Shadowlands Alpha Voices

You are the one who says darkshore is a lost when nathanos ran away with his tail between his legs, after Tyrande killed his jailer empowered valk. than and blizzard saying straight up that the nelves won


(Commentary): Seems to be something they like doing with Alliance elves. Void Elves? Congratulations, you can do everything Mages can do but with purple skin and oily, tentacle hair. Oh but you’ll also eventually go insane to the constant onslaught of whispers chipping away at your sanity. Night Warrior? Tremendous Cosmic Power from the one truly confirmed deity of the setting! Congratulations, you can now trade blows with Nathanos Blightcaller on an even footing (something Jaina’s elementals can do too). Unfortunately, you’re going to die for this amazing power.


maiev literally says all the night warriors died, in the quest, and now we literally have hope that there is a way for that not to happen lol, cherry picking must lead to a miserable existence.


(Commentary): Just pointing out the way it is supposed to work. Obviously Tyrande is not going to die to the Night Warrior curse, or whatever it is. That doesn’t change the fact that the price for that underwhelming power is still death. It’s what you expect going into it.


The night warrior powers did have an upside. The issue was that Tyrande’s powers were so inflated and poorly-contained in the first place that the game didn’t (couldn’t?) adequately portray the power boost. The representation is crap, sure.

But the night warrior stuff has also had warnings seeded about it throughout the expansion. From people mentioning that even watching the ritual can murder you, to being ripped apart yourself, to having NPCs showing concern that Tyrande might become unstable, and even Azshara mockingly calling it a forbidden ritual. And if you want to take old god prophecies into account, then there’s “the fall of night brings her true face and she will bring only ruin” is something you can actually link to an in-game event. This hasn’t been very subtle.

Now, could she die? Meh, I won’t deny it’s a possibility, but personally I don’t think she won’t, for the same reasons why the night warrior’s supposed to still be a danger in the first place; Blizzard wouldn’t be writing these lines about her if they didn’t want some kind of follow-up for it.


Couldn’t agree more. How do you give a character a super power up and display said power up so poorly? Only to then lead it into a story line about the character’s possible death. How stupid.


Christ, where is the off switch?


Well its always a problem with horde vs alliance stuff, you cant have a character seem that powerful cause it’d make the other side upset

Interesting to note is the fact that the Brokers claim that the Arbiter sees every truths indicating she is using Time-aligned powers like Elisande…

If the Orb is a Naaru then the Arbiter clearly failed to live in the moment and sentenced Sylvanas to the Maw because she saw what Sylvanas was going to do.

The Arbiter is nothing more than a pawn of the Void accidentally aiding the very beings she imprisoned for seeking the end of all things!

Part of the problem with Night Warrior is player power creep itself.

We get massively more powerful in game from say, WOTLK to now, but the reality of it is our players are still, more or less, the same power level they were in Vanilla.

The only real outlier to that has been Legion, where we were on par with legendary heroes like Tirion, etc. In some cases as powerful as demi-gods or loa.

Tyrande killed a Greater Valkyr. A greater Valkyr while fighting off Sylvanas elite bodyguard, a PC, and Nanthanos, and multiple Dark Rangers. A greater Valkyr who, we learn later on, is buffed via new death magics and the pact pretty much demands the Valks be empowers as Sylvanas was, since they are soul bound (HINT HINT HINT for lore inspiration of Shadowlands mechanics).

It’s easy to forget that Nanthanos was, at his prime, killed by a dungeon boss in Vanilla. It’s easy to forget that Onyxia, who most of us can oneshot in game, is still probably powerful enough to destroy armies and raze Stormwind to the ground.

It’s easy to forget that Illidan, the same one we fought against in BC and who lost to Arthas is strong enough to kill a Prime Naaru.

It’s easy to forget that Arthas, were he alive today, would STILL probably kill the players.

It’s easy to forget that (and we might learn more of it here soon) the Scourge is still an unbeatable army.

It’s easy to forget that what we see happen in game is not, in fact, a representation of how it went down in lore. Tyrande and Nathanos didn’t sit there swinging at the air for 10 minutes while the quest played out. What appeared to be an even match Is just as likely to be an overwhelming defeat.

And yes, presentation can be argued.

