I get 2k rating almost every season, but you want to see we can duel
Trimac #1537
I get 2k rating almost every season, but you want to see we can duel
Trimac #1537
Completely winning a map off 1 classes cheese is dumb
Shut up, this is an irrelevent game mode. It’s broken in competitive.
Not even remotely close to the same power level. You’re clearly a… let me check your xp rq… 1300 priest. Pog
at this point the hate on epics from elitists is becoming a meme
At this point your ego has become a meme.
Are you actually challenging him to a duel?
We all know epic bgers decline wargames, what else is he gonna do?
I love Wargames lol.
You must do fantastic with the 50% win rate at 900 cr O_o
so you think i have an ego problem when you want epic bgers to go rouse 80 people on a whim because you need to settle your insecurities via a wargame?
I do actually.
75% win rates in AV, WG, and IOC.
And 85% win rate in Ashran.
I do Wargames because they’re fun lol.
I don’t know anyone who actually takes them “seriously” except for like a handful of people.
I rolled my lock bigdaddykane simply for this spell. It’s been a heck of a fun spell to use on people. I love it. I skimmed through the thread because I don’t care much about the back and forth. But I see there’s a debate also about it used in ranked play to epics and reg bgs. I wouldn’t use it in ranked personally. It’s to gimmicky for that. Rather leave that for the brain dead spell convoke people. But it really is fun in epics. I play every kind of pvp in this game. Some i enjoy more than others and some im better at then others. U know what I don’t bother with? Coming here to complain about a spell they put in. Even if i think it’s dumb I just try and find a way around it. If not oh well I move on.
i know you do, but there is always some guy who wants to immediately throw down to win his argument.
one of my favorite dnb songs has a rap by him, Aphrodite feat. Big Daddy Kane - Off Limits
No one cares about epics except you
Then why do you care about epic BGers so much lol?
As someone who doesn’t care about epics, you sure do think you got a thing or two to say about them
You want to duel a healer? Sure I guess Im down? That’s not very fair to you though.
I mean, both abilities can kill an entire team, can they not? From your own words, “one class shouldn’t be able to swing an entire BG in 1 button” yet these two abilities clearly do. They can swing an entire BG in 1 button.
You’re literally cherry picking by ignoring that there are other abilities that can, not technically do the exact same thing as Shadow Rift by teleporting enemies, but can kill a team with it.
As of right now? Yes. Also that’s my CR, not my xp. I’m not motivated to queue for S4. 2k last season though, 2.1k is my highest though.
Oh god please don’t call me an epic BGer. I don’t do epic bgs really. I do solo WPvP with the occasional 3-4 man group.
I agree with most of what was said here. For the record, I do not agree with the dumpsterfire comment. However, I am glad to see the debate unfold. The Pros and Cons are fairly obvious. Those who are advocating for it, are offering very little substance. It is basically a referendum on their own personal feelings and how much joy they get by using the exploit.
Lets look at the logic of the poster who is far and a way the best advocate for keeping it:
The ability is fine.
Just stand still for 20s and you port back, or use the scroll of town portal item.
Let’s say we accept that on face value. First, we can eliminate “The ability is fine”, because that is nothing other than subjective opinion.
Next, lets look at the 20 second incapacitating effect. There is no PVP ability in the game that remotely even comes close to a incapacitating effect for 20 seconds. At least none that I know of, aside of course from Shadow Rift. In order to balance that, other classes would need the same. Which would wildly devastate gameplay That’s not even looking at the techniques that can disconnect you or kill you by running you off a cliff.
Lastly, it should be noted that 90% or most of the folks who will fall victim to this will have no idea how to escape from it. Which essentially means most of the time the duration will be for much longer than 20 seconds.
I will concede that I did arbitrarily come up with the stat of 90%. However, I can attest from personal experience that those who were trapped in the cage in Ashran had no idea what was happening and started to get on chat asking folks what happened. There wasn’t anybody in the instance who advised players to stand still for 20 seconds. Which tells me that no one in that entire instance knew of that route for escape. I was unaware of the 20 second escape as well (assuming that will even work). No one stood still. They were all frantically looking for a way to get back into battle.
Those who argued to have the ability either removed or addressed, have by far had a much superior arguments. I am hoping those who have the capabilities to make game improvement changes will take note.
Next, lets look at the 20 second incapacitating effect.
It’s not really a 20 second incap effect… Before you even continue that, you gotta understand that a majority of warlocks using Shadow Rift aren’t going to be getting the enemy team stuck in a cage like shown in Archvaldor’s video. The majority of locks using Shadow Rift are going to be doing typical annoyance tactics like teleporting people on tower to the ground, or people on bridge under the bridge. Thats what you’re going to be up against.
I can attest from personal experience that those who were trapped in the cage in Ashran had no idea what was happening and started to get on chat asking folks what happened. There wasn’t anybody in the instance who advised players to stand still for 20 seconds.
That’s because this was a somewhat recent fix and is no way explained in hotfixes that this is even a thing. This is more so of a last resort/band-aid fix without having to outright remove the ability or completely change it.
What Blizzard realized was people were using Shadow Rift to abuse it like you were just describing. Trapping people in the towers, behind statues in IoC, behind boxes in Twin Peaks, etc. not being able to move… they figured, as a workaround “well, if the players are finding themselves in a position where they can’t move after being teleported by Shadow Rift, THEN teleport them back to original location after X amount of seconds.”
I should note too that you don’t need to literally stand still. Its more so a 5 yard radius from where you were teleported to which still falls under being “stuck.”
Those who argued to have the ability either removed or addressed, have by far had a much superior arguments. I am hoping those who have the capabilities to make game improvement changes will take note.
Thing is, no matter what people want to say about it, the ability is fun to use and the concept is creative. There’s no other ability that teleports people to a specific location which is why it’s a fun ability to use.
That isn’t to say it doesn’t need to be tweaked in some way, but there have been so many fun abilities removed because players just complain and whine about it so much. Instead of outright removing a fun ability, they should just nerf it. They shouldn’t outright change the ability to have a different functionality. What if it had a cast time of 2 seconds? What if it was a channeled ability that required a full channel for it to go off?
Those are solutions I’d be open to discuss about, not “rEmOvE iT bEcAuSe BusTeD”
It’s not really a 20 second incap effect… Before you even continue that, you gotta understand that a majority of warlocks using Shadow Rift aren’t going to be getting the enemy team stuck in a cage like shown in Archvaldor’s video.
I have no problem with Locks using the ability in a way that was intended. That is not the discussion. The issue is with the Locks who choose to use the exploit to entrap or disconnect pvp players. You are attempting to create a narrative that is non-existent.
When the ability is exploited, there is indeed an incapacitating effect that can remove you from the BG entirely in some cases.
Those are solutions I’d be open to discuss about, not “rEmOvE iT bEcAuSe BusTeD”
Your entitled to your opinion of course. However, it is unacceptable as is. It has been this way for years. It would appear that they are troubled with coming up with a fix. It needs to be removed. Only when the devs are able to ensure that it can’t exploited or miss used should it be included.
The argument that people just need to live with it and hope for a fix is not by any means pragmatic or healthy for the game. As with most cheating, it should never be tolerated. Which would mean that people either get banned for the exploit or the ability gets purged.