Shadow Council Alliance Reconnections

Dmco sounds familiar… Human Warlock?

hello yes warlock, and you were who back then?

OMG, Callaghan! That’s a blast from the past! <3


Same name as I’m posting under, this is just a re-launch of her since I made my original lock a Void Elf and changed her name. I also played a NE priest Mimie.

yea some reason name doesn’t ring a bell I am sorry

Oh, no worries. I Just recognized your name is all, I don’t think we ever talked. :slight_smile:

Haha, been a long minute.

I wish my History of Shadow Council post stayed up. Worked hard on that thing a long time ago.

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Anyone who played with DMCO/Clancey in Champions of the Sword I am on Bloodsail Buccaneers. Guilds been recreated, so has Clancey

Added :slight_smile:

Andominous (Dom) here.

I found Armoon.

Still lookin for some people. (Some spelling may be off here)

Let me know if you people are alive.


I had two characters, Night Elf Druid Moncader and Human Mage Farlaj.
Was in the Order of Magicks guild.

I’m also the original creator of the MyRolePlay addon if that’s how you remember me.

Alliance main:
Adoxxi Lvl 60 Male Night Elf Feral Druid

I spent a lot of time in Stormwind and Goldshire. I distinctly remember winning my fair share of duels. :wink:

If you remember me, give me a shout out.

ohhhh snap



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Wish I knew about this thread earlier. Its wild to see some of these names again. This is Deathace 60 NE Rogue - Mages Powers. Hope you guys are all doing well. Sev #12986

Hey everyone! Termite level 60 human male warrior.
Was in Mages Power, Artisans of Warfare, Stormpike Crusaders, Light Brigade, and several other smaller guilds. Spent a lot of time dueling outside of IF and SW back in the day and world pvping in kalimdor. Playing on Lightbringer atm as Mecilles or Abyssis.
Hope to talk to some old friends!

Hey bro it’s termite! Long time no see.

this TROGG, sup dude

I was in Curtain Call myself, Tyrreal, Ret/Prot paladin. I had a terrible schedule due to work back then.

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