate any race that is not approved by night elf supremacist Tyrande Whisperwind.

Don’t bother making excuses. You posted thus:

You were wrong.


Wait a minute a book featuring Blightcaller and Sylvanas!!! Wait here while I throw my money at Blizzard

I had a feeling this was coming a few months ago! Not even gonna lie I’m excited as heck this is the 1st time I’ve pre-ordered a book period.

I’m a little weary of retcons or Forsaken development that doesn’t make a lot of sense, but whats the worst that can happen?

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