Same reason Liadrin, Eitrigg, and Rokhan are?
Glad to see them pushing Zekhan as an actual main character after he’s been mostly absent since the rebellion, and I’ll never say no to more trolls
I am not really a Zekhan fan since he feels a pretty dull character to me but I am open to being convinced since there isn’t enough of a character there to make a judgement yet.
My guess is the Horde’s arc in this novel will be at least in part about what the worth of the Horde actually is. Talanji will play the role of the reader as the person who needs to be convinced that the Horde is something worth being a part of. God knows I understand that since I am not convinced at the moment.
I have a bad feeling about Alleria’s role. I am so done with Windrunners of any type. Alleria is a character I really don’t like. It seems being stubborn and arrogant is a family trait as well as being a judgmental jackass. I am pretty on the fence on if I might consider playing Shadowlands as currently my faith in Blizz is at an all time low but if I had to spend more time hanging out with haughty elves who hate the horde and patronizingly tell me how while the Horde is trash I am not so bad, I don’t think I really want to play that much. They already said Tyrande is going to be in the expansion.
I head canon that the night elves didn’t want to kill the undead night elves but redeem them. This allowed any of them captured to escape during the fighting for Darkshore. However while Delaryn and other undead night elves would ultimately join up with Calia… Sira decided to go Team Sylvanas for some reason.
Yah, I get that. Honestly I’m not sure there is any pair of Alliance characters I am less interested in reading about then Alleria and Turalyon. Plus as you said it is hard to sell a mystery novel when the answer to the mystery is already known.
I would have preferred a little Shandris action or something at least. I guess Alleria has stakes in this as Sylvanas’ sister but Turalyon feels like he’s just kind of tagging along.
We know he somehow avoids the whole Maw thing for his Troll souls. So either he found a workaround (maybe his realm isn’t completely in the Shadowlands?) or he has some connection with the Jailer.
Delaryn and other undead night elves would ultimately join up with Calia… Sira decided to go Team Sylvanas for some reason.
Which is extra strange, since Sira met with Calia in the Horde quest, too.
Faith is for people who haven’t been burned by it before. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t just give it away a second time. Anybody who loses my faith isn’t going to get it back because they ask nicely. Prove you deserve it.
Jfc nobody cares for sylvanas blizzard. Get over it
everyone cares about sylvanas lol.
Which is extra strange, since Sira met with Calia in the Horde quest, too.
I’ve done the quest twice and name characters with the undead night elves are Delaryn Summermoon and Kitala Starshadow, who seems to a high elf dark ranger. Sira Moonwarden is not present at all.
This is good to know. The only videos I can seem to find are PTR versions of the quests. I wish they had made it available to Alliance characters as well.
Nathanos trying to off a god with his toy bow will be amusing.
I mean, him and his toy bow already managed to fend off the literal avatar of a deity, and an Archdruid described in terms of demigodhood. I don’t expect things will go well for Bwon, if Danuser is allowed anywhere near the plot for another ego stroke.
Alleria and Turalyon trying to figure out what Sylvanas is up to has as little intrigue as its one sentence synopsis when we’ve already seen the Shadowlands cinematic.
I’m also a bit confused as to why this is a novel-worthy plot. Per the dialogue after the Siege of Orgrimmar 2: At Least You Tried, isn’t this what everyone is doing?
Author mains night elf druid, and says have faith in regards to night elf/tyrande.
Cautiously optimistic. But still.
Fool me once: Shame on you; Fool me approximately 3.6 million times over the past 15 years: Shame on me.
Just in case people don’t feel like clicking the link:
I don’t expect things will go well for Bwon, if Danuser is allowed anywhere near the plot for another ego stroke.
As Zekhan and Talanji work to save Bwonsamdi, their journey will be a key turning point in bolstering the Horde against the coming darkness and finding themselves along the way. Failure to save their allies and the trickster god will surely doom the Horde, but through success, they may rediscover what makes the Horde strong.
Judging by this, I’m going with maybe not
Author mains night elf druid, and says have faith in regards to night elf/tyrande.
Well then I’ll let actions speak. I expect nothing from a book that’s not even mentioning the Night Elves at all but maybe they can be bothered to include them after all? I mean it’s not the first time they have lied.
I’ve done the quest twice and name characters with the undead night elves are Delaryn Summermoon and Kitala Starshadow, who seems to a high elf dark ranger. Sira Moonwarden is not present at all
Wait what? It’s a Horde only quest? Well maybe that does confirm that Calia and the undead Night Elves are going to stay in the Horde after all.
Thanks for posting this thread though so we don’t have to see people doing the headpats thing
Calia herself is not even confirmed Horde.
Well why would the quest be Horde only then? Maybe Calia restores the undead Night Elves’ hope and then they free willingly decide to stay in the Horde like they did in 8.1 already.
I think there is no doubt anymore that they will stay in the Horde.
Also I can’t recall anyone saying that Calia definitely won’t join the Horde
I could give Katiera headpats, she might bite though.
Calia herself is not even confirmed Horde.
I’m with Elesana, if they weren’t going to be shoehorned into the Horde like the traitors they are why make it a Horde only quest? The last an Alliance player sees of the dark wardens is fighting them in darkshore and the last of Calia is her up and disappearing with Derek from Stormsong Valley.