Servers down forever, come say hi

I wouldn’t drink that water. only thing grosser than that would be if he used Milk in his Milkpipe and drank that warm.


Good morning GD!

Happy patch day! Regardless of how today goes we finally made it to Warbands.


The ones that have been popping for me look more like the mawsworn ones.
For example High Inquisitor Whitemane’s is mawsworn.

Good luck and hope it goes well

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0o0o0 what kind of art!?

Oh that’s a shame. Considering there are talents which put us on our archerus deathcharger I would have loved an updated version of that. For us and for them. It’s what’s shown on the icon artwork for the hero spec.

Abstract acrylic on canvas, then probably some woodworking/burning. I like to make wands, sometimes.

No, it’s smokey/dirty air outside thanks to Canada wildfire smoke “drifting” south :roll_eyes::-1: I also have asthma, so I’m extra sensitive to this crap

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you are so cool

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I would have much preffered a newer version of the deathchargers that’s for sure.

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Using the Mawsworn models for the DK mounts in TWW is a terrible decision and whoever thought of it should be removed from working on DKs. We want fewer reminders that Shadowlands exists, not more.

I’ll touch some grass later since I need to mow the yard. Also tomorrow is the day the trash goes out, so I need to get that ready to go. I’m also waiting on my new computer desk to be delivered today, so I’ll work on cleaning the living room if I have time before I go to work. I’ll get off at midnight tonight my time and may get on WoW when I get home depending on how tired I am.

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This extended maintenance is absolutely unacceptable, We pay a monthly fee for this videogame just to be told we arent allowed to play? I expect to be reimbursed game time for the downtime today.

I took a vacation day and skipped my sisters wedding so i could play today and this is how blizzard acts???


i 1000% agree ! lol

I’m at work, work, work.


Good luck with your interview!!

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I am sure Blizzard feels bad. They will make us a pepe dressed as Topher McNab for us to find somewhere.

No, but I am just laying in my bed.

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I’ll be working during maintenance. :-/

Yeah… I’ll touch some grass, then hop on V-Rising or Once Human until the servers are up :sweat_smile: