Shadow Rift, the most broken ability

We get it. Shadow rift is a super difficult ability to land and warlocks are squishy enough to “just kill the warlock.” It’s rough being a warlock this patch.

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with what I’m confused. I get howl’d by a fury warrior and literally can’t get out of it

It’s really only broken in RBG eots, which is where they SHOULD be balancing abilities.

Literally can’t position out of it in this bg

That’s suicide in high mmr rbg, and you can’t move out of it if it’s set up correctly by a team.

Imagine thinking warlocks die in the current patch

You act like this is easier than shadow rifting

One class shouldn’t be able to swing an entire BG in 1 button. That’s completely and utterly broken.


Exactly. I have no idea why people defend broken stuff like this to stay in the game. It only hurts Ques and PvP participation. PvP in this game has been bad for several expansions. It’s time to start fixing it or keep having a dumpsterfire that is current WoW.


It’s literally as if you could kill 6 people in a bladestorm from 40 yards away. Like, seriously? Just kill the warrior I guess :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh and bladestorm had a 5x larger radius

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You’re the one talking about 40v40 BGs. If your 40 man raid team isn’t coordinated to kill one person, and your team can’t switch and kill one warlock, you’re bad.

So you mean it’s only busted in one map? Oo wow the agony. There’s tons of classes that are busted for certain abilities on every map.

Well they were talking about 40v40 BGs. If a majority of the raid team can’t kill one warlock, they’re bad.

I guess Thunderstorm and Shining Force, or any knockback for that matter is busted then, because they can totally swing an entire BG with one spell.

my class doesn’t actually move fast enough to get out, either i blow AMS or i get ported. in many cases it is not counterable.


Half the time the visual bugs out and doesn’t even appear and you are seemingly randomly teleported.

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2-shotting people is not fun, but getting ported under the bridge in Ashran for the 4th time is hilarious.
I cant keep getting away with it!

Complaining about an ability that changes the outcome of a match is not whining.

It does though we all got teleported in the water trying to cap WW, those few seconds got them the cap.

Yes kill the Warlock who has two priests and a MW monk pocket healing them while having to move away from your healers?

Do any of you even play PvP?

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Again, if you read, it was in response to the person talking about 40v40s. Which I’ll say again, if a 40 man raid group cant coordinate to kill one warlock, they’re bad.

You must be STACKED on melees if everyone gets ported away in the water. I’ve done a few RBGs this season (not too motivated this season though tbh so not sure how much longer I’ll do rated until DF) and have had warlocks on my team and their team in Battle for Gilneas trying to set this up. Whenever we see a warlock going underwater to try to set this up, we have our Death Knight (if we have one available in our group) pull the warlock and try to prevent it. I can tell you it isn’t too big of a problem and whenever we do get ported, its within 40 yards of the flag. I as a healer can still strafe swim to the left and hit a Purge the Wicked on whoever’s trying to cap.

My class does and I sometimes get ported.
I’m not against shadow rift per se but I do think some fine-tuning is needed.

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THB, this has never happened to me in a 40 v 40. With that said it is a stupid spell that should be removed.

Sorry but I’ll never agree on removing fun niche spells that only have its uses in certain BGs. Tuning? Fine, I don’t really care really, give it a cast time or some crap.

But there’s many abilities out there that are strong depending on the map. You won’t ever see a warlock using Shadow Rift in Temple of Kotmogu or Seething Shore. You might see a few using it in Silvershard Mines. Definitely see it in Eye of the Storm, sure.

Again, its a niche ability though. Same way priests and shamans can knock you off the side in Arathi Basin at LM or in Eye of the Storm.

It isn’t though and based on this thread most don’t agree with you.

Sorry to inform you but the forums isn’t the voice of the playerbase. :frowning:
Majority of playerbase doesn’t even use the forums.

Sorry but the majority of Rated players that I know (quite a few) think this is a ridiculous spell.

Haha, “(quite a few)”. You mean your rated buddies that are below 1400? :rofl:

Sorry but the majority of rated players that I know (QUITE A FEW) think this spell is fine. Could it use tuning though? Sure :slight_smile: