Shadowlands Beta/PTR Compiled Feedback Thread

BAAL, finalbosstv mentions you and this post in his latest warlock vid!, you making waves which is perfect.


People with alpha access have given up on the class. Thereā€™s been no activity in the alpha warlock thread for almost three weeks. Apparently because the devs said theyā€™re happy with how destro and demo are there wonā€™t be any big changes, so that means weā€™re not supposed to keep pushing for changes (like every other class is continuing to do). The mentality is ā€˜weā€™ve asked, weā€™ve been ignored, weā€™ve been beaten down, so likeā€¦ whatever.ā€™

Weā€™re going to go into SL with two specs that need far more changes, and people are going to cry about it for the entire xpac. Alpha is the time to push for change, alpha is the time they MAKE the changes (see balance druids)ā€¦ once weā€™re in beta, it will just be numbers tweaking and thatā€™s about it.

Unless more alpha testers speak up, REGULARLY, what we see is what we get. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Is it that alpha testers have given up on warlock or none of the alpha testers are playing warlock and compared to other classes barely any warlock mains were invited to alpha :face_with_monocle: :thinking: :upside_down_face:


They said that before alpha was even released so to give up now would be kinda dumb.


gonna agree here

on top of that there just havenā€™t been any changes to warlock in the last like 3ish weeks, all of the feedback is more or less current in that regard and people like Kalamazi are still making videos, Bay finished his warlock week and came directly to us for an idea of what to focus on for his videos. there is also alot of stuff going on via twitter and behind the scenes of people pushing for changes via extremely large google docs and manifesto-style write ups. 3 for reference would be THD (Limitā€™s top lock), Gahddo (our lead theorycrafter), Kalamazi as mentioned above, and some others as well including this behemoth of a thread. Iā€™d agree also that yeah, the lock mains i am aware of with alpha would be THD, Kala, DCarter, Nott, Gahddo and i think Malacath from the discord (donā€™t know them personally). people are trying theres just not alot to work with as of late.


Iā€™m going to post an idea made by Saoren in another thread. Cause itā€™s one of the best ideas iā€™ve seen so far
make cata baseline with maybe a shard cost and then that talent row exists

I think this would really solve a lot of issues with destro AoE, especially if catacylsmā€™s CD was removed (instant damage could be reduced to compensate).
This is assuming that a full duration cast of Rain of Fire is like 50% better than the initial damage from cata btw.
EDIT: (Alternatively you could place it on a 15 second CD so we can keep aoe immolation up and so RoF being a terrible ability matters a lot less.)

It would allow for some freedom in the aoe talent selection.
It would remove the clunkyness of cata being in our single target roation.
It would fix a big issue with our sustained aoe dropping off.


Cata going base line is not a bad idea but Iā€™d rather get rid of Inferno talent and replace it with Channel Demon Fire, and let us cast it while moving. We can still use Rain of Fire as a shard spender for aoe if the Inferno talent was just baked into the spell.

Hmmm now that I think of it, Channel Demon Fire could do a little less damage to keep it inline with the other aoe skills so it would not be the default talent to take in the aoe row like cata is right now in BFA. Cata for large burst, Fire and Brimstone for passive aoe and Channel Demon Fire for aoe on the move.

What do you guys think about that?

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lets just specify that you mean ā€˜Infernoā€™ The RoF talent that returns shard, not summon inferno our main CD before someone gets confused.

Honestly i agree that summon demonfire should go down, but to replace cata. I would rather see inferno buffed. In addition to itā€™s current effect the duration of the spell should go 2x as fast. So 100% damage over 4 seconds rather than 8.

So you get the choice of a higher QoL ROF, a burst aoe ability or a shard generate with FnB.

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This thread might not have a sticky, but I can do my part to keep it on the front page.

The only thing I can think to add at the moment is the 6sec summon seems like a PvP change and I am always 100% against PvP changing the way is balanced.


Right right, the inferno talent for Rain of Fire.

WTB meta back please. (For demo obviously)

And all the changes from the wonderful feedback all these lovely people have left for you, Blizz. Iā€™ll be your friend


Would it be better to move this thread to GD? Kinda feel like the class forums are dead anyway and devs pay no attention here. At least copy and paste OP onto GD.

I dunno. Feeling desperate for us I suppose

I donā€™t wanna deal with the notifications from other classes giving us a hard time so you are more than welcome to link the thread lmao :joy:

Oh riiiiiight. Didnā€™t think about that :joy:

ā€œRegarding Infernal CD, maintaining a 3 minute CD remains excessive given that it signifies that the balance between During-Infernal damage and Outside-of-Infernal damage is significantly large. Reducing the CD and/or buffing the primary toolkit (and perhaps reducing Infernal damage) seems necessary, similarly to the needs of Affliction.ā€

This is perhaps my biggest concern. 3 minute infernal and 2 minute Dark Soul line up feels awful.


Itā€™s crazy. You start a thread about SPriests, or how OP Havoc is and the thread blows up. Talk about warlocksā€¦ dead :disappointed:


Thatā€™s because GD is where warlock players go if they want to get banned


My biggest concern is no class regardless should be based around a 3 min cooldown to do damage and feel good, have the spec flowā€¦

Outside infernal 30 sec window you literally just press immolate on pandemic window, spam incinerate and every so often conflag and chaos boltā€¦

It doesnā€™t feel good at all :neutral_face:, atleast back in legion we had Dimensional Rift to help with high movement fights, which would help so much in M+ now.


I just want a worthwhile proc to play around. Mini infernals and the cloak proc do provide this at the moment. Without these then yeah it is really is boring. I hope the soulbinds can provide something where i can go ā€˜yeah i can get some nice value out of my chaosbolt from this procā€™.

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I agree, but rng is insane, some pulls Iā€™ll proc 3 visions, sometime I wonā€™t see any, we need consistency rather then random chance determining how we performā€¦

I hope soul binds are great, I hope shadowlands as a whole is great and that legendaries enhance our play style not determine and fix what we lack.