Shadowlands book coming july 14

I was referencing the characters going from faction allignment to neutral and then back to original faction.
Because I don’t see a big issue here. And then you pull something that was not related to this specific exchange.

That’s not what I meant! I meant that he could act sooner and he had other options to stop Sylvanas. Vol’Jin was example. A moment ago you were all frustrated that Alliance HAD TO help the Horde fix their own mess, and now you turn around to make justification for Baine while retracting back at me for suggesting fixing Horde problems without Alliance involvement. Please make up your mind.

Anduin in one guy, no other leader had to have same mindset, they didn’t have to follow his instructions. They were allowed to make a big generalization and act as they thought was accurate. This is why this story is so artificial, it makes everyone on the same faction think alike, while in reality it shouldn’t be like that especially when there are different than human species involved.

I’m sure Night elf players would love this line. Wrynn personal relations > entire population of one island. Nelves can burn in the background, but auntie Jaina and favourite pet Genn gets hurt - now things gets real!

I’m ironic btw, just to highlight how I think it should’ve been the other way around. And somehow it made me feel even more sorry for Alliance for having Anduin.

I didn’t mean Purge, I actually forgot about it, but it was good example for “not attacking civilians”. I meant Shatterspear tribe, sure they were part of warmachine and few were caught torturing nelves, but in return elves raunded them up in their own valley with intention to completely wipe them out, even text was saying about not letting anyone alive. Wheater it was a child or elder, all trolls were meant to be killed off. Considering that Shatterspears lived only in there purging the valley meant that this tribe cease to exist. And it was believed so since Cataclysm only to find out in BFA that some of them managed to escape and hide.

Another case is with dwarves and Frostmane tribe - killing children is killing lifeblood of a nation. No children > No new generation > nation/ ethnic group would eventually die out. Frostmane only live in Dun Morough.

The dwarves who wiped out Tauren tribe so they could start a digsite in both Mulgore and Barrens.

Mind you genocide doesn’t necessary mean “killing a lot of people”. Genocide is about killing off certain nation/ race/ ethnic group out of existance. Genocide doesn’t have to lead to complete extermination.

If you don’t want stuff from 3k years ago then these are the most recent examples.

It was still a very vauge description. Which war criminals were praised again?
You’re blaming entire faction - so also tauren, trolls, goblins for praising war criminals - who excatly, how and when.
If you mean Orgrim - who is orcish idol, then he obviously was not a war ciminal to them. If he was then honestly so is Alleria and Trollbane.

That’s not a war crime itself. Especially when they blow themselves up with it. Explosives are goblin niche.

But I was not talking about using nukes. I was talking about targeting civilians and this is why I disagreed on Maiev’s case. We were not comparing Sylvanas to Alliance, but other Alliance member to overall Alliance practices.

Well we’re heading somewhere at least. Because I also want for Alliance to act as well - Alliance, combination of independent states that have their own policies instead of acting like homogenous morality paragons.

Alliance can still get some positive stuff with the right writing. But Horde? Their core is tarnished beyond any recognition, what I loved about this faction was that is was brotherhood of arms, warrior faction which took pride in taking out bigger foes than they are, attacking villagers and helpless people is not an achievement no proud warrior should engage in such a things. I really don’t know what they’re anymore.

I really wish That WoW writers took inspiration from Heroes 3 Tarnum chronicles which very nicely described barbarians. Sure, they’re brutes and tend to be violent, but their lifestyle and attitude was still fascinating and they had a lot of redeeming qualities.
It really pains me to see what Horde has become, I can no longer say “For the Horde!” and mean it. I’m only playing it because I feel that trolls are the only factor left that gives valid reasons to fight the Alliance while not being overly evil themselves. They’re actually morally grey and pragmatic, not “forsaken pragmatic”.
This is how bad things are. If you lost all the connection to faction to the point you feel you’d be better off if you had your own faction then this is really bad.

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And yet I hear soo many people claim Arthus deserves redemption after what he has done.

Really, which is worse? Killing your father and the entire populace of your kingdom to raising them as an undead army. While also trying to wipe the entire race of Quel’dorei and their culture from the planet (true genocide) or burning down a tree.

I am looking forward to reading the book.

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not sure what is exactly the shatterspear tribe.
Hmm a tribe of trolls from darkshore?
i really don’t remember anything about them.

The dwarfs tried to do this to the frostmane? i legit wasn’t aware of this.

Garrosh,grom,blackhand,nerzul,sylvanas,nathanos, guldan,belmont, killrog.

Yeah, probably they are. hmm did they actually commited any warcrime?.

i refer to the goblin culture, the same way as other races in the horde.

