Adian NE Rogue here…cant remember half the guilds i was in!
Noble Goretusks always!
Can’t wait to get back in and relive the old days!
Adian NE Rogue here…cant remember half the guilds i was in!
Noble Goretusks always!
Can’t wait to get back in and relive the old days!
Hey all, let’s see who I can reconnect with! I play(ed) Mimie - a NE Priest and Sahieti - a Gnome Warlock. I bounced around from guilds for a while. Started in The Unguildly, whichever guild was led by Wolvenhunter, Mages Powers (yuck it up), and then eventually Maelstrom which became my home for years before a falling out on my end (mostly). Would love to reconnect with some folks who recognize little ol’ Mimie. Battle tag is Chorena#1618
Been hoping Wolvenhunter would find his way to the forums. He had a lot of issues back in the day irl and id love to hear how he has faired considering it has been 13 years since we have spoke. Was in his guild when it was wolves kingsom and the wolves.
I remember you, Nickali! You’re right, Wolves Kingdom was the one I was in briefly too. He was a good guy, we used to talk on the phone quite a bit. Definitely hope he’s doing well. How have you been?
Holy cow i didnt recognize your name at first! But i definitely remember talking in vent now. It has been so long. I have been well! Grown up a lot since we last talked considering i was just a kid. So you are planning on returning for classic? We definitely have to play together if so, catch up and it’ll be nice to have old friends around.
Haha. I am! I’ll be on tomorrow night, server gods willing. You know how launch always goes. I’m running under another name though, Klaire, a human Priest.
Which server are you planning on playing on?
Bloodsail Buccaneers, it’s the only straight RP server. I’m too old for that PvP crap now. lol
Lol!! I’ll add you and see you on tomorrow!
Hikky here. Human Warrior. Played at the start back of the server… Was involved in raiding guilds Sadhus of the smoke, Ordo Victrix, Order of the nightsaber, DOMININON, Light brigade. Would be interesting to see who was still around or going to be coming back at some point. I will be playing on Bloodsail as Hikky of course.
Was indeed soldat.
Dom! I remember you!!
I remember you! We had a mutual friend whose name escapes me it’s been years
I am Kahlah. But yes i plan on making a toon for classic. I still play, but i play horde mostly these days. I was gonna transfer Kahlah back, and make her a human lock again. But someone has my name over on Shadow Council
Hey! I’m Kahlah, from WotF. I instantly recognized your name! I remember you The guild is still there over on Shadow Council. Ganggrel is the owner of it now though since Cart doesn’t play anymore(As far as i know!)
ItsToes here. Longtime SHC. havent seen much of this server since 2010-11 but great memories (some not so) when running Crossfire for a few years(and a few itterations lol) A ton of us that remained close/incontact have chosen Faerlina an HORDE side this time around to level an start some Raiding again.
Anyone formerly involved in our guild Crossfire, or formerly a friend of ItsToes, Fantalla, Kfed, Darksilva, Autumnblaze or Adiaz please feel free to hit us up.
Discord Pieper#9235 or In BattleNet at Pieper#11739
Id love to hear from anyone who still remembers me/was a former Member of Crossfire (maybe not just the 16-20 yr old ragey kid i was an more of the fun loving chill GM i was.)
How you been?
Dehoji NE Druid. Didn’t you guys all go to Vegas? I missed the trip.
Tummnus from The Dundaine and Gods of Chaos on the Alliance side. Plan on bring him in on Friday when i get paid. Bills have been going heavy all summer and have not been able to play. This will be a welcome sight to me when i get on line.
my warlock Bumbledwarf is still in Mystic Hope on the Shadow council. I should be back on line this weekend.