Shadowlands Beta/PTR Compiled Feedback Thread

checks in

no new demo changes in build

checks out


I’m happy I’m not the only one hoping every day for a demonology change/rework.

Just got 2k4 in 2s and omg that was painful and insanely hard, we need some love :<

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I mean, they said 6 or 8 months ago that they’re not re-working demonology, but people keep talking about the expected demonology rework. Forum logic, I guess.

Bumping for demonology changes.

Not giving Demonology warlocks metamorphosis because demon hunters exist is so stupid. Warlocks did it for so long and they have lore as to why they do it. Along with why they do a bunch of other techniques. Yet it seems that’s forgotten.

Replacing Dark Soul with metamorphosis and giving some type of perhaps mastery and armor buff with a transformation model would be satisfactory. It doesn’t have to be how it used to be, we just want the fantasy that made us feel like ultimate demonologists. The ability to turn into a demon ourselves.

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They also said destruction wasn’t gettting changes and destruction got substantial changes.

Also they completely reworked Demonic Consumption into working like Thal’kiel did back in Legion about a month and change ago.

So I mean

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More changes for demo, please :pray:t2:

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They are really leaving Demo in the dust. Two okish legendaries, covenants that don’t really do much for the spec. Dead talents in our last row, pvp talents that haven’t been update for nearly 2 years probably longer.

A spec in 2020 filled with cast times to all their base spells but none of the feel good feeling from casting said spells, hand of guldan costing 3 shards but none of the razzle dazzle, there should be some form of strong demons from spending 3 soul shards, tyrant is the only that’s kinda cool and even that has a long set up.

A pet cast of 6 seconds, start a dungeon or raid only to have the pet dying to some form of misc. instant damage or getting stuck on some small corner in the ground to then use the 6 seconds to recast it because once the pet gets stuck it won’t reset.

Still almost no synergies within our spec. Add something to corruption please, and for the love of the void remove the damn cast time, what is up with this " we must add cast time to all of demonology’s spells mindset" when they don’t even reflect the damage, not even sure how you update the entirety of the mmo to become more fast paced but still keeping certain specs with old dated caster mechanics.

And of course no interrupt, yet again.

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Hopefully you don’t pvp.

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They said the same to shadow priest and they got a rework so we can keep asking :wink:

I am going to continue to advocate for significant Demonology changes as a player of the spec in high end pvp. So Friday Bump!


Does Blizzard read the class forums? Wouldn’t this be more useful in the beta thread?

Tbh most of the changes we have gotten over development has been exactly what was said in prior iterations of this original post so I believe they are in fact reading this thread.

Plus it’s the only place where every warlock specific video by content creators and Google doc by The Elite™ is linked.

Regardless I reposted the feedback on the beta warlock thread.


Sunday Bump


Here’s hoping for more demo love, bump


well that just makes us sound like pricks

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Well yall got fancy shmancy achievements and titles and mounts :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m a Filthy Casual who is primarily in it nowadays for the lore/story above gameplay

should prolly ask your venthyr question here just incase

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Lol sure

Favor: if you are a Venthyr and Not A Blood Elf and have done the Covenant Campaign, please talk to Kael’thas in Sinfall (bottom-most floor to the right) and confirm whether or not he says “Your Prince” and “our people” to All Non Blood Elves

Races of interest
-Non Belf Horde
-Void Elves
-NonVelf Alliance

Still holding out hope for some meaningful demonology changes. 42 days left Blizzard.