Shadowlands Beta Forum: COVENANT SYSTEM DESIGN FLAWS DISCUSSION (2,4K upvotes)

It’s not min maxers ruining anything… it’s Blizzard refusing the base the game around the classes.

I didn’t say that. Now boss hp on retail in Ny’lotha, that will probably be scaled on a higher rate because those bosses were built around the idea of corruptions. Bosses in Shadowlands, don’t even both trying to use theoretical scaling on bosses from Ny’lotha because that won’t even be close to right.

Besides no covenant ability is going to make you do 50% or even 30% more damage than someone else. I’m not sure who pulled that number out of their rear end by they need to put it back there.

It’s not going to be about what covenant you pick. It’s going to be about knowing what you’re doing.

So who is the target audience for all these systems? Where is the proof that these layers of rental systems deters people from unsubbing? Do people subscribe longer because of rental abilities?

Based on how poorly corruption system has done to retain players and also keep current players playing these systems I am going to say a big fat no.

In fact, let me add that systemlands front loads these rental systems and chores.

BFA was a slow burn. First azerite armor and neck AP, then essences and then you had corruption.

Systemlands? Grind renown, grind anima, grind torghast for crafted legendary mats, gated soul binds and conduits.

Even the mission table returns in systemlands in a worse state than BFA, legion or WoD.

Mission table? Who is the target audience for this? :thinking: :+1: :thinking:


Pretty good read and excellent points and counter-points presented throughout. Amusingly, the number of likes on the post jumped about 500 during my time reading.

Corruptions were an experiment. They already said they’re not doing that system again.

I’d rather work on stuff from the beginning and know what I’m getting into. Also every mmo has some amount of grinding. Hells, even rpg single player games have grinding. So I’m not even sure why you’re whining about that.

The mission table is going to be a lot more interactive than slapping random followers until you get the % you want and then afk off somewhere else.

You have a very flawed opinion. It’s an opinion, but it’s flawed.

I think the primary source of the frustration isn’t with doing the grind, but with the concern that Blizzard is going to pull their heavy handed nerf hammer out and invalidate the entire grind when they force a certain subset of people to swap to a different covenant.

Grinding for something of value is not the same as grind for layers of rental systems in a MMORPG.

Gear is the only rental that is tolerated IMVHO, and even then it has some value beyond the tier, season or expansion.

What is the value of rentals in systemlands beyond systemlands? And that is a big problem.

You can not build a MMORPG foundation on layers of rental systems. :thinking:

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Dude. 30% is 30%. Holy Priests are healing 50% more than other Holy Priest just because of their Covenants. This idea that the squish is going to solve the unbalance is very dishonest on your part.


Isn’t interesting that immediately that you dismiss someone as whining when their opinion is something you don’t agree with? The concerns over a really bad system are legitimate given how other similar systems have been handled in the past.

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Over 3k as of today. That’s crazy.

I hope they come to their senses and make the covenants freely swappable.

Players can always self impose any restrictions they want (like they do today) and everyone else can enjoy the game however they like.


How many of those are from the same people switching characters? It seems extremely strange for that to have that many upvotes.

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Why would it be strange?

Because there is nothing special about that post and they do mentioned a “Russian Discord Group”. You don’t normally get that many people to even read a thread like that, let alone give it a like.

Just my opinion.

It doesn’t seem strange at all. It’s a post voicing against a needlessly restrictive system - it makes complete sense that so many people would be against it.

Even RPers and casuals are against the system - and their numbers outnumber those of all the min/maxing tryhards.


I am not against it. And guess what people like me don’t get to downvote a thread like that.

In any case, blizzards systems will pick up people switching characters to add multiple likes and they have given vacations for that.

And yet I haven’t seen a post with more than 3000 upvotes in a while. If changing characters is enough then everyone would do it. The truth is that multiple parts of the community are very concerned about Covenants. A system like this has never been implemented in the game and the first impressions from the testers themselves have been overwhelmingly negative.


People like you can always self impose covenant restrictions as much as you’d like if they make them freely swappable.

As other rpers have noted, you guys lose nothing with a freely swappable system. You’ll still have the option to choose to be committed/ loyal to a single group for as long as you’d like.


Did you read this. I don’t think a group of people should get together and run a campaign to get upvotes for a post.

And btw, as of now there are only 85 replies to that thread from 44 users. Something odd is going on.

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It’s a huge OP - so I can see a lot of people just agreeing with what is said and not being left with anything else to add given how detailed it is.

The person you quoted also said this:

You need some