Shadow Priest - How does this happen?

It is actually ludicrous

Dont hold your breath on any fixes. We’re 1 week into p2 and they havent even fixed bugs yet. Shamans have a rune thats literally bugged and broken, and nothing but silence from blizzard.


Going to take a wild guess and say the OP is a Boomkin.


He’s showing up as an Evoker to me

Sir this is a Wendy’s Wow forum.

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Druid eclipse rune is also bugged. Glad they nerfed without addressing that

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Let’s see, there’s Blackout (rng 10% on application that diminishes), and…

wait I only counted 1 way to stun. Where are the other 5?

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Each spell has the capacity to proc it. I’ve been triple dr stunned by most priests in a single fight

It is simple, Blizzard simply does. not. care.

I’m a huge fan of Shadow Priest and even I can admit it needs to be taken down several pegs.

I have a feeling S Priest is going to get the Sledgehammer next week.

Hopefully there’s enough left to pick up the pieces.

Starsurge nerf to druids was a good start but Shadow Priests are worse. Something has to be done about SW:D and their tankiness.

Spriest substantially stronger than pre nerf druid

Compare warlock to priest and you will cry. Warlock is by far the worst PvP class in SOD.

You don’t need Shadow Form to be a Shadow Priest, I pretty sure what you are is determined by where you put your talent points. Like Balance Druids are still Balance without Moonkin.

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the boomkin in my raid just got a 99 parse that beat my 100 parse


he beat our melee hunter too, i thought this was the end of boomkins? you would be oom and unable to starfire

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Yes it harder in 1 cast, but Druids could do theirs twice as often and it crit way harder.

You are also forgetting that SW:D has backlash which allows it to do a big chunk of damage. Yes it needs a bit of tuning, increasing the backlash damage would fix a few problems and they could also reduce the SP scaling.

If feel like you are a bit salty because the only thing we are the best at is probably burst, but even then, it is only once every 12 seconds.

Me trying to get in a WSG premade:

"Can I get an invite?



“Sorry looking for boomies or hunters.”

Yes. It was like this for all of Classic and TBC era. Suddenly it’s a problem?

Yes, because now they can execute you from 80% with swd

Actually, druid was, for running the flag. No mounts and druid was gone. nice try though.

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