Shadowlands Beta/PTR Compiled Feedback Thread

I still wonder how debuffing curses made it to appear to be desired. From a PvE point of view there’s nothing more boring. First of all it’s against “bring the player, not the class”, and second it’s a spell that doesn’t interact with anything. If you’re a roleplayer then I can see your argument, yes. Otherwise it’s not gonna solve ANYTHING.

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Okay everyone what Azerite Traits should be baseline, full list:


  • Explosive Potential: When your Implosion consumes 3 or more Imps, gain 232 Haste for 15 sec.
  • Baleful Invocation: Your Demonic Tyrant’s Demonfire deals 341 additional damage, and summoning your Demonic Tyrant instantly generates 5 Soul Shards.
  • Shadow’s Bite When your summoned Dreadstalkers fade away, they increase the damage of your Demonbolt by 1106 for 8 sec.
  • Supreme Commander: When your Demonic Tyrant expires, consume its life essence, granting you a stack of Demonic Core and increasing your Intellect by 362 for 15 sec.
  • Umbral Blaze: Your Hand of Guldan has a 15% chance to burn its target for 1093 additional Shadowflame damage every 2 sec for 6 sec.
  • Demonic Meteor: Hand of Gul’dan deals 170 additional damage and has a 5% chance per Soul Shard spent of refunding a Soul Shard.


  • Pandemic Invocation: Refreshing Corruption, Agony, or Siphon Life with less than 5 seconds remaining will deal Shadow damage and has a 6.66% chance to grant you a Soul Shard.

  • Cascading Calamity: Casting Unstable Affliction on a target affected by your Unstable Affliction increases your Haste for 15 sec

  • Dreadful Calling: Unstable Affliction deals additional damage, and casting Unstable Affliction reduces the cooldown of Summon Darkglare by 1 sec.

  • Inevitable Demise: Damaging an enemy with Corruption increases the damage of your next Drain Life, stacking up to 100 times.

  • Sudden Onset: Agony deals additional damage and starts with 4 stacks. (the starting stack portion of this trait will not stack with extra traits)

  • Wracking Brilliance: Every other Soul Shard your Agony generates also increases your Intellect for 6 sec.

  • Deathbloom: If your Seed of Corruption detonates early, it deals additional damage.


  • Chaos Shards: Incinerate damage is increased and when you fill up a Soul Shard, you have a 5% chance to generate an additional full Soul Shard over 2 sec.
  • Bursting Flare: Casting Conflagrate on a target affected by your Immolate increases your Mastery for 20 sec, stacking up to 5 times.
  • Chaotic Inferno: Chaos Bolt deals additional damage and has a 25% chance to make your next Incinerate instant.
  • Flashpoint: When your Immolate deals periodic damage to a target above 80% health, gain Haste for 10 sec.
  • Rolling Havoc: Each time your spells duplicate to a Havoc target, gain Intellect for 15 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Crashing Chaos: Your Summon Infernal’s Cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds and summoning your Infernal increases the damage of your next 8 Chaos Bolts

In my opinion, baseline should be:

  • Baleful Invocation: Your Demonic Tyrant’s Demonfire deals 341 additional damage, and summoning your Demonic Tyrant instantly generates 5 Soul Shards.
  • Umbral Blaze: Your Hand of Guldan has a 15% chance to burn its target for 1093 additional Shadowflame damage every 2 sec for 6 sec.
  • Pandemic Invocation: Refreshing Corruption, Agony, or Siphon Life with less than 5 seconds remaining will deal Shadow damage and has a 6.66% chance to grant you a Soul Shard.
  • Dreadful Calling: Unstable Affliction deals additional damage, and casting Unstable Affliction reduces the cooldown of Summon Darkglare by 1 sec.
  • Chaos Shards: Incinerate damage is increased and when you fill up a Soul Shard, you have a 5% chance to generate an additional full Soul Shard over 2 sec.
  • Chaotic Inferno: Chaos Bolt deals additional damage and has a 25% chance to make your next Incinerate instant.
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I’m thinking for destro talent wise the 2x backdraft one and reverse entropy should be baseline with talents like shadowburn and soulfire made to be worth selecting to add a bit more decision making.

Supremacy reworked to have a permanent big pet and sacrifice back to how it was a couple xpacs ago so it does not suck and we are not a 3 min burst spec anymore. Just those changes would make alot of destros feel good imo.

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I think it’ll be nice to give the player a choice of when to use empowered spells for like extra burst or utility. For example a player can choose to burst aoe with what I suggested(empowered hog summoning a pit lord) and it will also look cooler than you know imps or fel bats throwing themselves at things and blowing up.

Demonology Warlocks need changes.

Our Fel Lord needs better survivability and pathing. It killed/takes damage to easily and has a tendency to wander off.

Tyrant needs to be an instant cast. I mean both Destruction and Affliction main Demon cool downs are instant and yet the specialist summoners demon is on a long cast.

Demon Wrath in place of Implosion

Felstalkers should be an instant cast baseline also. We have to many hard casts for a spec that depends on both cast time and pathing for our summoned pets to actually function.

Legion Strike baseline.

Corruption back so we have a dot baseline.


Now that you mention it why is the fel lord (or whatever that demon is pvp demos use against melee) made of paper? Lol No joke I played against a demo in arena and about laughed when I seen the hp of it.

Adding this and the Fel Lord bit

The rest is already there

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At this point in time. It just an ignored ability that’s all to it. That’ s the way I see it, blizzard doesn’t really cared about.