That is a culture of destruction.

like i said, i do know that many times civillians were targetted but it was either due to not knowing/it has a good justifaction or simply colateral damage.

that is not the same when when the alliance starts a war or blitkrieg like the horde and nuke something just to see how metal the horde at destroying stuff.

i mean this is why i do have some hopes for the future between those who still want war and those who still tries to support anduin’s peace, i believe that can be a great way to explore what the hell the alliance even is. and once again why i would want this book to be 50/50.

i do reconognice that it wasn’t exactly great for horde but i hope that you understand that i am not a fan of being a side character either.
i mean is exactly why i started this whole rant and i truly hope that i am wrong.

Arthas doesn’t deserve any redemption.

we could debate about stratoholme, but the mercenaries did nothing wrong, and that was before he touched the sword.

I mean in his defense he has his soul stolen, was driven mad by the whispers of frostmourne and controlled by Ner’zhul what is syls excuse for her actions now?

His soul wasn’t really stolen until he picked up Frostmourne which he was amply warned against doing. Plus Strathholme was before all of that.

I think we will find out Sylvanas’ true motives in the Shadowlands and whether she is just as evil as Arthus or not.

Stratholme was necessary though at the time, it was the biggest population center in lordaeron and we know everyone was turning into undead monsters. The Kirin tor knew nothing about cutting the plague, there was a dreadlord in the city was he to do?

Also her reasons for starting a world wide war and genociding elves? Certain it will be oh so good

I will not get into all of the options available to Arthus at Strathholme besides killing every man, woman and child (I believe Uther and Jaina offered a few ideas). There are other ways of dealing with deadlords as well. I think I killed one myself and Sylvanas tricked them all.

Let’s see what happens in the Shadowlands. :slightly_smiling_face:

Gazlowe War criminal? You’re really reaching here. Gul’Dan, Garrosh, Blackhand, Nathanos, Sylvanas aren’t praised officially anymore. I’d argue that Gul’Dan is acknowledged as nemesis of orcs.
But you need to acknowledge orcish point of view, what cerain figures did to them as community. One personmight appear as evil to some outside nation while being hero to those whom they helped. Grom become hero because in the end he freed orcs from blood haze, Orgrim was respected leader to orcs, as he was fighting for them and their well being.
I don’t know much about Killrog admittedly, but his son Jorin in TBC was far more reasonable than Garrosh. Even in real life it is a thing, to one nation certain figure is respected leader, to another a total scum.

I think forest trolls could have a say in this. The forest trolls were victims of human and elf expansion, just like humans were victims of orcish expansion.

AND creation, Goblins are also known from trade and having well organised cartels, they’re also known from their management skills and resourcefullness. Blowing things up is not ultimate thing that defines them, just like gnomes radiating places and becoming willing amputees is not their defining trait.

With the examples I have I have to disagree.

Assaulting people directly is more personal thing. You can drop a nuke with just one buttom without even looking at your victims. This is why people would be more eager to do it than personally assaulting someone. When you personally go out to kill them and don’t even flinch at their suffering is another thing. Overall I agree that scale should matter, and in my previous post I wrote about my discontent about Horde’s “progress”.

what warcraft are you playing?

He absolutely does not.

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They offered nothing besides killing was bad

Uther “have you lost your mind Arthas? There’s got to be another way!” Literally all offered

Uther suggested surrounding the city and quarantine it until they could find a solution. Janina offered to go to the Kirin Tor to see if they could use magic since the plague came from magic. I think they had a few other suggestions as well. Arthus opted for killing everyone; even if they were infected or not.

How does that help when people are turning as they spoke? Also in wrath we learned there is no cure to the undead plague, alexstraza can’t heal it, the Druids can’t heal it, the naaru can’t heal it what are mages going to do?

I will not go down this road. They knew nothing about the plague at this point or who was infected or if there was a cure. He had several options available. Arthus chose to rush in and killed everyone. That’s how it happened. There’s no point in rehashing it.


Yet there is because we have information that proves attempting to cure it was a fruitless endeavor, So they could’ve quarantined it and seen who was infected or who want but that takes to much time and man power for a city that was turning at the drop of a hat.

But, we did stop it and we did kill Arthas. Maybe if Arthas had more faith in the Light, listened to reason and wasn’t so paranoid about failing, Ner’zul could have been stopped sooner.

We didn’t cure anything though? We killed the one who was in charge of the scourge that’s it

There are no more new scourge are there? Just the ones left that Arthus created.

Bolvar is constantly raising new dks and people that wander into northrend, I can give you the fact that no new scourge is raised in any of the continents but that’s due to the cult of the damned being destroyed for the most part.

What exactly did Arthas accomplish by murdering Stratholme, other than turning the citizens into zambies faster?

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