Presentation is overwhelming that The Night Warrior is a major power increase, and the outlier is the battle against Nannythanos.

Not the other way around


You seem confused about what “being right” means. Not being proven wrong yet is not the same as being right.

Here’s an example: if I claim that, in 2032, a pink elephant named Alfonso is going to magically appear in the skies over New York to spread a magical message of peace and happiness, I can also claim, accurately, that I haven’t been proven wrong yet.

That doesn’t make me right.

“Being right” means making a claim that can be tested and confirmed or disconfirmed and has passed the test.

You are offering opinions and acting as if they true because they have not been disconfirmed.

Also, you have frequently made absurdly alarmist declarations that did, in fact, turn out to be no more than your hyperventilating, hyperbolic misinterpretations of a small bit of information.

Much like this claim will turn out to be. But do any of us think you will own up to that fact? No, you will have long since moved the goalposts on to something else and pretend to have never made the original claim.


Really. You think that is an accurate description of the event in game, do you? Isn’t your tedious RP gimmick that you only use facts and logic?


(Commentary): It’s an accurate description of the portrayal we were shown.

(Commentary): Facts are presented by Statements. Commentary is opinion or even a stated fact given some flair from personality.

(Query): What’s your gimmick? Karen’s on the warpath because all the stores are closed and there aren’t anymore managers to demand to see?


It objectively is not. You omitted the two giant death-angels that were empowering him. That’s a big deal, and you cut it out because it conflicted with the false narrative you’re presenting.

Just like every night elf poster does when they moan about “A zombie with a bow.”


Is it though? You don’t think it’s just a little disingenuous not to mention that it is Nathanos PLUS the Prime Val’kyr pumping all of its life force through him PLUS dark rangers PLUS the PC and Tyrande still wins quite easily.

Because [Tyrande]…

…sure seems to imply that it took the Night Warrior empowerment just to make Tyrande even with plain ol’ Nathanos. But surely that’s not the impression you were trying to give.

Lol. Someone’s getting a bit catty! I like it.


(Sarcasm): My apologies, it was silly of me to think that a Goddess empowered Tyrande could handle two Val’kyr and Nathanos at the same time. So, going by the fact that Alliance players in the Western Plaguelands take down such a being along with about 5 or so farmers turned militia, this would put Tyrande’s power up at about… what? 10 farmers and 1 low level PC? Truly, the blessings of Elune had no limit.

(Commentary): I understand that the Night Warrior was meant to be a significant power boost and, honestly, until coming across Nathanos, it was. Watching Tyrande immobilize an entire camp of Forsaken, killing dozens of Horde with a single move, etc… was quite impressive. Where it falls flat is the Nathanos encounter. Tyrande was NOT a weak character before becoming the Night Warrior by any stretch of the imagination. She was already on par, if not beyond, characters like Jaina Proudmoore, Thrall before losing shamanism, or even Velen. The Night Warrior didn’t seem to give her any strength, it just undid whatever shackles had been placed on her in WoW, and let her unleash the Goddess’ fury as effectively as she did during WC3.


Ummm…she did. Plus dark rangers and the PC. Quite handily.


The problem was a matter of plot armor with Nathanos. They had already decided they had use for him. The upcoming book where he is a main character? Yeah that began being written probably before that quest line even released.

As He was already flagged as unkillable they should of simply… not had him there. OR had him die and one of the Val’kyr sacrifice themselves to revive him and fling him through a portal. The approach they took for him to flee was the problem, more than the idea itself.


why does this matter, he ran way, its not like he beat tyrande and then let her live.

Is she on par with the jailer, do you even know where the jailer is on the scale? You dont, for all we know the jailer, is more powerful than sargaras and elune

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(Statement): The Jailer was not present for that encounter.

(Commentary): So far as we know, even Nathanos isn’t aware of Sylvanas’ bargain with the Jailer. There’s nothing to suggest the Val’kyr got some kind of power up between Cataclysm and BFA either. Also, I do happen to think Tyrande, as the Night Warrior, should be able to wipe the floor with any of the Jailer’s lackeys, even Sylvanas, in the lands Elune has been blessing since before the War of the Ancients. Different story in the Shadowlands itself, but Darkshore is quite plainly, Elune’s territory.