Shadowlands Beta Forum: COVENANT SYSTEM DESIGN FLAWS DISCUSSION (2,4K upvotes)

Another person who wants free swapping of covenants or have covenant abilities not tied to the actual covenants. Also wants a reduction in the cooldown to the point where they want to swap conduits on the fly or for conduits to swap when changing specs.

So, basically they want what Preach wanted, something Ion specifically told them they’re not going to get.

Also before you harp on and on about how many ‘likes’ it got. Look at how many views it got as well. Almost 23k views, but only 3.3k likes. I wonder what the like to dislike ratio would actually be if dislikes were still on the forum.

No, the difference is actually as massive as people are arguing it is.

One of the Covenant abilities for one spec got nerfed by 97% from one iteration of the Beta to the next.

If you’re buffing or nerfing anything by 97% there’s some massive, massive issues.

And that is what Beta is for. You thinking they’d get the numbers right then is naive and ignorant.

So it’s bad because Preach wants it. And it’s good because Ion says it’s good. Ad Hominem.

I think im honestly gonna play either towards the middle or towards the end, mainly because thats when they always lift these arbitrary gates. Legion with table missions going from literal days to hours and ungating third relic slot to bfa giving away heart levels and finally making essences buyable for alts. This system will be no different when they lift the restrictions later.

I’m not expecting them to get the numbers right on live servers, let alone on Beta.

But 97% is a downright obscene number. If you’re nerfing that stuff by 97% on the Beta you’re probably gonna be nerfing or buffing stuff by 10% to 30% on live, and 10% to 30% is in some cases all it takes for one of these to be better than the others.

You may not realize this, but given the presentation of the system Blizzard actually needs to get it right the instant the system hits live, because a single change to a single ability that changes the heirarchy of a spec’s best Covenant choices is indicative of the system’s complete and total failure.

Blizz nerfs stuff massively for a number of years. So this isn’t anythign new.

And? Doesn’t mean it’s acceptable for stuff to hit live servers in a state that warrants such massive nerfs.

Blizzard nerfed Demonology and Survival by massive factors going into Hellfire Citadel, and Survival was straight-up useless as a result of said nerfs. Neither instance of nerfs was okay.

I never said it’s acceptable but this idea of somehow protesting a system because of something we know that’ll happen is insane. People who can most content can adapt and don’t need to OBSESS over the percentile that min maxxers need.

Um, Ion never said anything about not going to get it, he literally said they have a backup plan incase it doesn’t work out. Where do you think #Pulltheripcord comes from lol?

The issue is entirely preventable by just opening up Covenants.

What are casual players losing out on should they be opened up?

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I’d argue that even if somehow the covenants were perfectly balanced and all of them we good in all forms of content, it’s still a bad system to lock people. It’s fun to experiment and try different abilities in different content, or find cool interactions in new dungeons/raids. We are getting a level of character customization we’ve never seen before, it would be a shame if people only had access to 25% of it.

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Individual players lose things that you don’t see as something they should be. that’s pretty clear.

But that’s the thing, I am not against ‘experimenting’ with the talents. I just am not a stickler when a developer says ‘‘This is how this game should be played’’. I see it that it makes sense and I play it. I don’t play it if I find it not fun.

Preach effectively speaks for the 1% he’s right up there with the mythic raiders, the top players who push hard on content the moment it becomes available.

Also, you need to learn what ad hominem means before you throw the word around randomly.

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Preach gets way more subs and follows from people outside of your fabled 1%. Far more people agree with him than you.


And far less people agree with you than you bother with.

So people like his content, okay, that doesn’t change what demographic he’s speaking for when he’s pushing for game changes.

That’s what we are trying to tell you. I’ve played the beta quite a bit. A month ago I could make as many Paladins as I wanted with every covenant only a click away. I’d do one dungeon as Venthyr then the next one as Night Fae. It was a blast, I had so much fun testing the dungeons and swapping my covenants and soulbinds.

Now they wiped all those characters, I have leveled up and now I have to pick 1 covenant to test the rest of the beta as. It’s absolutely not as fun as before when I could swap freely. If the goal is to make the game as fun as possible, they need to not lock the covenants.


But you are ignoring what I wrote literally word for word. Maybe your idea of the game is not their idea for the game and you should be playing something else.