No it isn’t.
It can’t be countered, did RBGS today and last night and it makes a HUGE difference in CTF BGs. It is the most annoying spell ever, why would they think this is a good idea?
Just take 2 steps to the left/right.
If you get stunned, then trinket or take your chances.
It’s even more counterable in a 10v10 environment as opposed to 40v40.
Because it’s FUN.
Have you done RBGS this season?
Yes. As a warlock who uses Shadow Rift regularly, I know how to use it.
But I also know situations where it’s overrated or easily counterable, due to my various experiments and experiences.
How is it then? And I will add that with everything going on in a RBG it is hard to counter.
You’re right that it’s strong with defense in CTF, as you can easily port enemy players onto the bottom floor to defend your FC.
It’s reasonably strong in EOTS or AB (at Lumber Mill), but you need an ally with knockback to use in conjunction to truly use it to its potential. (Or the enemy can willingly “walk” over the cliff, but nobody’s going to do that at high rating.)
But look at literally ANY other BG. Trust me, I’ve tried seeing if I could make a difference with it in BfG or DWG by putting it in the water or behind walls, but enemy players can simply “walk or swim back” in a pretty short amount of time.
Plus, people can escape it if they’re paying attention.
Yep, they also broke Death Grip and Leap of Faith to an extent. If the player you’re trying to pull is, at the slightest behind some terrain or some object or you happen to barely line them, the pull will not work and will put the ability on cooldown.
I’ve had a few times in WPvP where I try to save a friend with Leap of Faith, but for some reason it just fails even though my target is not rooted or anything of the sort that would cause it to fail. Then it goes on cooldown.
Another stealth nerf for some reason in 9.2.5.
I post his videos, that is how we get these exploits fixed and removed!! Actually maybe we should all make a support ticket and link this video to get it fixed.
Btw way here is the video of all the exploits lets fix this!!
If he gets banned that is a symptom of talking about exploits. This guy can contact Blizz to get exploits fixed like Rextroy does and not get banned. Anyone who exploits or abuses game mechanics should be banned if they were acting maliciously. (you are a lock though so I’m sure you like exploiting and don’t understand)
Warlocks can create their own jail with their broken exploitable talent as seen above. They can teleport FC’s off the map, they can teleport you to a void zone and DC you. Or in Ashran teleport you into a tower cage or anywhere else to trap you for the entire BG. In Isle they can trap you behind statues for the entire BG. In Twin Peaks they can trap you behind boxes for the entire BG. The list goes on and on. It’s a broken exploit ability.
Anything that purposely DCs or removes players from the game for it’s entirety needs to be fixed. It’s 100% cheating and people abusing it should be banned. End of discussion.
I can imagine the healer player laughing as they notice their backpeddling tank teammate stand in shadow rift for the fourth time that match. How embarrassing.
Just goes to show you don’t play the game. These two instances of use for the ability, as already stated twice by me and Alec, have been fixed already.
When you’re put into a place like this, where you can’t move because you’re stuck behind a box or a statue, you’re teleported back to your original location after 20 seconds. The rule is, if you haven’t moved more than 5 yards from the location you’ve been ported to with Shadow Rift, you will be teleported back to your original spot.
This was actually made as a fix specifically because of the videos Archvaldor has made.
I think it’s weird that this was broken the way it was honestly. Before 8.2, it used to be that if you were under the map in any way, you would die and have your corpse teleported to the graveyard. At some point from Cata-WoD, they then changed it to where you would be DC’ed once, and during that DC you would die, and upon login your body would be teleported to graveyard and you could res.
I don’t know why it was changed after 8.2, but they seemingly removed the death and teleport and now it just DCs you in a loop.
They should just go back to killing the player and teleporting body.
I play the game just try to avoid being exploited by locks.
It’s not weird the Devs don’t play the game so it’s never tested. Someone just says wait I have a terrible idea and just throw it into the game without much thought. This is how SL was created which is the worst expansion in the history of gaming.
These jarring gut wrenching abilities have no place in the game especially PvP where you can’t play your character for an extended period of time. Lock is the worst example of this and has many many exploits still with it.
Abomlimb, spear of bastion also both need to be removed from PvP. This game just needs to be cleaned up a bunch and get back to simpler straight forward design that made this game great back in the Golden Days.
Although an easy was to fix Spear would be to just make the Spear targetable and you can just kill it and get out. However it’s better if terribly designed ideas never make it into PvP.
