Servers down forever, come say hi

Should i get collectors edition ?

Im In the west. What is this thing called rain you speak of?


Ahh, that’s not too bad. I’ve seen humidity 100% many times where I live in southern Ontario. It’s stifling. :upside_down_face:

Something I will NEVER miss since moving out west

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Why did my mog change? I wasn’t wearing this when I logged out yesterday.

Seems sus.

Ion, what did you do!?

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you should do the cleaning and ‘tuning’ to this:

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Grass is where the ticks live.


hi! I eat grass.

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Hi! One quick noob question … to play pre patch is necessary buying TWW?

you are to be the new zandalari sacrafice.

I made this mog for my guild’s mog theme for raid this Friday, which is “The Zandalari.”

But I never equipped it!

Damn you Ion Hazzikostas!

too late your going to the altar now.

if you’re ever in Tillamook, OR, visit the Tillamook creamery!


I might get stuck there and never be able to leave tho

Cheese and ice cream two of my favorite foods!


what kind of grass?


staples of the american diet.

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sounds like a pretty great afternoon. Toss in a nap and we’re talking a micro vacation.


Congratulations!! That’s great news, best of luck :purple_heart:

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I don’t think so.
but I am pretty not well informed. I could go check but I don’t want to.

I was deployed to Kuwait in 2016.

It was 90 degrees . . . at midnight.

Kuwait at the most was 110-120 degrees and I’d take that any day over an 80 degree 100% humid Alabaman day any day.