Shadowlands Alpha Voices

We can fight her, but we can’t defeat her since Nathanos and Sylvanas are absolutely not allowed to lose, take a hit and especially not to die.

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why they lose all the time then


They never lost. They got all they wanted

People keep thinking Danuser will protect Sylvanas, but Danuser also said he liked the TV ending to Game of Thrones, where Cersei just died getting crushed unceremoniously by a stone.


I didn’t watch GoT, but wasn’t there some very stupid redemption like they will do with Sylvanas and Nathanos?
Atleast that’s what I heard during that outrage.

Not really? If anything, what people compare Nathanos to is Jaime running after Cersei to be with her even after everything she had done and getting crushed to death right alongside her.


Okay then I have no idea actually

Either way it should be obvious to everyone what way they’re going with Sylvanas and Nathanos. There are basically only 2 options:

  1. They redeem them at the end of Shadowlands

  2. They drag their story on for another expansion

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thats normal

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Says one of the weakest trolls in the forums to begin with

This is annoyingly true at least.

(Commentary): This just seems to be the entirety of the Expansion as far as the war is concerned.


a good point! i aggree


Of course whether Danuser sees Nathanos as Jamie Lannister or Euron Greyjoy(who dies before Jamie) is another story.

The Jailer will probably abruptly kill her right when she is boasting about her plan to claim the power of the God of Time for herself.

The Daenerys of the WoW Franchise(most likely Yrel or AU Xe’ra) will of course go on a final temper tantrum and rampage across the WoW Universe burning Azeroth.

Eh I see it more as clearing out the remnants after the night elves have already taken back decisive control over Darkshore. Which the Warfront is for.

Maiev was the leader for the major contribution, who wiped out the major Horde settlements and drove out their leader.

Either way, my point remains that the Night Warrior wasn’t needed to take it back, because she doesn’t even do those world quests herself, but asks the player, with the help of Ancients in some cases.

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You know there was a cinema before that, where a whole nation, a playable people was burning, to even begin to compare a patrol to that is not a good starting point for an argument, because it feels like it undermines the previously inflicted “loss”.

Fleeing into terror with insults on your lips? …yeah, somehow it doesn’t fit.

Isn’t the buff only active on Alliance side and not on Horde side?

Good point, but that’s not because the night elves can’t get anything out of this so-called Tides of Vengeancy, except for a meaningless FAQ comment nearly 1 1/2 years later, something that was never shown, and only told again. This certainly doesn’t make the Night Elf com forgive Teldrassil, especially when in 9.0 this meaningless powerup could be potentially fatal, even though the previously necessary showing of this omnipotence was not done.

Honestly, 8.1 would have had to be a really crushing defeat for the Horde in Ashenvale and Darkshore, the Warfront would have been on the outskirts of Ashenvale where the Horde is desperately trying to stop the night elves from marching towards Orgrimmar, that would have been a good story, where the quest before shows you the danger of the Night Warrior, with the cleansing of Darkshore and Ashenvale.


Well if this is true, I definitely should not be hearing the Alliance tell me I won the war of thorns, because the horde’s npcs have done nothing but tell me how evil it was to burn all of those people. Definitely not a portrayal of victory, just needless genocide.

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I would post a picture, but… Forums.

Watch the Horde cinematic for the Broken Shore, 56 seconds in.

There are 5 Val’kyr.

I agree, especially since that it would make his declaration of being the Loa of Blood and Death more impactful. Like instead of seemingly taking advantage of a situation like it comes off here, he would be responsible from the beginning.

The last three of the original nine are Kyra, Signe, and an unnamed Val’kyr.

That is rather weird…perhaps it was meant to one of the Lesser Val’kyr seen during the Battle for Andorhal.

Just watched the video and you are right there is a fifth Val’kyr when they fly overhead.

Wouldn’t really improve it cause A) we are getting are butt completely and humiliatingly kicked in an expansion where after the War of Thorns we are almost constantly failing and B) because we are still the Bad Guys and we still aren’t given a compelling reason to be there. Name one major conflict the Horde actually won after the War of Thorns. Hell we even failed to stop the seal on Ghuun being broken and we spent literally our entire leveling experience trying to stop it happening.

I have seen Alliance players treat the War of Thorns as a great Horde victory but since we are talking presentation, I might point out that the whole war of Thorns was just to force the Horde into the Villian role again and ended with us supposed to be horrified at the actions of our own faction. People seem to forget how angry the Horde playerbase was after the end of the War of Thorns before the Old Soldier cinematic came out. That ‘victory’ wasn’t popular.

For the same reason I don’t see any way they could spin the Darkshore quests to make the Horde heroic at all since again we are the bad guys. Just having our butts kicked more would make it more humiliating being forced into a villain role. Not unless they flipped it somehow and made the NEs the villians which I think would undermine what the Alliance wanted out of it all.

In short the fundamentals were flawed. It isn’t a narrative you could have fixed for both sides and trying to fix it for one would only screw over the other harder. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just deluded or only cares about how the story felt for their side and is fine with the other faction players getting screwed.

Yes because your not really concerned about the Horde experience. Fixing one sides issues shouldn’t require the other side to get completely screwed over. That is just like Horde players saying the Alliance should go full evil so the Horde can be the good guys fighting against the Alliance villains. It would probably make the Horde players feel somewhat better, particularly since it would make the Alliance moral high ground completely hypocritical, but it would upset and anger a lot of the Alliance players seeing their faction betray its core values.