Spear/Abomlimb should just be like the Druid ability Ursol’s Vortex you can only be gripped back once.
Keep CC simple. 4 sec stun or root etc. Nothing that makes PvP players want to uninstall like it is currently which is why SL has the lowest player metrics of all time in every facet of the game.
I would like the ability to be removed completely. It’s not a fun ability to play against… You get teleported back after 20 sec? Oh, so this instant cast AOE CC lasts twice as long as any other CC in the game? At least Blizzard considered how powerful this ability is and gave it a massive 60 second CD. They should not have raid-boss like mechanics (Dodge this spot on the ground or you are either instantly killed or completely removed from the combat) in pvp.
You can say that about a lot of abilities, including many forms of spammable CC by rogue or mage, and as much as I hate those abilities, like always, there’s counterplay to it.
Should there be a reduction in CC? Probably but I’m no expert and I don’t claim to be, but I do like the idea of fun niche abilities like Shadow Rift. Another fun niche ability is Ice Wall, I like the creativity going into some of these spells and I think we need more of them.
Not to say that any new ability introduced doesn’t need tweaking, because they certainly do.
Instant cast, takes two seconds to go off. You have time to get out of the Shadow Rift, and it’s not really a CC. You’re still able to cast your abilities and can still control your character. It teleports you to where ever the warlocks demonic circle is, and not every warlock you come across is going to put their circle in a spot where you’re suddenly stuck, because you can’t realistically get people stuck in every battleground.
The 20 second rule was designed to prevent players from being stuck, with examples like Isle of Conquest or Twin Peaks box action.
You can always just kill the warlock, and his summoning circle goes away and he’d have to set up again. Or again, just walk out of the rift.
This one ability renewed my interest in my warlock and is extremely fun.
Please do not remove it because of whiners.
There’s very few fun things left in the game.
It must be extremely difficult to wait until the other team is stunned or slowed to cast it, especially considering how long the cast time is. That sort of setup just never happens in today’s pvp. Alternatively, coordinating with one other player that has an AoE CC to immediately win a 40v40 match is too much effort for such little reward.
What a surprise. Extremely busted ability makes people play a certain class. Nobody could have foreseen this. Being able to two-shot people makes people want to play marksman hunter too.
Except it’s not a win ability?
You’re not dealing damage to the enemy in any way by casting this spell. You’re teleporting them to your demonic circle which has to be within 40 yards.
Again, not every warlock is going to be trying to stuck you. I want to say 90% of the time a warlock uses this, you will not be stuck, and in the event there is a warlock who is trying to be sneaky and trying to stuck someone, as said before, they won’t be because it’ll just teleport them back to their original spot.
A common use application I see of this ability is in Alterac Valley, where a warlock will set their circle outside the boss room and teleport people fighting the boss to the outside, or a warlock in Ashran who will place their circle under the bridge on Horde/Alliance side to port enemy team under the bridge.
Oh no, you have to walk back up the path because you got caught in a rift.
Cool, no big deal. It doesn’t make you win the game.
So you’re the guy that believes positioning doesn’t matter…or having your front 10 players teleported 80 yards away from their healers to the back of the enemy team or just off the side of a cliff somewhere doesn’t win a 40v40 teamfight. RMP is really good in arena because of all of the abilities they have that do damage. The abilities they have that don’t deal damage are useless.
No, I definitely believe positioning matters.
But funny that you’re talking about positioning but complaining about an ability that is about positioning. Move out of the Shadow Rift and kill the warlock who’s trying to Shadow Rift. You have Death Knights who can pull, you have ranged casters who can kill.
You see a Shadow Rift? Move. You see a Warlock setting up or is already set up? Kill them.
You are missing the point. Why have abilities that ruin gameplay due to their toxicity and people hate which hurts PvP participation and the growth of the game. It doesn’t have to be like this. We can actually make PvP good again some day. (which it hasn’t been for 3+ expansions)
PvP has gone in a wrong direction for almost a decade.
No you never have time to get out of the shadowrift that is a lie. You are either stunned, rooted in place for 9 secs and kept there. It’s unavoidable. Stop defending bad design and lets fix it so the game and PvP is much better than the dumpsterfire state it’s in.
SL is the worst expansion with the worst metrics for a reason. People play a few games and uninstall because why experience something so painfully designed. Hopefully in DF they can fix this garbage.