Servers down forever, come say hi

Nope! Today’s changes are for the whole game and not specific to just TWW. In order to level from 70-80 and get hero talents and explore the new zones come the end of August, you’ll need to have purchased TWW though.

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hell yea! big grats.


I touched sooooooo much grass. Now I’m just reading the forums during down time and getting to see the fury of people who have apparently hated the game for a decade+ but have still remained loyal customers. Maybe I’ll take a nap. :yawning_face:

Sounds like me, only I am now a member of the Zipper Club, for those who don’t know what the Zipper Club is, its Open Heart Surgery, the Zipper is the scar on your chest where they opened you up. 3 months now and feel a whole lot better. Still running solo for a bit though, a lot of arm moment will make your chest hurt over time lol.

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Eh. . .too cloudy. I’ll hold off until tomorrow.

I’ll walk my puppy, though, so will get close to grass. We just stay on the sidewalk. At least we have been: She’s a Rottweiler and so strong already! She sometimes still pulls on the leash to smell a tree and it isn’t easy to hold her back!

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I live in Mobile Ala, about 6 minutes from the ocean, Gulf of Mexico, hot, humid and even the mosquitos wear sun block.

Took the dogs and hung out at the river for a while. That’s enough nature for today.

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Hello, hows it going today? yes, i always hate patch time but, maybe it will be worth it!

Yep, dumping my grinder out.

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I hear that Alabama mosquitos ride cockroaches like horse. Not because they need to, but because they can.

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Alabama mosquitos need no help from anything

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touched some grass a little while a go. it made me giggle. I haven’t called it grass since the 70’s and back then I was too young to know what grass was so I guess never. I’ve never called it grass till today.

heh. Milestones.

Being retired is cool. Being a poor retired farmer, I get to watch grass (hay) grow every day.

Update day is especially hard for me as it is raining and I have absolutely nothing to do.

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Nope, I stayed home. I have to travel into Nashville and I try to avoid that as much as possible.

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when I’m off and I’m walking my dog in the morning I find myself thinking, “this is what retirement must be like” If I’m not wrong, it’s pretty excellent.

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There has been a disappointing lack of “servers are up” and “maintenance refund” threads today now that I think about it.


U so lucky, its so hot here in California, when I open the fridge and remove a carton of eggs, they are already hard boiled.


Every day is Saturday, except Sunday. Sunday is our declared “Do nothing lazy day.”. We have the full support of both of our dogs


Saturday is my lazy day, then on Sundays, I’m super lazy, I wear a cape

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