Shadowlands Beta/PTR Compiled Feedback Thread

Fire and Brimstone really needs to be baseline again


Few corrections on my part, also to the higher up detail of Soul Burn, that was the mechanic in Cata, not MoP

Shadowflameā€™s cone was only a small bursty dot + a 70% slow for 4s if glyphed into it, not a disorient. Disorient is Mageā€™s Dragonā€™s Breath.

I also donā€™t think that itā€™s back, given shadowflame is the dot damage applied by HoG of Demonology warlocks. But one can still hopeā€¦

Waitā€¦ hold upā€¦ how isnā€™t Metamorphosis not on the want or need list?.. or did I skip by itā€¦:thinking:

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rolling havoc/Flashpoint in some iteration

Baleful, EP, Dem Meteor

cascading calamity with the change to UA should enforce hitting your pandemic window properly. maybe some sort of Inev demise for aff when paired with the night fae covenant (something Rot i think its called).

Itā€™s been four years. We arenā€™t getting Meta back given Demon Hunters exist, unless Blizzard chooses to do a ā€œclass reductionā€ down the road and combine classes with similar themes to make class balance easier, i.e. One Fel-centric Class with five specs.

Thanks! Adding. But regarding (2), do you want to see Soul Swap, Soul Burn: Soul Swap (ie empowered ability or CD that slaps all dots on the target), or what?

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Meta was fun for demo but it doesnt need it anymore. Current demo can be even more fun than meta demo if only they let us summon more powerful looking demons. I get really excited when I randomly summon prince malchezaar. We need more abilities like that, summon big boy demons like pit lords, jailers, inquisitors, etc.


Agreed, thatā€™s why I suggest a CD summon that progressively drains our shards to sustain itself.

For me, meta was cool not just because of the fantasy, but the (at the time) unique fury resource. You build fury, pop meta, and try to stay in meta. We see this gameplay in shadow today, but itā€™s a real shame to lose it as a lock.

This summon CD could give us this gameplay back.

Current Demo is heavily reliant on Azerite Traits itā€™s going to be so slow without implosion, atleast Metamorphosis gave you a sense of power and excitement in the spec.

Seeing the Alpha build for Destro and Demo has gotten me so worried with the saying they like where the 2 specs areā€¦

Playing Demo without implosion is so so so slowā€¦ give it a tryā€¦current demo is semi decent cause solely of that traitā€¦

Edit: Iā€™m also annoyed our one defensive on a 3 min cooldown is getting a major nerf!, Down to 20%, and doesnā€™t stop interrupt and silences, so much for the whole warlocks are tanky casters!


Is this a final list of things or can we expect more things unpruned or talent reworks?

There isnā€™t another large drop of additional class changes that are planned. But they wanted to do the big changes and revamps in now so that they can get feedback and not have to fix them in a future patch.

By wowhead about Ionā€™s interview. Yeah, I think itā€™s time to give a lot of feedback xD


I hope the warlock community gives extensive feedback, seems like we got the short end of the stick for Shadowlands.


believe me, we will,

once they actually implement stuff

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Then it comes down to, Will they listen, which is even a larger worry!

And i got ridiculed by some as to why Iā€™m writing so much in a more angry/ emotional manner.

Granted, I could be more calm in some of my posts, but at the same time I always try to really argue my stance, give constructive feedback and suggestions in how to improve things and most people also seem to agree looking at the likes.

Oh wellā€¦ it really is the same situation we had back in the Legion Beta and BfA Betaā€¦ if they still donā€™t listen, it is finally time for me to rerollā€¦ after 13 years of playing warlock exclusively with over 730 days /played.

That or just quit WoWā€¦

Iā€™m only hopeful for the warlock community, as it has proven itself very active in giving actual constructive feedback. I still remember the huge threads for BfA and Legion, some by veteran warlock players that are known by their name, at least for me on the EU forums, but I also remembered US players as well.

