Shadowlands Beta/PTR Compiled Feedback Thread

Please for the love of the Fel let there be demo changes today. Like good ones


This is what i am hoping. Either damage to primary pet, or imp damage. Imp damage would scale really fast with how fast you would then generate shards, into making more, into keeping them around with a tyrant. I believe it would also increase implosion damage, so that might need tuned.

Or increase dbolt damage! There is a handful of ways… or…
Perma doomguard guardian?

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Or an option between a permanent pit lord and the ability to have two permanent demons out at once (two felguards, or one FG and one Imp, etc). Inner demons baseline would be ideal as well as soul strike. Replace sac souls and nether portal with the first two above mentioned ideas. Would be amazing


While having a pitlord has been my goal since shadowmoon vally in BC (enslaving the named pitlord there and dueling was fun), this could also set us up for a second pet? Taking the interrupt off the stuff for felguard.

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I would love options between pets tbh. A talent to allow us to choose between other greater demons would be amazing. Call Felhunter also needs to be baseline

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It wouldnt need to be baseline (as for some reason they are super against it?) if they gave us two pets. Run with guard/felhunter when needed or ill be rocking guard/succubus otherwise. I got the nice fel skin for her from cathedral of night and never get to see it.


Man, is there even gonna be a beta patch today? Lol

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Bruh every week we remind you it’s usually Thursday :joy::joy::joy:

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its normally weds man, but its been getting later in the day. Used to update about 3-4 hours ago, now its almost night before i see it

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Ngl I feel like in an ideal reasonable world they hold the xpac back, but it’s a lot of risk.

I haven’t been actively doing stuff in a beta since Legion but I just don’t recall this many bugs, inability to complete scenarios, regular DCs, broken systems, and more in prior betas with only a month until launch.

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No man it’s usually Wednesday :joy: the other guy pepino thinks it’s Tuesday :sweat_smile:

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Nothing :C

looking like the only update today was the PTR update. unless its delayed even more?

Hoping that maybe they didn’t wanna release two different patches the same day. Probably released the PTR one today and maybe the beta one tomorrow. Hoping anyway

We still have the same ReadyCast idle animation as Mages do. Why is there a different animation in the class selection screen and why isn’t it on the PTR/beta combat? The animation was datamined in the BFA beta and used as a world quest animation in Mechagon.

Either give me that new animation, or let warlock’s speak Demonic again. I’ll be happy with either one of them.