I used to play in Alliance Highguard, Curtain Call, and a couple of other guilds over the years but i forget their names. I played a gnome warlock named Sabeth and a human pali names Ishmeal, both of which are still in Shadow Council.
That was like, 2009 dude lol. I was still in New Orleans for hurricane relief back in Crossfire. Good to see you again!
Wow, what a blast from the past reading down through the history.
On the miniscule chance my main characters are recognized, tossing my helm into the ring. Tymanicor (My hunter, very first toon ever, and my WoW start right here on ShC /tear) and my warrior Seraphic (tank at the time). Mostly small guild, Tiers of the Moon until a transfer after LK, but did run some fun times with some others from other guilds and had a jolly good time doing so.
Good to see the past coming back to life
Camberlyn, human paladin
Silkienne, human priest
Looking for anyone from Legends, Epics, or Black Door.
Eradael, hope to talk to you soon!
Marrika, human warlock, here! Also known as Thyssali, NE rogue, and Loryth,NE priestess. I was and am a Meddler, and I also wrote a lot of fanfic on the servers back in the day. Who else from the olden days has come back?
SILK! I remembers you. It is Hikky.
I was Tamrilinhunt, Night Elf Hunter. Since then my names have not gotten much better.
I have a horrible memory, so I don’t remember many names… But I do remember Packhunter. Oh, god…
Greetings Shadow Councilers! Feiston here from the Feisty Corner returning for WoW Classic. I may not be the Feisty you wanted but I’m the Feisty you deserve.
Names of folks I played with (or miss):
I was rarely on my mage, so below are the names of my other alts:
Azmagul! I do remember you as Hikky! So good to see you. Where are you playing now?
Jethand here, human rogue from the old Confederation guild and spent a bit of time in Retribution. I used to roll with my brothers Perexis (ret pally for life), Wayfinder (hunter) and Salicia (druid). Good to see all these familiar faces! Still waiting on Packhunter though.
Sir Packhunter
That. That just made my day.
Holy goodness! How are you?!?! I remember you helping me farm some gold over by the Scarletts back in the day
Novacrane here. Been a long, long time… How are y’all doing?
Cracks knuckles
Thunder and Steel, forges and fire! Look into the past to see your future…
Packhunter is still alive and kicking children, and he will be on the only WoW-Classic server!
Where do I find a correct sized mace to play gnome golf?
Hah! I lost my copy of the thrall kill video years ago. Glad to see you kept it!
I think my brother was in Alliance Highguard… a human warlock called Akradain. He quit shortly after the first expansion.
Hey you! Hamaris here … I rolled with the Obsidian Blades until we disbanded. My toon used to roll with our guild leader and she had a beau named Munroe … We used to run with Black Laurels for a time and most of my toons are currently Laurels, though we seem to be muchly few-er. I am deciding whether or not to take the plunge. It’s nice to see a familiar name. I hope you find more of our old guildies. =D
Hey everyone trying to reconnect with people who played with a character name steril who was a dwarf holy/discipline and did a lot of raids and dungeons. this was my father who I played wow with he no longer plays that he quit back in padaria and has no further intrest but I sure came back the second classic was mentioned im very eagor to find some of his old guildies oh one more thing the guild master was named magixs or magics not sure which spelling but they were a gnome warrior.
Add me on bnet Majehi#1729, Silk