Sethrak for alliance, Arakkoa for Horde

keep asking and beg maybe they will do it if u ask

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Yeah, if helfers managed to get their race, maybe we can do it as well :slight_smile:

Anyone link the Unofficial threads for either race here yet?

Ah seems Bagzak did. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I was thinking shaman would be the most iconic class for sethrak, seeing how they cast lightnings and stuff


Iā€™d agree with that. I think priest is another good fit for them.

Weā€™ve talked a bit about paladin being a possibility in the Sethrak thread too, through Sethraliss, which Iā€™ve always been fond of.

Druid would be cool as heck too.

But since we see tons of Sethrak using whats more or less shamanistic style powers Iā€™d imagine it will both be a for sure class and a common one used by players.

:zap: :snake:

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As my thread discusses, Iā€™d prefer Arakkoa were an Alliance race


Not if you want them in the alliance, since you would get the faithless who donā€™t believe in her as their name sayā€¦ Which is just a another reason why alliance sethrak make no sense and would be aweful. It would make them a homeless evil race with no deity.

Anyway this thread should be close as it is a necro thread who got necro by a horde hater poster and derail by a other horde hater poster and now the first horde hater poster troll is trying to claim that it was derail by horde posterā€¦

Maybe. Maybe not. Too late at night for me to explain that more though and Iā€™d rather talk about in depth stuff in the main Sethrak thread. You can ask me about my thoughts on that there.

(I linked it a few posts up.)

I would prefer talking about it in the main Sethrak and Arakkoa threads. They deserve the attention more so than extraneous threads. (Especially ones that are apparently 2 years old. lol didnā€™t notice that before.)

so another 15 years? haha imagine waiting 15 years to play a blood elf and the game already peaked and youre stuck with an ever shrinking tiny player base. if sethrak were meant to be playable blizzard wouldnt have given them that head shape. shame. id rather be a dragon anyway so any inkling for a lizard race has been met for me :smiley:

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Not brave enough to name me?

And yes I hate the horde, itā€™s a disgusting faction and their races are ugly except the elf ones. And vulpera. Those foxes are cute :fox_face:

You yourself say it was derailed. Make up your mind.

Anyway, alliance sethrak please :heart:

As for arakkoa, I donā€™t mind if they go horde or alliance. Theyā€™re kewl as well

Yes but sethrak can be a new core race

Iā€™m glad Dracthyr fill your lizard race needs.

They donā€™t fit for me for either Saurok or Sethrak, both reptilian races Iā€™ve wanted for awhile now.

Head shape issue was disproven by wowhead weeks after Sethrak were revealed.

Dracthyr do fulfill my general dragon needs though. Just wish Evoker had a tank specā€¦ And that we had more choice over Visage form raceā€¦


still if they make a few more races it might be interesting - more variation

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Perhaps, but they only exist in outland or AU Draenor.

Uh, huh? Sethrak only exist in Outland or AU Draenor ??

OP said Sethrak and Arakkoa, not necromancer.


Yes I want to play an Arrakoa so bad!

Offense 1: necroing a year old thread.

Offense 2: sethrak are native to azerothā€¦


Hmm I think Arakkoa for the Alliance and Sethrak pretty much Horde atleast with Volā€™dun questing on the Horde Side.

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I think we could have Arakkoa for the Alliance and Sethrak for the Horde. It sounds good to me like this.

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