Shadow Priest - How does this happen?

Let’s start by recognizing that priest has been broken since SoD launched. It was the best class in phase 1, by a large margin, in both PvE and PvP.

Now let’s move on to shadow…

How is this class allowed to exist like this? This class crits for 1400-1600 on a 12 second CD, has infinite mana, the best defensives in the game, incredible DoT and healing potential, & about 6 ways to stun you (consistently) in a fight.

What are we doing here, Blizzard? What is going on?


It truly is disgusting. Priest has been outright broken since SoD launched and continues to be in a class by itself.


Its almost like someone is working overtime to funnel everything they need to overcome each and every weakness they have…


didn’t know 10% chance to stun was “consistent”.


Priest was already STELLAR at baseline in Era. They have now had two rune phases in which they received arguably the strongest rune packages.

Current Shadow Priest is the most broken thing I have ever seen in this game.


When each dot application, tick, spell, etc. has a chance, that 10% stacks quite well.

Not to mention racials that can proc it


Yeah, tell me you don’t know how blackout works without telling me…


It does not proc on ticks.


Dont forget they got a QoL book thats better then most other classes runes…


They don’t even need blackout anymore. This class has insane burst, sustain and survivability. Why would anyone play anything else?


just revert the 50% reflected damage on SWD to 100% and it will be fine


No. Reduce the damage dramatically AND return the 100%


Lmao imagine the priest casts one spell, and dies. I love it. 10/10.


I didn’t even bring up Blackout, I was just correcting misinformation.

Because 2h smash is fun

I guess that’s a git gud problem, if a class remove both players 1400 health and you can’t outdamage a dot class in the reduced fight time caused by SWD, it’s a you problem

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Ever play Classic WoW? Do you know how spriest works without any of the SoD tools they have acquired?

Spriest gets free wins against every class but warlock.

yeah man, you’re right, I just started playing wow and didn’t main shadowpriest since cataclysm, neither played classic/tbc/wotlk as sprist, Idk what I’m talking about

Then you’re just acting in bad faith.

Or, you never played Classic shadow (as you just alluded)

Either way, you don’t seem to know what you’re talking about. Almost nothing out damages spriest dots in Era in pvp

if 2 players have 3k health and someone removes 1k health from both of them, both will have 2k, priests in sod either are a dot or a hard cast mind spike class.

the damage powercreep is insane in sod, so, either you outdamage the dots easily or you kick the shadow cast and delete the priest

as I said, just revert SWD to 100% reflected damage and it will be fine, as again, it’s easy to outdamage a priest in a short fight, but if you want to attrition fight? that’s on you

Given that nothing really out damages spriest right now, I would say you have a really, really dumb argument on your hands.

Especially when you factor in priest defensives and the role shield plays in this entire interaction

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