Shadow Priest - How does this happen?

False. Mage, easily. Three LoH, Iceblock. Way better self healing. More tools, sheep. 1 easy example.

This means you’re a horrendous priest. There is zero excuse to lose to a mage. Zero.

You can also death the sheep. You can dispel their shield. You have stronger burst and dots.

Open and shut case here. Yikes.

Only D-tier paladins lose to a priest.

Paladin should never beat priest pre-cleanse. This is an obvious fact of era

Also, priest has outpaced paladin by a country mile.

D-tier paladin confirmed.

Have a character on Whitemane? I’ll gladly duel you for 1000g

Or maybe loser deletes their character

Dunno bro maybe it’s a skill issue and you should stop playing meme classes and start playing the meta.

If this sounds offensive it’s because it’s what people were telling us when we were complaining as shadow in phase 1.

Cope and seethe imo shadow is working as intended. :sunglasses:

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A lot of you are just telling on yourselves to make a point lol

Sorry I’m on a real server.

Explain how you lose to a paladin if you have dispersion up

Bro its six seconds… can’t attack. They can dispel dots. All their stuff is off CD by the time dispersion fades. They can then bubble. Bye bye priest. You said everything up. Bubble → Burst → HoJ → Burst. Like is your paladin wearing greens? Are you the only guy who’s divine storm doesn’t hit from like 15 yards away? What are you even talking about? Again, y’all are telling on yourselves. SPriests are SQUISHY. Shadow form is only 15% melee reduction. That takes me 1500 HP to roughly 1725 EHP. Thats -nothing-. 20% boost during blood moon puts me at almost 2100.

Sure, if you just let me dot you, fear you, and keep you at range… you gonna die. Again, you’re just telling on yourself.

Essentially, you disperse HoJ and avoid all burst.

Everything else is pure nonsense there. If you’re losing to a paladin, you are an absolutely miserable player

You are saying people are “telling on themselves” while admitting to having problems with one of the easiest classes in the game. Ret paladin and warrior are the two worst classes in the game right now.

Yeah, bro, you’re bad.

So… you’re just gonna keep casting while I’m dispersed? Thanks! You’re bad!

Warriors are free for sure.

You don’t need to be casting during dispersion. You just avoided their win condition.

If they don’t damage you during HoJ, they auto lose

You’ve demonstrated that you’re just terrible.

I don’t even have a warrior. You’re an idiot.

Are they gonna burst less after my dispersion fades?

Again, are you wearing greens? Is your bubble off CD? Do you not know how to dispel? Again, you said “Everything up.” You’re putting SO much weight on dispersion and then you ignore every time I say Bubble AND we haven’t even mentioned LoH yet.

I wasn’t talking to you?

Yes, paladin burst is less without stun.

Again, you’re showing how bad you are.

Everything else you’re saying is nonsense. At this level of bubble, they will get like one auto attack in during bubble duration and likely are going to need it to heal

I am glad I lived long to see a post about shadow priest needing a nerf in vanilla. And it’s true.

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