Servers down forever, come say hi

I’ll probably play for a bit today. Maybe do some low-key M+ for the sake of it.

Bold of you to assume the servers will be stable today as millions of nerds login and begin their Warband Data Sync.


Fair enough. If not WoW then I’ll be in FF probably farming the extreme, or Monster Hunter.

Or just not game at all :person_shrugging:

Im about to eat ice cream and watch Warcraft again. Haha


what kind of ice cream


Grass no, but the beach sand here in the Gulf of Mexico, yes and relax as well.

Caramel drumstick


Tallamok super fudge chunk chocolate pineapple pizza flavor!

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It’s ok, I like boring sometimes :wink: :heart:

EKG Today! Fingers crossed!


Probably gonna nap here in a few. Been up since 230ish am.

Sinus Infection thought it was fun to tag team with Strep and decided to go to pound town on me, which, that is making me frown, and the meds for that don’t work well with my other meds, so all the aches and pains are amplified to eleven…


After 6 months of being unemployed, I had a job offer today. So that’s a good thing.


have we gotten any of the “can I get a refund for downtime” posts yet? can I make one to give us something to do together?

Working on Tuesdays has its plus side. Also, playing a variety of games that I switch between also helps. If the game is still down when I get home I’ll just play something else.

No touching of grass required :upside_down_face:

Nice, congrats! Hopefully the transition back to work goes easy for you.

I live in a desert under constant drought warnings. I don’t think there is any grass nearby.

It’s remote! So Ill only need to transition to the living room and my pc :smiley:


Thought this was another frequenting neighborhood fox for a moment

That’s good at least.

We miss our house fan atm. It’s an older one that bearings went out on right before the icky heat here last week.Waiting on parts.

Good luck !