Shadow Council Alliance Reconnections


Maranwe aka MaraBear, N/E Druid spent my favorite WoW time in Sadhus of the Smoke! I made toons on Classic but not played yet. These days mostly play on other Argent Dawn and Wyrmrest Accord but am still an alt-a-holic so lots all over. :wink: wuffles

P.S. Sadhus Con FTW! <3

Add my Bnet Sadhus loves!!


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Polgy!!! marabearpouncwuffles

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Hey I was Catkiller, i was in TD and SPC, I am still on Shadow Council in SPC

I was a Warlock named Amaniela. I was a co-founder of the guild Dragon Kin. If you knew me and are not still in my friends list you can find me on a pally with that same name. I also had a Holy Priest named Tallisa. I played her a lot more in the higher levels.

I was on Shadow Council alliance as a lv 60 warrior name Warknight now I play on sulfuras alliance

I remember TwinBreads and Squall Angel he was a Grand Marshal

hes still playing I play with him he Runs a DK now

I know I played on Shadow Council back during Vanilla, though I can’t remember what the name of the guild I played with was.

Level 60 Human Warrior - Cuellandar (I think that was how I spelled it?)

Edit: Ack, forgot to mention my character’s race.

Callaghan from Wings of Tomorrow here!

BRO! Add me Morgan#12864

Hi, i was playing a warrior named Morwick, Confederation will always be the one true guild for me, My wife and I were married with Nem officiating. tied the knot in game, who would have thought that it would marry us a few years later IRL.
I still remember the day Guanping and i created the guild, Seems like yesterday. I play very sparingly now. It is good to see some of you all still around. I wish you all the best. I do miss some of the Black Omen run ins we used to have haha.


Oh snap! Awesome to see you again dude. My bros Perexis Salicia and Wayfinder will probably flip out when he hears you and Nem are still around. Those tilt inducing BWL runs you used to let me in on were some of the funnest / funniest runs I’ve ever had in this game. I miss hanging out with the likes you, Ghostpsalm, Sayori and everyone else.

This was beautiful.

This name is probably more familiar, come to think of it. :slight_smile:

I actually had to dig up old photobucket accounts to find the name of our guild, LOL.

I probably bounced around a bit on this server, but the guild that was near and dear to my heart was Infensus Vallaire Cura. I raided with you all on Narethl, my druid moonkin, during the BC era of this game and honestly look back on the time fondly (you guys got me through a really bad couple of years in my life, fwiw). While our guild eventually disbanded, I still wonder how you all are doing.

I know it’s a shot in the dark, but if any of you see this, especially our raid team who I remember running around in the middle of the night with instead of sleeping for college classes (LOL), I hope you either nudge me here or just know I wish the best for you all and hope you’re doing wonderfully.

I’m currently on the only RP server right now (Bloodsail Buccaneers) hoping to spot people.

In the pictures I dug up, some names i can make out include: Laerath, Snochios, Badenu, Kalanil, Gaafun. Areaneth, Iveya

I’d post the pictures but the forums don’t allow it lmao.

Luna is on a reunion tour on the Westfall WoW Classic server.

Blessing of Elune,
Risingmoon, GM of Luna

Hi there!

I was Saharee on Shadow Council, Night Elf Survival Hunter. Had a tiger named Stripes. Saharee’s still around though she’s now on Wrymrest Accord.

I ran with Instruments of Fate and Priory of the Storm (in BC). I rolled Saharee on Bloodsail for classic :).

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I know that guild name. I can’t remember why… did they have ties to Instruments of Fate? Or did I just see them around so much? I can’t remember!

I remember Tamrilinhunt!

Clancey/dmco here

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