Shadowlands Alpha Voices

I am a little baffled why she talks about the story, and why Blizzard fields her TO talk about the story. She is a senior director yes… in the ART DEPARTMENT. She works with the character artists, riggers , and animators.

The story is not her Bailiwick, as she has shown TWICE in recent memory.

just. ughhhhh.


I don’t get your point. She obviously did know what she was talking about and I’m pretty sure she had another dev agree with her when she said that.

This is also the same person that said that Tyrande’s story will go on, but now we know what we’re getting instead of a conclusion, revenge or justice and I really do NOT like it.

I am curious what would constitute justice? Because if Tyrande were to conjure a giant moonfire and leave say… Orgrimmar a big smoking crater, it just mean the Horde would attack back in equal scope. Eventually there is no game left to play because we have burnt everything down. Avoiding this exact problem is part of why BFA felt so awkward and forced.

An eye for and eye makes everyone blind, as the saying goes.

So you’re saying that there is nothing they could’ve given us more in our entire revenge plot than killing 1 Val’kyr and letting Nathanos escape after he reached all of his goals? Oh and also those people that commited Teldrassil are alive and well and they are described as heroes for doing it?

They could’ve also given us a new home or our lands back or letting us free the dead from the maw, but NONE of those were ever even considered.

This didn’t happen.

Nameless shaman and magi are probably dancing around a bonfire in Orgrimmar.

They are alive and well and they are heroes in the minds of the writers, and what’s in the mind of the writers matters.

That’s a ridiculous statement to make. Setting aside the fact that you can’t possibly prove that the writers think the burners are heroes for doing it, the game hasn’t portrayed it as a positive in any aspect of the story.


I mean they literally literally introduced those new racial descriptions right after the Horde commited Teldrassil so it shows that the writers think that burning innocents alive is a heroic thing to do because it’s only night elves that died.

Making the Horde heroic sure, but ignoring and pretending that Teldrassil never happened for that is simply stupid. There are other ways. Those former loyalists that burned the tree and killed the innocents are in the Horde now.
They wrote that event and whitewashing those that commited it is simply insulting because those crimes were commited to a playable race, to the most played one on Alliance even. It’s not just an NPC faction.

Even if they changed those lines later because of the outrage, it still shows what they think and they wouldn’t spend time and effort to write lines just for the sake of being placeholders.

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That question which we have entire tribunals and people that study years so they can even begin to debate the stuff? no thanks, i would settle for retributive justice instead of getting another war trial book however that wouldnt be fair on the horde playerbase that didnt chose to burn teldrassil so i dont see any way that would be happening.

An eye for an eye was a law made to avoid disproportionate retribution, you paid compensation equivalent to the offense made, i havent seen the horde, as a political entity, offering anything of the sort and im not willing to wait for a stale resolution in 2 years invested on a crappy story, at this point in the narrative you are invoking an empty platitude, specially because we’ve tried this dance already it exploted in our face spectacularly.

Edit: post was longer and came off as unintentionally pedantic.

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Those lines weren’t about loyalists. They’re intro lines meant to hype you up for playing a new character. Teldrassil really has no business being mentioned in those specific sentences, and its omission doesn’t mean anyone’s being glorified for it.


My point is that Shani Edwards didn’t know what she was talking about. In that interview she said that Sylvanas would not be Garrosh 2.0, but everything about he was exactly Garrosh 2.0, right up to and including a siege of Orgrimmar and her abandoning the Horde and feeling to an alternate dimension.

Morgan Day is also the Lead Encounter Designer, he, like Edwards, isn’t responsible for the direction of the story. In that interview he did reinforce Edwards’ point: that Sylvanas would be a focus in Rise of Azshara. And she wasn’t. Sylvanas didn’t show up at all.

And no, we also do not know what is coming in Shadowlands. Maiev wanted to stop Tyrande from performing the ritual and said it would kill Tyrande, and it didn’t. That a previous Night Warrior failed at stabilizing the power and had the same doubts that Maiev had doesn’t mean that they’re right that the same will happen to Tyrande, either.


An interesting thing to note here is for the Kaldorei the Night Warrior Ritual is something of Legend. Before Tyrande completed it the last time it was successfully used was in an era before even the eldest Kaldorei alive were around to see it used.

We actually know practically nothing about the time between the rise of the Kaldorei to when Azshara took over the kingdom and began aggressively developing it into the Kaldorei Empire. It is a huge chunk of time Chronicle gives about two lines to. As such our knowledge on this ritual, its side effects, and original purpose are somewhat poor.

It looks like this will be expanded on along with that gap in our understanding of Kaldorei history pre-Azshara, so for that at least I am excited.


Like I don’t even get why people are freaking out over the Tyrande Night Warrior bit.

We already know it’s wrong (at least with available data right now).

If all Night Warriors go to Ardenweald, and we see a former Night Warrior in Bastion, maybe what they are saying is not really meant to be taken as word of god. And if they are wrong there, then they are wrong on “it’s gonna kill ya”


Well even if they are right we know that the ardenweald stuff is before the scenario. So obviously it was fixed or whatever and she is focusing on sylvanas.