Shadowlands Alpha Voices

Grand Proctor Beryllia has been found eh?

Oh yep, that’s who it is. I wasn’t sure if there were going to be naaru in this. She has a line mixed in a few minutes later with some others about how zralis or whatever the naaru’s name is, shouldn’t have tried to escape.

Naaru’s name is Z’rali.

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I’m pretty sure one of the dungeons in Revendreth has a captive naaru that the vampires use to torture sinners by exposing them to its Light.

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Sanguine Depths is the name of the Dungeon that Z’rali and Grand Proctor Beryllia are in.

Were already dead.

Is not canon because the alliance player was there too so it balances out.

It was really just Nathanos and the Val’kyr in the end that completely ruined the entire revenge for the Night Elves and showed the race as a threat that doesn’t have to be taken serious at all.

I mean… no? Nathanos literally couldn’t touch Tyrande. And Nathanos is a faction leader strength dude. The only human ranger lord.

And he was killed by a level 50 dungeon mob in Vanilla.

In game stuff just isn’t how it works in lore.


His goal was to raise the Night Elves, he was able to do that WHILE standing against Malfurion and Tyrande.

Making him flee without a scratch eventually after he reached all of his goals is supposed to be the revenge for Teldrassil and the war of thorns? like what?

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His health actually drops pretty low if I remember right. The complaint I had there was they just… fly off. Tyrande just… lets them go, because the power of plot armor compels her. It would of looked 300% better if at the last moment the remaining Val’kyr had emergency teleported them all away instead of… flying off cackling.


I mean, no? Blizzard has quite clearly said that story is on going.


Nathanos raises dead bodies directly? He’s not just telling a valkyr to do it?

They never said that the revenge plot is going on.

What’s going on is a story where we have Tyrande struggling with her powers so she either loses them or dies… this is not what we asked for at all.

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elesana is clearly referencing this.


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And they’ve since said things aren’t over. That the Alliance isn’t healed. That plenty in the Alliance are not ok with how this went, and that everything isn’t being forgiven.

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I was merely referencing the citation, we would need more information that will be available on shadowlands about the night warrior and tyrande, this is in order to have an informed opinion but if you want my uninformed opinion i dont care, if they develop this further it will be too little too late.

That was indeed Shani Edwards, however with the Shadowlands reveal we got another interview:

    Game Producer Shani Edwards: We’re gonna learn more about Tyrande’s story. Obviously, she is still very upset about what happened to her people. That’s going to lead her to Ardenweald. She’s gonna get some answers to some questions, and there’s gonna be some stuff coming with her that’s too spoiler-y to talk about but there’s more Tyrande…. All I can say is she has a pretty big story moment in Ardenweald. Very big role also.

    Blizzard Watch: Are we gonna learn more about Elune while we’re there?

    Lead Game Designer Morgan Day: That’s well into spoiler territory!

    Shani Edwards: Can’t [talk about that]!

Maybe the game producer was trying to make up for that previous statement.


I mean nowhere did they say that the revenge plot isn’t over? And they never took that specific statement back? So far everything looks like that statement still holds true that 8.1 was the entire revenge plot so…

From what’s datamined it looks more like they still hold onto that logic and now want Tyrande to pay for that great revenge she got…

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In the interview you’re clinging onto where Shani Edwards said “she got her revenge for the Night Elves” Shani Edwards also said “Nazjatar is going to shift to delve into other characters and to see more of what Sylvanas and Anduin are up to.” And Nazjatar had nothing to do with Sylvanas or Anduin. Neither showed up at all for Patch 8.2. So you’re clinging onto the words for someone who didn’t know what they were talking about.


The wording still very clearly says that Tyrande got her revenge in 8.1 for the Night Elves - thus the Night Elves got their revenge, no matter if Tyrande or Sylvanas were important in 8.2 or not. She would have said it way differently if she just wanted to say that Nazjatar won’t be about Tyrande, but she chose to say that the Night Elves got their revenge so that this plot and those that hoped for a continuation or conclusion could be quickly dismissed.

This statement still holds true to this day and I already mentioned many reasons why. That statement implies that the entire revenge plot is over, not “over for now” or “won’t be addressed in Nazjatar” - it simply means that it’s OVER and that it won’t be continued at all.