Servers down forever, come say hi

Now thats the awesome i studied at one of those universities in jersey. Go study it and touch some seaweed

Clock into work
Observe Estuary
:ballot_box_with_check: Wet
Go home

The dream job


Yep, the habitat for Murlocs.

Also, don’t feed them. Known to roam in packs

:ocean: :milky_way: :ocean: :milky_way:

Yeah? Well I walked 500

hey what’s up peep just came back from the mdo(dr) today… and they took a 5 vials of blood . and I was made aware that coronovirus is on the rise again and to be careful.

Geeting from central florida :thinking:

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I got as far as disabling most of my addons early this morning in preparation of logging in later when servers come up. I wasn’t planning to be home for the duration of maintenance. The original plan was to go spend a great day with my 2 and 3 yr old grandmonsters and my DiL. Have a nice lunch. Talk cuteness and about current events.

INSTEAD, I got a text from my fiance to take an Uber to an address to pick up my truck and keys from the doctor’s office because they ambulanced him to the VA ER 5 miles away. No problem. Except when I got to the VA, there was ZERO parking. Z.E.R.O.. I swear, everybody that’s ever served in the military was there today.

My fiance is fine now (dehydration) and I am off to pick him up in 30 minutes. But anyone here who has dealt with the VA knows, I’ll be back in time for servers being back up again at the time Blizzard said they would be. :wink: :wink:

I’ve spent the last hour on the phone, about to make some lunch, and came here to the forums to see what everyone else is doing to fill in the time before I have to leave again.

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Hey fellow Floridian! Tampa here responding. :sun_with_face: :beach_umbrella: :hot_face:

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Reached out to the Blizzard Gear Store in regards to my Physical CE for TWW as it hasn’t shipped yet. Was told it was going to ship later this week or early next week and it’s “Well ahead of schedule.”

Apparently, they’re shipping them out in the order in which they were received… I guess 2 minutes after pre-orders going live wasn’t fast enough…

I know, this is not an actual problem I’m just impatient and somewhat worried they oversold it like they did many items at Blizzcon resulting in a lot of people going home without product they paid for and waiting for a refund.

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yeah I.m waiting on mine too , we should get it before july 30th … I hope

Outside Phoenix . Right now it’s 102 F, humidity 26% and Dew Point 59 degrees

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This is Satire right?

Ordered my CE probably 2 hours after they released the announcement. I had to discuss the $200 “investment” with my fiance first, and of course he wanted to go through alllllll the details of what all is included in the CE before giving me the green light, haha.

I got an email 1.5 hours ago that it’s shipping out, but the status still says “unfulfilled” online.

dont know about “touching” grass lol

Yeah I got an email on July 3rd saying it’d ship out this month and no word since. I thought maybe today, to celebrate Prepatch, and who knows, maybe it will today. I just don’t have a lot of faith in them having enough.

Excited for yours to be shipping out tho!

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Just got a notification my label was created last night but has not shipped yet it seems.

Edit: It is arriving on Friday…

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Oh no whatever shall we do Reeeeeeeeee


7/24/24 by end of day
Estimated between
10:30 AM - 2:30 PM


HI HI, I wish it was just grass, have to sleeve & glove up get into the BRIAR bushes trim them back. This year they’re mutated HUGE some as thick as my arm (wrist) the THORNS 1-2+ inches, very NASTY. SO yaaa today I spill real blood then later DK Blood…FUN! :muscle: :love_you_gesture:

Bye Bye! :beers:

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i dont touch grass.
its a symbol of the draenei and their evil ways.

Mowed and trimmed the front and back lawn, trimmed up some of the veggie plants. Though I pick my kid up right around the exact time servers will be playable so I don’t anticipate I can actually play until like… midnight? Then spend some time setting up the talents on my BDK and WW monk, before the super optimal mega guides are perfected and I feel compelled to follow them :stuck_out_tongue:

I look forward to testing out new talent combos and such.