yeah i mean compared to the rest i don’t hate T1.
I do think that backdraft should should default to 2 charges and flashover should add an addition charge on that.
Eradication i dislike but for the most part as long as it isn’t #1 by far i don’t hate it.
Soulfire would need a massive buff, it should probably just grant a shard on cast.
In terms of fundamental designs i think T1 needs adjustments rather than a complete overhaul.
Demonwrath was Hellfire that didn’t require you to run into melee range or destroy your health bar for using it. In what universe are you finding Hellfire to be superior to Demonwrath?
I value a controlled channeled AOE from ourselves over a channeled AOE that required at the time for our imps to spawn from the enemy, given we cannot position any of our demons efficiently outside of our main pet. Also the health loss was negligible and was more of a spell gimmick flavor.
Mind you I too would like it, but I think it’s more likely for us to get a degree of our old class-wide CC capacity and abilities back over getting a newer PVP talent baseline for the whole spec.
Demonwrath was generated from Imps, Grimoire of Servitude, your main pet, and Call Dreadstalkers. If you couldn’t get enough control out of all that you should probably be playing a different spec.
But this is where the importance of instant-cast Call Dreadstalkers comes into play. Call Dreadstalkers is what gets your offense rolling. Having to stop to cast them is like requiring a Warrior to stand still for a 2 second cast for Charge that can be interrupted. Having them instant-cast makes the spell much more responsive to your needs, and that is just another way of saying that it gives you more control.
There’s also the matter of how slow Warlocks are. The class will struggle to keep up with pretty much every other class in the game. Being able to toss out Call Dreadstalkers and channel Demonwrath on the move would allow the spec to be far more effective in all group content, but especially Mythic+ where the clock is always ticking.
Two suggestions I’d have for Affliction in particular is:
Making Drain Soul baseline. Bonus points if it works the way it used to, causing extra DoT ticks. They didn’t say that Siphon Life was being removed, and we’re getting Unstable Affliction back as a regular DoT - There’s also no good competition for Siphon Life that I see there, so with all that in mind, the current playstyle based off of their changes is having Siphon Life, Unstable Affliction, Agony, and Corruption up at once. Trying to maintain four DoTs and still get multiple hardcasts of Shadow Bolt off is going to feel terrible - Even trying to do so currently with only three DoTs feels terrible, so it’s going to feel worse with four DoTs.
Soul Swap, or something similar, needs to come back. Because we’re being pushed into a position where we’ll have four DoTs to keep up, we need something to allow us to put all of them on a single target, preferably by using a soul shard for better balance. I would rather have good limited multitarget (two or three enemies with our DoTs on them) than bad unlimited multitarget like we have right now with Seed of Corruption (everything is a target, but only realistically with Corruption).
Tyrant, Felstalkers both should be instant and by far would not be overpowered as Demonology already lags behind Destruction in damage. And Demon Wrath should replace implosion
1▪︎i hate implosion besides the fact that we are forced to use it because of that azerite trait.
☆solution would be to make bilescourge bombers baseline.
2▪︎hand of guldan needs to summon strong demons like what guldan did. I would give up imps for the jailer,inquisitor, and Fel lord. It can still just cost 3 soul shard. If they are very strong thats good. You can add back charges to hand of guldan like we had it back in the day.
I also think hand of guldan really neec the doom effect. I miss it for mythic. I am yet to see doom summon a doomguard wit the 5% chance. That has to change to when it deals damage its a 5% chance and when it kills its 100%. I hate bane of doom thats coming back as a single ability unless its gonna be like legions hand of doom.
3▪︎ these devs suck at developing things for warlocks. Who ever we had before them actually read feedback and know about the class and lore(meta even guldan had)
Or, alternatively, simply make dots far more impactful and worth the ramp up time. I see this as either/or. I was personally never a fan of soul-swap(or snap-shotting for that matter) but I would like dots to be strong enough to simply feel like they are impactful enough to warrant reapplication and maintenance. There’s been a few times in the past 14+ years where dogs have felt close to where they should be(around mid BC, when I started playing was one such time).
I like all the suggestion brought up and hope that these things are all looked at to make all three Warlock specs amazing, like they absolutely should be.
*A personal desire that I would like to see is the old school Drain Life AoE. That and Malefic Grasp just looked and felt cool to cast.
Also, return a bit more tankiness to the class. It’s not just flavor, it’s a necessity with Locks limited mobility. It’s not bad now but could definitely shine more. Drain tanking and rotting in Arenas/Bags is what got me into this game.
I believe that leadership and direction of the wow team needs to change, we’ve seen time and time again what the current team is capable of doing and look what it has gotten us? The last time we had significant changes made to the warlock class was back in MoP.
What the devs fail to understand is that a new expansion is an opportunity to spend the time and work on the classes and leave them in a state where they can survive long term, thus giving them more time to develop content and appease the bean counters and the all-mighty investors at their Q1-4 meetings. My suggestions for bringing back old skills are.
Spell/Fire stones - These could be like the Dk’s rune enchants. Infact these were enchants during cata in a sense.
Soul Link - We are no longer the tanky casters as we once were, melee eat us alive, Soul link baseline would help with that.
Backlash - If we had to choose between Soul link and Backlash as destruction I would choose the old Backlash because if melee are going to continue to beat on us, well then here are my instant incinerates. The only problem with this is if it was brought back it would need to proc all the time much like how the old nightfall used to proc. We need something to deal with melee again, our current tool kit is barren when it comes down to getting people off of us.
Metamorphosis - we had it once-a-pon-a-time, the lore supports it and just because they wanted to add DH’s to the game they removed it.
Demonic Sacrifice (Grimoire of Sacrifice) - We used to be able to sacrifice our demons for power, now we sacrifice them for wet noodles flying at the target. As it stands the only pets we can even gain a benefit from is the fel hunter and imp, the void walker and succubus do nothing and don’t even compete with a dispel and a counter spell.
Hellfire - Fast and dangerous aoe that we either had to cast in place or could cast while moving in the past.
Nether Protection - While we struggle to deal with melee, other casters damage are overlooked, when this proced we took reduced damage against that spell school for a time.
Ember Tap - we used to be able to use our embers/soul shards to heal us at the cost of us not using them for damage. How many people have self heals that are better than drain life and healthstone? Just about everyone and drain life does not even fit the destruction warlock theme/specialization/moto/bill/class identity its more for demo and a staple of affliction.
Devour magic back on auto cast for the fel hunter - If anyone remembers what it was like to have this bad boy on auto cast, we could sure as hell use it right now in bfa. The amount of passive procs and magic buffs thanks to azerite gear etc… is absurd.
Fel Flame - When conflag is on cool down and we are either running for our lives, kiting or just want to kill those shaman totems.
Shadowburn - Makes more sense than Fel Flame and is something we had in the past at the expense of a soul shard or using it during the execute phase.
These are but a few of the old spells and abilities we had in the past that would be a welcome change to destruction and demonology warlocks.
All I’d like to see… Baseline interrupt, just like every other class. I can live with everything else that are what I consider minor gripes about the class (for myself)… just a baseline interrupt.
Honestly this is probably going to be the big determiner for me. If SB is still our filler… I’ll find something else to play for another expansion. I hate the current rev of afflock with a burning passion. I don’t use Hate lightly either… it’s just painful to play.
Drain Soul is good enough as a talent that it’s a viable option if you’re not doing top 500 raiding or something of the sort, but we really shouldn’t have to give up a talent row to have an ability that used to be baseline and makes the spec play so much smoother.