Shadowlands Alpha Voices

A Legion legendary’s flavor text said the titans have no records of Hakkar. If they experimented on him they’d have records.


Answered in a blizzcon Q&A. I can assure you that this is not a fistbump moment for Night Elf fans or a happy moment, and it’s definitely no satisfying conclusion or justice for Teldrassil.

Darkshore is one 1 out of 3 zones that were taken from us.


Okay cool but it was still a victory. You can’t just shift your complaint like that.

“We did not win”

“You did in fact win”

“We did not win the way I wanted us to”


Yes, we won Darkshore, but at the same time we didnt? It is still stuck in warfront cycle hell. Kaldorei are still homeless and weeping on the street corners of Stormwind despite them saying the Kaldorei homeland was reclaimed. It completely undermines the impact of a victory when you do not actually SHOW it with a final warfront conclusion phase of the zone.


No, we won darkshore
At this point you’re just complaining about game limitations

Soulflayer’s Corruption, yes. However, that doesn’t really amount to much when factoring in both that Loken scrambled the Titan records and that the Titans hid Uldir and the Chamber of the Heart and did not disclose this knowledge to even Highkeeper Ra-Den.

(Commentary): Portrayal is everything. We’ve had this conversation before. There is an uneven portrayal of victories between the Horde and Alliance as well. The Horde wins the War of Thorns, Teldrassil becomes a smoking backdrop, Darkshore is on fire, and Ashenvale’s Night Elf settlements are just a dump for corpses. The Alliance wins Darkshore and… Teldrassil remains on fire and we’re forever fighting the Horde over it.


Well yes, we won it. I even said so, at the same time it does not FEEL like we won it, because nothing reflects it in game. We had the same issue in Cataclysm when canonically we kicked the Horde out of Ashenvale but the game never changed to show this.

It is not ‘in game limitations’, it is the dev team being unwilling to devote the time to reflect what they say is a story conclusion in game.


It is reflected in the game on the weeks we have darkshore on patrol

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Maiev won Darkshore. With regular night elven and worgen forces. Tyrande was not even involved in that except for the initial assault. (though in the PTR she was initially planned to be involved, from the voice lines)
The Night Warrior curse was not needed to win Darkshore.


Tyrande is the quest giver for the world quests when we control Darkshore again.

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Blizzard said that we won the Warfront. Warfront was lead by Maiev.

Tyrande was the “overseer” and handed out the side quests that were unimportant to taking back control of Darkshore. It happens after night elf control is assumed :

Our victory is not complete until every Horde soldier is purged from Darkshore. Leave none alive.

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Which extra Valk are you talking about?

To my understanding 9 bargained with her in the short story and one sacrificed herself to send Sylvanas back and she had eight.

In Silverpine Godfrey blew her brains out and three of the eight sacrificed themselves to bring her back again. Then she had 5.

In Andorhal the Alliance PC kills one, leaving her with 4.

The nathanos story has her have one “reduce itself” to upgrade Nathanos to a new body. This did not get rid of one but left it noticeably weaker.

The Night Warrior questchain has Tyrande kill one and left Sylvanas with three.

She still has these three.

It is admittedly hard to keep track of them cause Blizz hasn’t been naming them. The one in Darkshore got a name just for that quest and if I am not mistaken one of the remaining three is still unnamed.

And then there are the Mawsworn Kyrians which will be new in Shadowlands.

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These are kind of contridictory statements, if there were still Horde soldiers active in Darkshore, and Tyrande was organizing clearing out the remainder after the warfront event, as in, you know, helping take back Darkshore.


I respect the Alliance perspective of what happened in Darkshore, but I think you also need to respect what happened from a Horde perspective, which is that that patch, from the cinematic onwards, was about the Horde getting its butt kicked.

You talk about not getting a satisfying victory. Fair enough. But for a Horde player, that patch is:

A cinematic which shows a horde patrol getting decimated.

The night warrior event which consists of a bunch of seemingly pointless quests that led to a battle with an invulnerable Tyrande and fleeing in terror.

And a warfront dominated by Night Elves yelling at each other, while you are apparently on the side of “destroy everything beautiful in the world.”

From a Horde player’s perspective, that whole patch felt like “why am I doing this?”


I’m glad to finally be able to play my Horde alts again now that BfA is over.


What has changed though? Besides the writers trying to whitewash the Horde

Don’t have to do any quests for Sylvanas now.


Wait until the jailer betrays her and you have to fight alongside her to defeat him :wink:

or something like that

Maybe she’ll betray the Jailer and we’ll have to fight alongside him to defeat her.