Warning - Today

Warlocks need a lot more changes. Itā€™s really unacceptable that Shadowbolt and Incinerate still hit like total noodles and that these specs still have too much of their damage linked to darkglare/Infernal.
Also talents like Soul Fire and Shadowburn being unchanged is kinda ridiculous. Shadowburn should be a baseline 15 sec CD execute and hit hard again, Soul Fire should be instant and called Fel Flame but can remain a talent. Imo Roaring blaze and Grimoire of Supremacy should be scrapped and replaced with new stuff as well.

Tier sets should be 8 pieces with only a 2 set and 4 set so you keep a lot of freedom with off pieces.

Think AoE capping some melee abilities and returning that role to stuff like Rain of Fire and Arcane explosion is a good idea to bring casters back into the M+ meta.

Seeing this at the first comment page of makes me hopeful.

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I really donā€™t like the direction of Warlocks, especially if this was Blizzardā€™s ā€œBig Planā€ for addressing Warlock class design.

Letā€™s start off with some idiotic decision making;

  1. Longer cast time for Demonsā€¦
  2. Our major defensive CD nerfed to hell? - And no, giving us Demonic Circle does not compensate for this.

Combine those two facts with some awful spells that still exist;

  1. Implosion instead of Demonwraith (think thats what the Legion AOE was called, and BTW it was a great AOE abilityā€¦ why did they remove it?)

  2. Limiting destruction to itā€™s same 4 button rotation and adding no flavor spells. Fel Fire (the instant cast, I think this was itā€™s name) Soul Fire, Shadowburn? - These could be baseline for destro, not talents.

  3. To be frank, I donā€™t know much about affliction but iā€™m seeing mixed reviews.

It really sucks knowing a great spec was stolen from us in Legion (Demo) and weā€™re left with hot garbage that devs think is ā€œin a good spotā€. Personally speaking, Iā€™d take the Demonic Empowerment style (that was active in Legion) over the current demo specā€¦ at least we could summon actual demons instead of being an imp mother. And they gave Darkglare to Afflictionā€¦ what a slap in the face to Demonology mains.

Who is there to even communicate with? Who says Blizzard is even reading class forums? All of this seems pointless.

Edited for Grammar


Iā€™m definitely wanting to see how much they change the pvp talent system and how much new, removed, or tweaked talents will be. Since we are getting the pvp curses baseline Iā€™m interested to see what replaces those.

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In all honesty these minimal alpha changes have got me in 15 years considering playing another classā€¦ I love warlock Iā€™ve been one since vanilla through the good times and bad, but we just as a class keep going backwardsā€¦

Iā€™m hoping more changes come, 15 years playing one toon as a main might all go down the drainā€¦ we lack mobility so we are tanky was their philosophyā€¦but from what I see they nerfing our only defensive, the mobility they finally making baseline ā€œdemonic circleā€ is just as the gate which we need to set upā€¦

WoW currently with content is more go go go then ever!, M+ you donā€™t use gates or set up itā€™s all rush and kill, granted the highest key Iā€™ve timed is only a +16, Gate is a small niche skill in some raids so is demonic circleā€¦

So we still gonna have horrible mobility, in Shadowlands even worse defensive, without Azerite Traits Destro and Demo will be even more slower and dullā€¦

I honestly cannot see the path a Blizzard wants Warlock to go as anymoreā€¦other classes just now out perform us in every aspectā€¦ seriously I cannot see why having a Warlock is usefulā€¦

M+ I can see returning to Shadowlands, I just donā€™t know what to think anymore especially when they said Destro and Demo are in great spots.


Destruction main here. Iā€™ve played every iteration of Destruction Warlock since Wrath, and I genuinely believe it needs A LOT of work, make SHADOWBURN a BASELINE EXECUTE please, weā€™ve been asking for this back for years. Itā€™s what the spec NEEDS to perform in dungeons, right now the spell is terribly designed, and the spec is unplayable in dungeons. Warlords had shadowburn perfect, many people would love to see itā€™s return.
Destructions role has always been to perform exceptionally well at cleave, and now following the nerf to Havoc it feels too mediocre compared to other classes and really kills the feeling of dealing priority target damage. We even lost Wreak Havoc. Please bring that back as an option.
Dark Soul or Soul Harvest, at the very least needs to move to a different talent row (put it on the level 60 row to give a single target option other than Cataclysm!) and put Wreak Havoc on the level 100 line instead. Blizzard, you had Legion talents designed exceptionally well during the second half of the expansion, and it felt so good to play. Please give us those options again.

