Shadowlands Alpha Voices

No, we don’t. Only the tiniest subset of the playerbase ever touches the books. Putting important story beats in books is awful storytelling.

She launched the war on-screen in the game. Anything that she didn’t say then and there is irrelevant.

This is the story forums I would hope that most people here would read them

People don’t buy the game to read books. It’s supplementary, but not mandatory content. Blizzard should make it a point to match in-game content with what is portrayed in the books.


this… besides even on these forums, since they chose to retcon canon at their convenience i see little reason to spend my time or money on literature that they can just discard away, remember BtS? sylvanas just lied to herself on her mind to fool us, gee, 5d chess indeed.


The book elegy and good war are free and actually they don’t really retcon books like only the super old ones have had parts retconned

People keep going on about Elune being the only real god but frankly I haven’t seen anything in game or out that tells us what Elune truly is and the devs have been furtive about the truth. I think she almost certianly fits somewhere within the existing cosmology so I think people who are completely sold on her being some true supreme deity should probably brace themselves for disappointment.

Your whole premise for selling it to Horde players is they are defending Orgrimmar from being wiped out. That means that the potential for the strongest center of power in the Horde being wiped out by two homeless alliance races without much support from the rest of the Alliance would exist. You really want the power disparagment between the Alliance and the Horde to be even more pronounced?

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In Canon the Horde would win this warfront in the end, but in terms of game mechanics there would be the same back and forth as in Darkshore or Arathi.

And the night elves lost little of their military strength, but thanks to Nightwarrior they were more powerful than before.

That’s what Metzen said about Elune, and Metzen also wrote the chronicles, so jai, I still believe that.


What about them? you still could buy chronicles and the other novels, what i meant is their statement that the books are all canon until they arent because theyre only from a certain point of view, if nothing is set in stone why would it matter?

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even the chronicles are still canon lol

The tearstone of Elune, a Legion legendary item, calls her one of few true deities, though I wonder who the others are supposed to be:

“The myth surrounding Elune, one of the few true deities of Azeroth, suggest her true identity might not yet have been fully understood.”

Anyway, deity doesn’t really mean supreme universal power in WoW, so this discussion is moot anyway.


In canon the Alliance strike force had to GTFO fast before the Horde forces returned from their diversion. Holding the capital was not an option.


Your still missing the point. Imagine if the Goblins and Forsaken, without any support from the rest of the Horde, had Stormwind under seige and the city was at serious threat of falling. Orgimmar is the center of Horde power. Your suggesting a scenario where two of the most mauled and logistically weak races the Alliance has are in a position to potentially being that city down, a city which is the most heavily defended city the Horde has, by two unsupported races. Might as well tell horde players their faction is pathetic and barely able to defend itself. The Horde already failed and practically every military engagement they had. The only success the Horde had this expansion was the defeat of Ghuun, and that only became necessary because of the Horde’s repeated failures to stop Zul’s plans.

This is what your struggling to get. How pathetic and weak this makes the Horde look. The expansion already did that. This would make it so much worse.

Metzen, and Blizzard for that matter, said a lot of things which haven’t panned out to be true. Orcs came from a peaceful shamanic society for one.

More importantly, Metzen said it before they built the current Cosmology and Metzen hasn’t had any input in the lore in years.

I think the Alliance could have tried and possibly succeeded in holding the city if they wanted too but there was little strategic value in it. The Zandalari populous would have been extremely hostile and with the fleet wiped out and much of its military killed, Dazar’Alor held little strategic value. Case in point, Zandalar becomes pretty much unimportant after the raid on the city and the Zandalari are pretty much uninvolved in the war from then on.

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How? The whole event was written that this was a fast strike force that needed a diversion to succeed. As soon as the Horde returns they roll right over the small Alliance force that gets in their way. Jaina herself got pummelled buying time for the rest to escape. So did Mekkatorque. Setting aside the hostile population, the Alliance didn’t even have enough to hold Dazar’Alor against the Horde.

It’s contrary to all evidence to suggest that the Alliance could have held Dazar’Alor. If they hadn’t run, they would have all died.

A couple of things:

  1. A large chunk of the Zandalari navy was wiped out, but at least a third of the fleet survived, since that was what was sent with the Horde to handle the diversionary attack.

  2. Nowhere is it suggested that much of the Zandalari military was killed. The Zandalari military doesn’t just all sit around on its ships. A good chunk of it was with us, wiping out the Alliance diversionary force. There are numerous fortresses, encampments, dinosaur riders, etc. visible all around Zandalar, and around Dazar’Alor itself.

The Alliance strike team certainly inflicted casualties, but the whole point of that operation was a fast, surgical strike. They weren’t there to go toe to toe with the whole Zandalari military, and would have got annihilated if they had.


12:50 Anyone else get the vibe that the Arbiter isn’t as benevolent as she’s supposed to be. This sounds like some weird brainwashing.

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And even Saurfang said that Tyrande and Malfurion is too much for the Horde, but now one is Pissed AF and the other more powerful than ever, plus every single night elf around them is buffed and therefore stronger than before, yes, I’d say it’s a dignified match between equals. Finally and finally, don’t forget that even the Night Elves were able to keep up with the Horde pretty well, but now with Night Warrior and a pissed off Malfurion and their real military? + worgen.

Yep, I’d definitely say that’s a match.

the night elf and worgen don´t need much logistig, they have nature allies and are surrended by nature.


Nathanos alone was enough to take on both of them, they really aren’t a threat to the Horde at all, especially with their people near extinct now.

I meant if that was their goal. They sent a strike force but if the really wanted to hold the city they could have rolled in in force. They had the entire Kul Tirian fleet to carry troops in if they wanted to. However that wasn’t part of their stratagy so you don’t see them throwing a massive force. The whole idea was to distract the horde and do a hard strike to break the Zandalari’s power before withdrawing.

Talanji pretty much says at the end ‘now we have nothing to offer I guess you will be abandoning us’. That doesn’t suggest Talanji sees much to offer. I might also point out the Zandalari had just gone through a civil war and they lost quite a few troops both in the Alliance attack and in the distraction. The Alliance literally had hand held tech which let them MC those Dinosaurs and send them rampaging through the Zandalari’s own troops. It is actually kind of depressing that the Zandalari bring these cool dinosaurs and they end up being as much as a hindrance as a benefit. Those Dinosaurs ended up being rather useless.

Well every commander in the Alliance must be the very height of incompentance because if the Alliance is that overwhelmingly more powerful than the Horde then the Horde should have lost in the first month and the whole idea of a faction war would be a joke. Hell, logically with that mindset, the Horde should have lost Orgrimmar because they have nothing that can stop Tyrande or Malfurion.

You seem to be missing the fact that Horde players don’t like the fact that their side is presented as much weaker was well as villians. Not only are we the bad guys but we are cowardly and weak bad guys.

It stuns me you cant see why Horde players would hate this with every fiber of their being.


She would just have come off as a hypocrite any way, given her open assassination attempt against Genn was part of the reason he was attacking her in the first place.


Nathanos, multiple Dark Rangers, and the Forsaken Royal Guard, Sylvanas personal Bodyguard, the horde player, and a Jailer empowered Valkyr.


It’s the VA who did Yrel at 1:17:55 using the same voice, it’s probably some paladin trainer for the new player experience though, or it could be her.

1:29:25 - sounds like this person is doing experiments on and torturing a naaru, or she could be saying nabu, but sounds like naaru