Shadowlands AOE cap is already breaking old content

I agree even leveling has gotten to easy. No challenge. While I’m still a causal i would Like some challenge back in the game.

Seems like a bit of an oversight tbh. Considering how tank damage can be higher then the DPS a lot of the times in BFA, (And given the AoE Cap, possibly higher unless they change that) i wouldn’t be shocked if everybody suddenly start rolling a tank but only because they want to DPS AoE.

And were not talking about the Min-maxers, or elitists. Heck, were not even talking about current content. What about old content? In order to AoE, roll a tank, even though the thing you need, has to be on that character you can’t AoE on, like a Mage? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Heck, don’t some of the content require you to AoE down things, including eventually BFA? Yea it will be nerfed, but so was SoO and you still have to break like 95% of boxes in that spoils fight, which contained mobs. :man_shrugging:

Unless all the content has been changed to compensate this change, like slowing and lowering down AoE enemies and only spawning like 2 or 3 and etc.

It would be honestly fine if it’s only in current content or in specific instances, but it’s in old content too, which would imply it’s everywhere, possibly in places where theirs a bunch of enemies. And before you say “it’s only extra 7 seconds”, that adds up. Just like a 1 - 2 second delay into anything, or 5% more or 5% less into anything, that all adds up.

Well I don’t care about the effects of aoe on current content, that’s not my fight so someone else will have to discuss those points with you. I will say though that if players being at a dramatic disadvantage is your stance then would you agree that it would be fine if aoe was only capped in content where it matters? What good does an aoe cap do in the open world or legacy content?

Also in regards to

We also didn’t have transmog farming for a majority of the game history but we do now and I would say it’s a pretty sizable part of the game.

I’ve played since BC but I’m on classic right now leveling as well, what’s challenging to you? I know I’m on classic so I just pull the amount of mobs that’s acceptable for that game. When I’m on retail I pull more and play more aggressively but there’s a limit as well. Know your limits and you remove the challenge.

Classic Daddy Blizz. “Fun detected, fun removed!!” :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

AoE still exists, it’s just differentiated from cleave. The sky isn’t falling, chicken little.

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I’ve seen aoe caps implemented in other games, and they’e always a horrible idea. They are absolutely infuriating for the vast majority of players, and they don’t actually fix a dang thing other than the devs saying you’re playing the game wrong you need to enjoy it the way we want you to enjoy it because we don’t like it when players have fun in ways we didn’t intend and we don’t like it because we’re the devs and players have to play the way we want them to.

You’re being optimistic. They probably won’t even acknowledge it’s a problem until prepatch 11.0, then they won’t backpedal for another 2 expansions because there’s no more communication between devs and players.

You do know raising a family and building a career isn’t mutually exclusive to playing games or having hobbies right?


So many of the same faces in here you normally see defending even the most idiotic changes Blizzard makes.


I’ll admit, I defended corruptions at first…EHEH…EHeh…I hate myself for that still.

They could cap aoes down to two targets and you’d still be able to tmog farm

You’d just be trying to avoid as much trash as possible

This is a pretty minor detail in the grand scheme of things

I don’t think we should be balancing anything around old content

Destro lock and moonkin are going to dominate M+. Uncapped AoE and decent utility? Ok. (Assuming the numbers are there).

A small step in the direction blizz wants. Which is time played.


way to ruin the game.

did someone say anti-fun?

this is the type of awkwardness that breaks immersion and sends players to another game.


They could remove aoe entirely and people would be able to transmog farm, that’s not the point.

What if what they want is on the trash? Like those Dragon Soul drops in the area around the first boss

:man_shrugging: everyone has their opinion


Me too. Hell I still do it with current content lol!!

With a longer gcd than wow

Oh, no! I won’t be able to kill 30 bugs in one global. What a crime. Well, I mean you. As a warlock I’ll still be able to obliterate them without a target cap. :slightly_smiling_face:

this is the stuff of nightmares.


*its gotta be a social experiment nobody wants to kill their own game this bad lol


Damn you are going to be miserable if you think that way.

Finally understand why Boomers thought we (X) were silly. Because now I think you are silly.

People over 25 have free time, really. Thanks for the laughs.

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