Shadowlands Beta Forum: COVENANT SYSTEM DESIGN FLAWS DISCUSSION (2,4K upvotes)

Really? I didn’t have trouble with multi-specing in Legion. Also unlike Legion, the soulbinds and conduits and ability works across multiple specs so…still not seeing the issue everyone is claiming.

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They should just remove the Covenant class abilities entirely. Problem solved.


No need to throw the work away. Just make them accesible or swappable. Or even better turn them into talents.

I have this weird thing about throwing things that are trash away like trash.

Admittedly I may be the only person who doesn’t see the point of the class abilities at all though. Subjective opinions gonna subjective.


The abilities themselves are not trash. The issue is the restrictions placed on them.


Yeah, i’d prefer the effort on covenant abilities and soulbinds to be redirected to class design. Borrowed power sucks.


I just want borrowed power like conduits and soulbinds deleted from the game, let covenant abilities stay as aesthetic only and keep the covenants locked for “RPG” purpose.

There’s already stuff in place for “borrowed power”, and they couldn’t balance that out. Adding more is not going to work.


This is exactly it.

You didn’t? I hated it between farming legiondaries for multiple specs and having to grind the heck out of AP for multiple weapons, but that must’ve just been me.

Blizzard insists on making the classes incomplete to implement systems that plug the hole that she intentionally leaves in the classes…

Since WoD they started doing this and since WoD ppl starting to complain about classes…

What really improve / complete baseline skills should be TALENTS blizzard.


Most of us know that the design isn’t working, they need to switch back to complete classes again.


Tired of seeing this game ruined by minmaxers. Covenants will be fine.

I see very few minmaxers advocating against your ruining of the game.

Pull the RIPCORD!

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They won’t. The unbalance between them is enormous.

Heaven forbid we can’t have a little imbalance. Everything must be the same! NO DEVIATION WILL BE TOLERATED, YOU WILL COMPLY CITIZEN.

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We have a ton of that.

Straw man.

More straw man.


Little? You think 30% is “little”??


I theorise that people who think that 20%-50% damage difference is a “little”, those people doesn’t really do enough damage to feel a difference anyway.


I theorize that people that point out potential 20-50% damage differences haven’t figured out that there will be between 3-5 number/ tuning passes for covenants and classes before the mythic raid opens…

Oh yeah they will have this balanced like with Azerite or Essences or Corruption…oh wait…