Might as well just remove it already or replace our one talent summon vilefiend (i really hate the ai of this one summon btw and when it switches target oh man its bad) with summon fellord.

Don’t even understand it when you have Unholy DK with Raise abomination which can actually be summoned in a spot and it moves and BM hunters with Direbeast Basilisk.

And even if it was ok most of the time in pvp you’re stuck with instant dreads, spell lock and reflect shield.

Pet AI pathing in general needs to be improved…

They could just add a mechanic to our pets that once the warlock is too far from said pets when they have to move they open portals like when they are summon to port back to the warlock.

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I am not sure, i have been thinking of Life Tap today and will reply, once i have formed a better idea. Warlocks should have three resources: Mana, Life, Demons and or Shards. We should be able to use any of the three in some form.


Class changes have been posted on Wowhead.

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Updated with Datamind spell details.

It appears that:

  • Unending Resolve may now be baseline, as it is in the Spell category and not the Talent category
  • Curse of Doom will require us to enslave the Doomguard if it spawns unless you’re Demo and speced into Improved Curse of Doom Talent
  • Corruption is going to have a cast time, unless speced into Improved Corruption Talent
  • Malefic Rapture is a talent, and based on the numer of DoTs on the target rather than interacting with the ticks of the DoT itself like OG Malefic Grasp
  • Curses are actually pretty good
  • I think the Devs are still confused as to what is Affliction’s filler given Decimating Bolt description

Here’s a WTF change for you…

Summon Felguard Summons a Felguard under your command as a powerful melee combatant.
Cast Time changed from 2.5 sec cast to 6 sec cast

Actually, some more reading shows that all summon demon spells are now 6 sec casts. There goes any chance of trying to weave Felhunter in for interrupts and going back to Felguard.

Just noticed that. HORRIBLE change. In pvp all another player has to do is kill your felguard and you’re screwed. Badly, badly screwed as they can easily lock you down when you try to get another FG up - and as most of your attacks are tied to the thing…

This has to be a mistake. How would this make sense. Especially if their stick is “you can switch out demons for minor DPS loss depending on utility!” for the past god knows how many expansions.

Six seconds is madness. Insane.

Edit: on a lighter note, the list of auras implies that Shadowflame (cone attack with disorient) and Demonwrath is back, and both generate soulshards

Curse of doom Inflicts impending doom upon the target, causing (176% of Spell power) Shadow damage after 1 min If Doom kills the target, there is a 5% chance to summon an uncontrolled Doomguard to fight for 25 secs.

Improved curse of doom -Curse of Doom now deals an additional 100% damage, the period is reduced by 50%, and Doomguards summoned by Curse of Doom are automatically enslaved.

this is a dead talent already. the talent does not increase a chance to summon a doomguard and it does not take off the restriction for the summon to proc on death. So in order to still summon a doomguard with this talent you need to have kill the target with doom after the 30 second tick and it is a 5% chance. this is just a 100% increase damage on a spell you are going to use maybe twice on a mob in world content or and it won’t help in M+ cause if you are wasting 30 secs on a trash pack you are doing bad. It may help in raiding but it’s will be best to use another curse like tongues to give more time for phases and casts if the curse works in raids. This is just a bad talent.

Who wants a 5% chance it will never be chosen. Cause it has to kill the target. How many targets does doom ever kill vs raid bosses and pvp 0 unless u really get lucky to kill a raid boss or a player for a low up time and a small chance. Which means blizzard has designers that doesn’t even know that dooms effect to summon a doomguard is pointless. Lmao idk why they make a talent that is worthless except the fact it deals 100% increased damage. That 5% chance will only work its its a 5% chance when doom deals damage to summon a doomguard.

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Hahha 6 secs to summon another pet if you need to interrupt in a mythic dungeon in mythic much less switch on and off through combat


Just noticed that as per the auras, we may be getting Shadowflame, Hellfire, AND Demonwrath back, all producing soul shards :open_mouth:

My 2 cents as an affliction focused lock, pretty middle of the road but a decent player of this specific spec.

Overall i’m reasonably happy with the specific class changes but am rather underwhelmed by the covenant abilities.

Things I like that are happening.

  1. UA losing its shard cost and gaining an extended duration.
  2. Curses coming back, I would like to see curse of shadows return though although I know it probably won’t.
  3. Malefic Rapture, looks promising.
  4. New Sow the Seeds implimentation.

Things I would like to see, (repeating others sentiment in many cases)

  1. Drain Soul made baseline & be the aff filler or Malefic rapture.
  2. Soul swap returned or a similar function.
  3. Instant Cast Shadowfury
  4. There has been some really good suggestions on specific implimentations but I agree that greater variety/utility for pets is long over due. I specifically like the idea of a hunter style enslave demon stable.
  5. having some empowered ie the old school soul burn mechanic was fun, at least to me. With UA losing a shard cost I’m struggling to think outside of seed of corruption what else I spend a shard on in combat?
  6. The healthstone limitations need to be revised, i don’t mind a cd but the one per combat thing blows when in addition to the lack of tankiness that has been talked about plenty and which I agree we have lost.

It was mentioned in the thread about needing some of our azerite traits baseline, it should be said some of those deal with the UA stacking which is not a thing in shadowlands so the traits Dreadful Calling & Cascading Calamity would be unlikely to be carried over.

I’m weary about any of the datamined content as the devs have already put out a thing about there being plenty of discarded ideas in there. However I am very much on edge about the corruption cast time and the demon cast times… I don’t understand why either of those changes are being made.

Interested to see how this develops over the course of alpha and beta testing.