Shadow Priest - How does this happen?

Lmfao spriest are absolutely broken right now and you will see nerfs. Accept it. It is actually insane you are arguing it isn’t.

At least post on your Druid.

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What a horrible way to start a thread. Attempting to immediately discard any opinions other than yours and cement your opinion as the finite/concrete “100% correct” opinion out the gate is goofy.

Priest isn’t overpowered - other healers are underpowered. Holy Pal and Resto Sham need to be brought up to Druid/Priest levels of viability.

NUHRRRRR i"m kRYinG AboUuuT SHAEeDERRRRrrwow!!! - Nobody cares about world pvp dude.

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Blackout doesn’t proc that often. Maybe I am just unlucky but most of the time it won’t proc during a fight.

Priests made me stop playing SoD halfway through phase 1. They made the game so unfun and horrible and terrorized us all in ph1 with their broken healing.

Ph2 rolls out and I expect a better time now that we are lvl 40. Maybe priest won’t be such a colossal game breaker anymore. But what do you know… it’s worse. So much worse. Shadow priest have already made me alt+f4 the game numerous times in the past few days.

At this point I dont think I will log back in untill I see a bluepost announcing massive nerfs to shadow priest. The game is just unplayable like this.

He is 100% completely correct and anyone who disagrees with it is gaslighting or just outright delusional.

Priest has been broken since day 1 of SoD and stayed broken untill now.

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I really wish they prioritized bug fixes.

Maybe unlocky, or maybe I’ve been misinformed by other Shadow Priests.
I’ve been told it’s on shadow damage (since it definitely works with wands) but perhaps it’s only on cast which would result in a significantly lower chance.

Although if that is the case, try running with SW:P r1 for stun spam.
If it is on application you can use it as a cheap ability to fish for stun procs.

I am pretty sure it is only on application just like Shadow Weaving.

Spamming r1 is the way to go, but of course you cannot do this if you already have a higher rank on the target.

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Priest healers were top healer in pvp and later on in pve with gear.
Shadow was the worst of the worst at the very bottom with ele sham all p1 in both pve and pvp.
Hunter were #1 in pve/pvp in p1 before war and rogues past them due to nerfs.
Right now in p2 hunter is #1 in pve and pvp next to mages and locks.
Get the facts straight before going on a rant bc you died to a priest in a BG
Do you even play SoD?
OF COURSE shadow priest is going to do well and be top 5. They just got their mana problems fixed (up to par with every SoD mana user now) and they got shadow form which is literally given to them at the lvl cap meaning its best scaled
Edit: they do need to nerf SWD, other than that SP is up to par with every class now and same goes with ele.



its only on cast and only shadow spells that deal damage, wands don’t work

So the standard opener of vod

ok that seems pretty reasonable, not bad but not the best

is there some sort of live updating feed of the logs that you can see or is continuing to fall just speculation?

Yeah it’d more be for the opener so that you can adjust your range, get a health advantage, get up Shadow Weaving etc

Worth a go if you get jumped by a melee or something though.

Spriest has free win against melee, always.

Also, swd crits for 1400-1600. Stop

This is wild that you think its the BiS class by a wide margin

You have more than enough tools to survive. An spriest played at an average level can still give a good rogue plenty of problems.

Spriest played by someone who is stier pvper is going to frustrate the best players out there. They can reset the fight a ton of times, mana is no longer a real check on their power.

Yeah, that dude didn’t deserve a response. If an Spriest is struggling, at all, they are horrible at the game.

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We’re not in baseline as an era, we’re on the WOTLK client.

Did people actually expect SOD to be a balanced PVP game? It hasn’t even been a week since release and people are losing their minds haha

I didn’t expect perfect balance, but every caster one shotting people in PVP while having crazy survivability is not ideal for the game.

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Rogue and hunter are doing faster dps than casters.