Soul Fire needs a slight change, maybe a longer cast time for much more shards. Internal Combustion needs a solid rework to empower or extend Immolate rather than spend itā€™s duration on Chaos Bolt hits. This would help with cleave and sustained multiple target damage. Iā€™ve already spoken about Shadowburn.

Buffing fire and brimstone is surely only the beginning, and it rightfully needs a buff, as well as a single target ability on that line other than cataclysm (Dark Soul please?), which is an AoE spell as well. Inferno has not been used for the entirety of BfA, it should be replaced with a cooldown or single target option. Rain of Fire should deal increased damage to targets affected by Immolate baseline, like how it used to.

Grimoire of Supremacy needs a serious rework, because the design right now just feels clunky and too strong for anything else to compete. It locks you into a very specific build, which by design is just bad for the spec. The Infernal pet itself is well designed right now, however Supremacy itself should empower the DEMON rather than the PLAYERā€™s damage. Empowering Infernal to last longer or deal more damage is the perfect way to change this talent, or even reintroducing Lord of Flames into the mix, it felt like a real 10 minute cooldown.
Grimoire of Service should also return as a single target option over Roaring Blaze, Service was a valuable cooldown to have during burn phases, and felt like a good alternative to the other more AoE-oriented Grimoires.

Channel Demonfire and Soul Conduit have always been very good talents, that row would feel complete with Wreak Havoc there.


Honestly either would be better than neither to me but I would have a strong preference for the soul burn version as the snapshotting from the normal one made DoT management harder in the flow of combat depending on how much time you had left on them.

I think warlock needs more changes honestly especially affliction. It did not feel like there were near enough.
General changes:
-Give demon armor baseline
-Mortal coil or howl of terror baseline

-Unstable affliction lasts only 8 seconds
-We still have darkglare
-Dots still look like theyā€™ll feel unimpactful
-Malefic rapture should be an aoe channel that ticks for explosive damage based on the number of dots you have on the target.
-We need less of our damage to be tied to cds like darkglare/dark soul and have our dots/drains be our main source of damage.
-Deathbolt should be shot behind the barn.
-Drain soul should be baseline and act as an execute
-Bring back soul flame (even if itā€™s nerfed).

-Give either call felhunter baseline, or make it so axe toss interrupts when mobs are immune to stuns. I know you want class uniqueness, but demonology is the only dps spec without a baseline interrupt (without massively sacrificing dps) and it hurts representation in stuff like m+
-Give us some kind of aoe to use outside of implosion. Demonwrath or bilescourge bombers. It would be nice so we wouldnā€™t have as much ramp up time on AoE especially in m+ situations. Also demonwrath wouldnā€™t make us feel so trash when we have to move.
-Make tyrant give us 5 shards baseline.
-Give sacrificed souls baseline.

-The pvp talent focused chaos needs to just be baseline. You can reduce the damage of havoc to 50%. Chaos bolt feels garbage without it.
-Shadowburn needs to be baseline and function like how it actually used to, an execute.
-Take damage away from infernal and bake it back into incinerate/chaos bolt.
-Fire and brimstone needs to be reworked and changed to the old active ability. Where your incinerate, immolate, and conflagrate would cost embers, however you would still get ember fragments so eventually once you had enough targets your fire and brimstone abilities would cause you to gain ember shards rather than lose them. That also means you can bring back the interaction between rain of fire and immolate.


The problem with fire and brimstone is it promotes massive aoe pulls but if the air damage output is capped, or it slowly weakens the damage based on the amount of enemies we are dealing with then it is useless since incinerate does 40% of its base damage to all the targets around the main target this makes it hit like a worse wet noodle, but if you have more than you should it will drop the 40% to 38 or 37 or even 20. You all can see the problem with this.