Shadowlands book coming july 14

This is a stupid argument, particularly if your dragging the entirety of Warcraft’s history into it. I don’t think the Horde even has a legacy character from WC2 still alive, unless you want to count Eitrigg and he was only made in the Blood and Honor short story when they retconned the orcs to not just be mindless savages.

The biggest thing the Horde has suffered is it’s loss of pride and identity, which isn’t something the Alliance has ever truly lost. Blizzard writers have basically undermined every arguement Horde players have had in the past into the worth of the Horde and what it should be proud of.

The Alliance gets kicked in the teeth, has High Kings shoved on them, and has to forgive the Horde constantly when it really feels unsatisfying and unjust to do so, but at least the Alliance and the races that make up it still feel like organizations worth defending. The Horde on the other hand have been made to look like hypocritical and weak willed scum. The best argument the Horde has at this point on why it should survive is that it would be too costly to kill, rather than any moral or ethical argument.

You could burn down all the Horde’s cities and territories and kill half its cast and if the I got back the identity of the Horde that made it appeal to me, I would consider it a fair deal. I want to follow a Horde race’s character in saving the world for once rather than a dwarf or a human or a Night Elf. We haven’t had that since Cataclysm and it has been longer since Cataclysm came out than the time between Cataclysm and Vanilla launching. In BfA we finally got questing focused on the Horde for Horde players and we ended up bloody being the bad guys again.


Because current writers want to emasculate the horde. They didnt like the “toxic masculinity” and murdered it within 2 xpacs. This required making them the foil to every plot for 4 years.

The end of Horde pride :cry:


Don’t know if bait or stupidity.

Ironic since go back to the blizzcon before Cataclysm and you had Metzen saying that they made Garrosh warchief because they wanted to give the Horde its ‘teeth’ back.


Well with the 4 writers left, its no wonder…

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And the players hated that, face it, horde players dont know what they want out of the horde.


Only Sylvanas fans are contrarians, at least in my experience.

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That’s cause there really isn’t a universal “Horde player”


Garrosh wasn’t hated(the plot was), Cataclysm was hated; and for good reason. People were more angry what Thrall was turned into, didnt have much to do about Garrosh.


Garrosh becoming Warchief was pretty unpopular at the time and the devs kept telling us that they were going to show us another side of him so we would come round to him as warchief. Frankly I think it was the rise of Garrosh that attracted a lot of ‘we want to be evil’ players to the horde because the horde itself changed to match Garrosh’s personality.

I think Horde players know what they want out of the Horde. The issue is how it gets there. There are, as far as I can see, three rough categorizes of Horde players. The Sylvanas/Garrosh fans who want to be the evil guys, the Saurfang fans who will swallow any rubbish blizzard feeds them they are told at the end that the outcome is what they want it to be and those who don’t want to be the bad guys but take issue in how blizzard is trying to ‘reform’ the horde, particularly since it makes the horde look terrible in context anyway. Redemption stories don’t work if they are repeated over and over again. Combined with the laughable claim that ‘the Alliance is just as bad’ which Ion himself said, and it is hard not to feel like horde players are getting lied to just so Blizzard can write another evil Horde story. The Horde tends to be either villians or sidekicks and frankly they are pretty lousy in both roles. Whenever the Horde and Alliance join forces and it goes wrong it is almost always the Horde’s fault or failure that causes things to go pair shaped.


Garrosh was absolutely hated. Hell, I’ve hated him since TBC.

Garrosh was so hated, even when blizzard showed him as honorable.

He didnt get universal hate until they turned him from a war hungry orc to a bloodthirsty orc. The plot is what people hated, that changed him to “hulk smash”.

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He went from a Klingon to Jem’Hadar, that is what made him so hated, imo. Which had more to do with the plot.


There was a sizeable group of people that liked Garrosh and defended him even in MoP.

Ya, people liked the more aggressive tone of the horde. Even if it was more bloodthirsty.

But I just think it was because people like the idea of a noble savage and fans didnt want to lose it. Clearly they were right, after Garrosh what we ended up getting was a slow castration of the horde in favor of whatever it is now.

Thats not true at all, the basic campfire for warchief memes started before cata even dropped, he was widely hated

You are over exaggerating to defend your stance/blizzard(per the usual). It started because the loss of Thrall. The meme’s were much more about Thrall then Garrosh by a long shot.

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if you say so, the hate for garrosh lasted long enough that blizzard just dropped him to appease horde players