You can’t compare Classes to this. Classes at least add big diversity in playstyle. This? These are two dumb abilities. This is like having a talent tier that you can’t change. It’s dumb and you have nothing to compare it with.
Last I checked, most classes have multiple specs. If one is bad, I can just…swap. I know that word is spooky, but we have the option to swap specs if one is bad. And then, we can swap back without doing a 2 week long quest for the fire mage gods to access the spec again.
Maybe it’s just me but that makes it suspicious…
If accounts could only upvote something once I’d give it a little more faith, personally. I’m sure they can see behind the scenes though, for sure.
Aww, your cute but the whole point missed your head.
Yep, changing specs is easier than this, and specs are true sub-classes, Ion tries to tell us that these are sub-classes but they are not.
Thank you for your condescension and contributions to the thread.
Also, it’s “you’re”. You are cute.
Learn to have a mature discussion then maybe you’ll have a better contribution to society.
I just did. Because I see no difference if you are going to use they aren’t balanced argument.
And covenants most certainly add diversity. I have only leveled one character to max but I love my covenant ability. I really don’t need to spend days or weeks trying out the others, I know which one I like best.
You’re right. I think covenants should be open and freely swappable, clearly I’m a dreg of society. A nobody, practically a homeless person. Give me more welfare, welfare funds my covenant swapping ideals.
People have been saying “man I hope they don’t tie a lot of player power to it” since the day Covenants were announced at Blizzcon. Then they announced that it would be exactly the thing people had been warning about since the system was presented.
You are comparing specs and classes to this? Two spells that don’t even function properly with some specs is “diversity”?
Welcome to the streets, Urg my friend! We’re dragging society further into the gutter with every post!
It’s not like it’s a shock that that many people want to have their cake and eat it too.
It would be more impressive if they didn’t.
I see just because things don’t work 100% on beta means the system should be trashed. This is why blizzard needs to ignore people who haven’t even played with them a bit.
Oh forgive us for wanting to play the game in the same way we have played for around 15 years.
Oh forgive us for wanting to play the game in the same way we have played for around 15 years
But my meaningful choice!!!
I don’t see you being able to turn your druid into a dk.
They are far off the 100%, Night Fae MM Hunter is a disaster, Necro Enhancement Shaman is a disaster, Warrior has to choose between semi-permanent single-target or multi-target. It’s a disaster.
I literally don’t care. The one I picked works great.