Shadowlands Alpha Voices

Because one is the dev’s pet faction that never suffers any consequences for their actions. The other is… the Alliance.


This is misleading, as everyone already covered that they were not on equal footing. In fact, because you can get Nathanos down to 0% Health, even though he won’t actually die, Nathanos would still have been dead twice over. Literally:

Even more amusingly, his 200% damage increase? Meaningless in comparison to the Night Warrior buff that Tyrande got:

The funniest part is while the tooltip reads “Damage taken from outsiders reduced by 99%,” it actually went beyond even beyond that, as for some reason it had the funny affect in-game of making all of Nathanos’ attacks against Tyrande and Malfurion register as “Miss” so it didn’t look like he could hit them at all, and 200% of 0 is still 0.

To note, Blizzard actually did foreshadow the Shadowlands and referenced to the future cinematic in 8.1.5 in the Uu’nat fight:

    N’Zoth whispers: The veil wanes. His crown will open the way.

This is incorrect. As Gornur and Zahirwrite pointed out, even Alliance side, you cannot mechanically kill Brynja yourself. You can get her down to 0% Health (Nathanos, too, for that matter, as I said earlier), but neither will actually die, until the scripted event where Tyrande casts a meteor on Brynja that kills the Val’kyr. Hence Nathanos decrying Tyrande, not the player or Malfurion.

However, ultimately, despite all this, the emotional point of the complaint still stands true:


This is what it boils down to.

I don’t doubt that the Jailer was supposed to be empowering the Val’kyr and Nathanos. The problem is there is absolutely no indication of this in the narrative. Nobody ever questions how Nathanos is standing up to Tyrande. Just like how nobody questioned how Sylvanas fought Malfurion at Darkshore or turned into a fog monster at Lordaeron.

You can’t have a mystery if you don’t have characters questioning it. Without someone bringing these changes up it just makes it seem like it’s just another one of Blizzard’s many cases of changing power levels as the plot demands, instead of them actually being magically supercharged.


I don’t. He’s my friend. Same reason I don’t want Elune to ever be truly “revealed” or explained or anything I don’t want Hakkar to ever really die or be explained either. He’s an ancient evil, more badass than the Old Gods.

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That’s why I don’t like him. He really just comes off as a random loa corrupted by the Old Gods and self-proclaiming to be a god, but doesn’t actually do anything all that special from any other loa.

because he has been kept in check. the one time he was summoned he caused the gurubashi to resurge rapidly, but wreaked havoc with the blood plague all over the jungle. which funnily enough the return of the blood plague is also like a historical moment in wow. no other villain in wow has actually caused the game to have like a real virtual plague released throughout it to the point the devs had to come in and fix it. i’d actually say that is doing something more special than other loa.

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We’ve beaten Hakkar too many times for him to be a credible threat. He’s so deep in the “merely a setback!” hole that he’s a joke of a character.

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Hakkar should have had the role they’re giving to Mueh’zala honestly. He’s probably going to be gone for good here so he should get a big sendoff instead of being a mid-dungeon boss fight and having a new guy from out of nowhere taking his spot as the ultimate evil loa.


The pre-expansion event to Wrath of the Lich King was actually exactly this, too.

That was planned though, wasn’t it? Hakkar broke the game. Honestly when I played through Classic Sunken Temple I remembered why it was one of my favorite dungeons of old wow. Not only the whole maze structure that immerses you in it, but the summoning of hakkar at the very end if you manage to have the pieces for it really makes you feel the ancient evil. Only Yogg Saron has had the same effect on me.


Players broke the game.

I also really liked Classic Sunken Temple - aesthetically and lore wise, not game map wise, but that’s a different matter.

But this was also the start of my dismissal of Hakkar. “Ah. Spirit corrupted by the Nightmare. Got it.”

They wouldn’t have without Hakkars plague!

I didn’t think that way at all. I thought “spooky ancient evil these dragons really really really don’t want being brought back to life”.

Part of my increasing disinterest in WoWs lore has been its explaining away of everything old into the new mechanistic cosmology. Idk, it’s just like a disenchanting of the world for me. But I guess different people have different interests. I prefer the world to have a bit of mystery.

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I mean, to be frank.

There has been massive indication that she’s been getting power and in a deal with someone since Legion, when she gained an extra Greater Valk from nowhere.

Then in every single narrative appearance she has had since Genn from there. To losing to Genn to fighting Malfurion to stand still.

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But this is why I dislike Hakkar. It’s Blizzard trying to be mysterious, but everything already pointing to a clear answer. Like a detective show where you already know who the killer was in the first five minutes of the show and are just sitting there watching the investigators flounder around until they can give their big monologue reveal in the last five minutes of the show.

It’s an objectively excellent burn.

Edit: I had it coming, too.


I mean I don’t think it has a clear answer though tbh. Like only thing to be going off of is the fact there is green dragonflight down there.

They added a quest in Cataclysm about having Old God blood in Stranglethorn driving things insane. And then they had Uldir be entirely about the Titans intentionally Old God corrupting loa and then improperly disposing of the bodies and tied Hakkar’s very blood plague into it, too.

Okay so recent development, which is disappointing. I didn’t pay much attention to Uldir tbh. As you can see I am not a fan of most of the recent developments of the cosmology/lore. The one exception is the possibility that “void does not mean bad per se” and the void elves attempts at mastering their insanity, which is both dear to me and something that for once is a little bit mysterious again.


You :clap: Won :clap: Darkshore :clap:

Seemed like the route they were heading down. Using the supposedly all powerful power of Elune would likely have the drawback of death given mortals are not supposed to have that kind of power. Kinda funny to think it could potentially kill Tyrande but it couldn’t kill Nathanos.