Millions of people flocked to a version of the game where some specs literally double the damage of others. Have rallied to have things like SMF, 2h Enh or Frost put back in, regardless of the balance…
But a 5% dmg difference between two azerite pieces is “un-acceptable.”
5%? More like 20%. And it was even more at launch. This is even worse than Azerite. With Azerite you could at least farm more pieces. With this? The devs are trying to lock you.
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It was “20%” before players acquired amps in mass. Or do you think it’s coincidence that the top 6 specs right now are scaling classes than were never going to run IS or TD longterm…
More people superimposing a system they think they want over the designed one.
It doesn’t matter if every single person who’s ever played WoW wanted an extra layer of on the fly configuration - that’s NOT what this system was ever designed to be. Stop trying to put square peg in round hole, just because you want a square peg.
Really, what the lot of you want is an extra talent row. That’s not what this is, and not what it was ever intended to be. Make a thousand threads a day about a new talent row, I’ll back you all day, but don’t toss out a perfectly good system because it’s not what you wanted.
They are talents. Hard to change talents. That is what they are. I don’t care if they call them “sub-classes” because that is not what they are. And they are the ones trying to make a square go in a circle. Covenants don’t go with WoW.
Yeah, what would the designers of the system know, compared to random internet people?
Apparently nothing considering what they did with Corruption…
There’s a Russian class discord community?
This is my concern as well.
If you look at a list of everything that has to be balanced for Shadowlands, it’s staggering.
Every class has multiple specs, every spec has a myriad of talent choices. These are a given for every expansions balance concerns.
Now look at Shadowlands.
Not just classes and specs, but every class has to be balanced with every covenants ability, which means every spec of that class needs to be balanced with every covenants ability.
Now balance every possible combination of class/spec/covenant. Now balance every possible combination of class/spec/covenant/soulbind. Then throw some legendary items into the mix too, sure why not? Then if we do get tier sets back like they said they were planning for the second tier?
It’s laughable to think that all of these systems, in all of the multitudes of variations possible, are going to be a 1-2% difference as Blizzard states they are intended to be.
It’s going to be messy at best, if not an outright disaster.
apparently blizzard doesnt know
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When Shadowlands was announced, I liked the idea of covenants but fast forward today, I don’t like them now just because tying player power behind a choice is not meaningful at all and its going fall under the similar fate that is Azerite, essences and corruptions and I do feel that this is going to be an another balancing nightmare that has blowned up in their faces already that is corruption which is by far the worst system implemented in the game’s history.
The package that is Covenant’s is already enough, you the zone themed around it, you got the hub, you got the questline and lore, you got the other bonuses that add stuff to the zone, you got mounts, titles, pets, toys and transmog to go with this and with the cherry on top that is the covenant specific minigame and I don’t understand adding player power will add more to what it already has to begin with, You can add more meaningful things that isn’t tied to player power and wont directly punish someone if they choose the wrong covenant. If WoW was a single player game I would be fine with player power being tied because who cares on a single player game but WoW isn’t single player and tying power to a choice even though there is much already to the package is not meaningful.
I would still expect Blizzard to be still stubborn like they have been since BFA, this is the reason why I have some of my friends quit years ago and has no interest of playing again because of this mentality, I understand they want to make this work but the flaws are there and the negative feedback is becoming more apparent each day.
The package is already enough, just take the player power out of it.
chuckles at the people thinking there’s going to be a 30% difference or more importantly, doesn’t realize % values has a lot smaller actual impact when the base number is much smaller
Before you freak out, realize the actual math and take off the retail lens. We’re not going to be looking at the same numbers. Before you wig out going 30% omg broken op! The sky is falling! Ahhhhhh!
Actually realize the numbers in Shadowlands are going to be much MUCH smaller so that 30% isn’t going to have near the impact as 30% now.
Calm. the. frick. down.
Edit: Here I’ll even do a bit of math to help demonstrate.
Pre-Shadowlands: 20,000 x 30% = 6,000
Post Shadowlands: 1,200 x 30% = 360
360 isn’t going to put you suddenly top of the healing meters or be the difference in clearing or not clearing a M+ key.
So to re-iterate. Calm. the. frick. down.
30% is 30%. It doesn’t matter if the numbers are smaller, a % variance is going to affect the amount of health a bosses loses. I don’t get what point you’re trying to make here.
Do you smell that? Systemlands stinks a lot like Battle for Abilities.
A) It’s not going to be a 1:1 ratio on power vs Boss hp so drop that logic right there on the scaling
B) Healing or damage, a % boost isn’t going to carry you if you don’t know how to play your spec or class with the smaller numbers. With the smaller numbers even a 50% boost wouldn’t carry you.
If you’re talking purely %s then…yes, it should be a 1:1 ratio. What are you talking about? Are we suddenly going to just do less damage and keep boss health #s the same? 10% of a boss’ health can be 200 or 2 million, a % is a %. 30% of 1 million or 30% of 100 is the same if the boss’ health stays relative.
That’s just it, the boss’ hp is not going to remain relative for one, and again for two, precentage =/= actual numbers.
Will it help? Yes
Will it make you way more valuable than someone else? Absolutely not.
People need to realize covenant abilities =/= corruptions on retail and throw out the frame of mind already.
The doomsaying with covenants needs to give it a rest.
What do you mean boss health isn’t going to remain relative? If our damage is scaled down, the boss health should be scaled down with it. Or do you figure we’re gonna be doing 10K DPS against a boss with 200 Million HP?