Aff changes sound good. Moving it away from burst and a 3min cd damage profile is ideal imo. Need much more info on talents and everything to really dig in here.
Destro is in a good place in 8.3, but they’re going to need to bake in FP and RH to keep it there in shadowlands. I suggest making FP a talent and RH an inherent function of Havoc.
Grim:Infernal needs to go baseline with its VoP cd, and I would love to see Crashing Chaos’ CB damage baked into CB itself; reworked slightly so that it instead ramps consecutive CB damage within a window or something. The goal being to shift some of the damage out of Infernal so the spec actually deals meaningful damage while we wait for the CD.
I agree with the devs to a degree, demo (and destro) aren’t in need of the drastic design shifts that aff needs (he says before suggesting a drastic rework ;p). I would even say demo is our best designed spec. Sure, we’re going to need some traits baked in (BI, EP’s haste baked in somewhere), but we’re in a good place design-wise.
That said, our talents need some serious work, and there is a ton of potential there.
Sac souls, for example, needs to either go baseline (as our new mastery perhaps) or rolled into another talent like Inner Demons or From the Shadows. It’s a cool mechanic that elegantly weaves theme and mechanics, making Demonology the in-between warlock (between dot damage via pets and nuke damage I mean).
Freeing up that talent slot introduced an opportunity for real build diversity. A horde build via Nether Portal (which should summon 1:1 based on shards spent and maybe lose the cast time or shard cost); a thalks build via Deacon; and a “stance” build via a new talent.
I suggest Summon Pitlord, or some other dope demon. Give him a base duration, but have him gradually consume more soul shards to increase his duration, with his rate of consumption eventually increasing faster than you can generate shards, despawning him. This gives us a semblance of the stance play style that meta gave us, while also fulfilling a long held community wish.
Other than that, Demonic Strength should probably change to a pet neutral ability (Demonwrath?), we’ll need something cool in place of Doom, and Master Summoner should be baseline. GFG is good damage, but it’s got some untapped potential thematically (perma 2nd pet?). Same for Vilefiend (remove cost or cast time).
Finally, baseline interrupt on the lock. For all specs. It’s been silly to have it on the FH since day one, and it’s arguably precluded us from participating in m+ this xpac.