Shadow Priest - How does this happen?

Blackout should have a chance to proc on yourself every time you use SW:D.

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Druid wasn’t the best flag runner in P1.

Nice try though

i got blackout proc’d irl after dying to a spriest

Reading comprehension is hard right? Where did i say druid was the best flag runner? I was referring to the comment about druid vs Priest as a predictor of a WSG win. A druid that ran the flag had a much better impact on matches than simply having a priest.

Nice try though.

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who do you think was?

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Yeah. Shadowfiend being a book is wild. I was shocked when I learned this. Even if it were a rune, it’d be an amazing rune.


My mage runs out of mana in seconds. How are priests so mana durable?

This is also false.

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

They gave priest a buff to shadow form to dramatically reduce the cost of shadow spells while in form, gave them shadow fiend, gave them dispersion

To be fair, this was going to be a rough phase for them so all those presents were warranted… Meanwhile I’m going to sit here with my runes that contradict each other.

Shadow priests were amazing from the start. I played one in vanilla wow and it was disgusting then. I fondly remember fighting two druids outside of Thorium Point, one resto, one feral. I killed one, the other got a b-rez off on the first, killed the second one, the first for his b-rez off on the first, and still managed to kill them both a second time.

I say again, Shadow priests have always been PVP gods.


but people cried about starsurge in pvp, so balance gets gutted lol. Now it’s useless in both pvp and pve.

Still gonna play the spec, but it’s disappointing to say the least.


Sure guy, whatever helps you sleep at night.

Stop crying, we have one 1 CC, we need to cast our skill and we could die way before that.

If S Priest are broken, they are the weakest broken class in P2.

Anyone with any pvp experience at a decent level could have looked at these runes and the changes to shadowform and easily tell you spriest were going to be a problem.

It was being discussed here days before release of p2. They do need some adjusting, thats just a fact. The tool kit they currently have access to is disgusting.

Oh stop.

I play priest as well since p1, i love the class, but spriest right now is way over powered.

Mindblast into sw:d does a stupid amount of dmg, it needs to be adjusted. We get fiend and dispersion, you can also do full shadow and still have access to pain sup and penance!?

Come on man, thats hella broken


It’s almost as if they’re trying to in courage people to play one of the least played classes. Because everyone wants them no matter what

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10% on all sources of shadow damage.
Void Plague, SW:P, Mind Flay, Shadow damage from wands, ontop of the standard Mind Spike, Mind Blast, SW:D etc.

They can easily stun more consistently than balance can with Imp Starfire which people complain about.
With Void Plague, SW:P, and Mind Flay alone you have a ~50% likelihood of stunning every 3s.

That’s pretty damn consistent.


We can’t run faster than a 1-shot melee.
If our fear fails, it’s done.

1 CC?
So not Psychic Scream, Silence, and Blackout?