Shadow Priest - How does this happen?

lol stop it.

Any of you guys that complains about things being OP in pvp understands what this guy just said ?

Y’all crying over a game you don’t know how to play

PvP is all about stamina, the oposite of PvE

Did. Dotted them up from behind a tree, they converged, SWD kill one as they kited. They converge again, Dispersion, SWD killed 2nd.

Two others died to dots in this timeline. Then SWD the fifth. Priest lived with 70% hp

Someone may have to confirm, but apparently dealing Shadow damage with wands also has the ability to proc it lmao.

I can stomach everything the shadow priest does except the immune to damage crap.

Each tick does not proc blackout. You guys ever play the classes you complain about?

No. It doesn’t.

Honestly shadow should remain until people like you unsub. Infuriating to watch people complain about things being OP then making up stuff.

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Bro out here straight lying. 2nd overall and 4th in 99/95th percentiles. SWD on most targets requires a 3-4 gcd setup. IF you’re out here in STV running no stam gear thats on you homie.

SPriest get demolished in a HOJ or Kidney. Imp counterspell = gg. People out here crying about SPriest just makes me think they’re either BAD or a Warrior.

dont they just disperse?

If its off CD… sure?
Meanwhile rogue can still build combo points and just annihilate you as soon as it ends?

This is very interesting stuff. Spriest simply walks up, dots, swd.

Most classes just flat out died.

How long is that cd again?

Dagger* you can only wear one. Don’t feed misinfo.

Not true for any class that can heal. So that rules out other priests, mages, druid, shaman, pally, and lock. Healing potion op against spriest while melee get in range.

2 min, which is an eternity in Blood Moon. Only lasts six seconds, you can still get bleeds and dots applied, rogue combo points, lock dots, etc. Its not as OP as people think it is, by the time you think about dispersing you’re usually so close to death it just prolongs it if you’re solo.

Stop defending the state of spriest lmfao.

Stop attacking it because you’re either bad or QQing because warrior isn’t number 1. Priest hate is warrior cope.

Also not true.

Even if classes can heal, if any of those 3 spells proc blackout, they are certainly dead. And keep in mind, this is before the fight has even begun. The other class is forced to completely flee because priest for some reason gets to crit for 1200-1500 while being the most defensively sound class and strongest sustain dps in the game.

2 min cd. You also have shadow form and power word shield. You have more options than any other class

They don’t have TIME to balance classes. They are too busy fighting disgusting GDKP criminals.

Be grateful, scum

Bro I have sub 1400 hp and I’m wearing like 3 pieces from gnomer and both Blood Moon items in my pvp set. They’re glass canons, literally can get beat by any burst class. Relax, you’re just bad.

Spriest is the most complained about class in the game. Surely this isn’t because they are weak.

They are a class without counterplay.

Your tears sustain me.